DMX arrested again

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New Member
X is disapointing me lately, all his albums sound alike, he really needs to change it up... hes barely better than Ja Rule anymore.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
Wow, you missed Narcotics 101 didn't you?

Crackheads tend to enjoy a narcotic called crack cocaine.

Im sick of your fucking attitude Calcu, you're really getting on my nerves. News flash, you're not better than anyone on this board so stop acting like it.

And for your fucking information, crack cocaine and cocaine are two different drugs, one just happens to be made from the other. Crackheads smoke CRACK, WOW! Cocaine is NOT crack, crack is made FROM cocaine, thus a cocaine addict does not do CRACK and is NOT a crackhead.

Go back to class you smart ass mother fucker.

I seriously think you have an extremely low sense of self esteem, you love putting other people down. Look at this thread, you've posted more than anyone in here, and every post takes a shot at DMX. Why? You made your point, why do you feel the need to keep going on and on about it? Just like the Big E thing, I see you going on and on about it in other threads. Does it make you feel better? Are you jealous of his success or the fact people care about him more than they care about you? Why shoot him down like that? No matter what X’s problems are he adds more to humanity that you ever will with your attitude.

Best of luck to X I hope he gets over his demons.
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