DMX arrested again

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Ghetto_Ghost said:
^ theres actually an interview like that. i forgot where i saw it.
he's like:
"if you cant say it to my face then you don't mean it"
That's actually bullshit on DMX's part.

K-Solo wanted to say it to his face but when he entered the building DMX made a move for the exit......& people say it wasn't a coincidence.
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
That's actually bullshit on DMX's part.

K-Solo wanted to say it to his face but when he entered the building DMX made a move for the exit......& people say it wasn't a coincidence.
lol wtf
i dont think X would do that man
i dont think his whole persona is just a front

what do you have against X anyway?
Ghetto_Ghost said:
lol wtf
i dont think X would do that man
i dont think his whole persona is just a front

what do you have against X anyway?
I never said his whole persona is a front. But a few dudes have commented on that particular incident.

And I don't have nothing against him, he's just another crackhead to me........
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
I never said his whole persona is a front. But a few dudes have commented on that particular incident.

And I don't have nothing against him, he's just another crackhead to me........
ye its probably coincidence cuz altho i dont know him, i dont think he would walk out unless it was coincidence.

do you, or have you ever listened to any of his music? and not just 'party up' or 'what these bitches want'. not the mainstream releases. but have you ever explored inside his albums?
Ghetto_Ghost said:
ye its probably coincidence cuz altho i dont know him, i dont think he would walk out unless it was coincidence.

do you, or have you ever listened to any of his music? and not just 'party up' or 'what these bitches want'. not the mainstream releases. but have you ever explored inside his albums?
It's wasn't a coincidence lol, most people that have commented on it say it wasn't.

I've listened to his music - all 5 official solo releases, some Ruff Ryders compilations & a few unreleased songs.. He is average lyrically, poor flow-wise, has a good voice for rapping & has had a few decent song concepts. Also, he gets a lot of solid production.

Edit: He's still a crackhead.
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
It's wasn't a coincidence lol, most people that have commented on it say it wasn't.

I've listened to his music - all 5 official solo releases, some Ruff Ryders compilations & a few unreleased songs.. He is average lyrically, poor flow-wise, has a good voice for rapping & has had a few decent song concepts. Also, he gets a lot of solid production.

Edit: He's still a crackhead.
1) i still dont believe!

2) i think he is a great lyracist and tackles themes and subjects that most MCs cant. its all about preference and what you can relate to thats all music is. i can relate to him so hes my favorite rapper. i cant relate to pac much so i dont listen. and your favorite is the one who you can most relate, whoever that may be or whatever genre that may be.

3) damn you to tell!
dmx is 34. he needs to grow the fuck up already and quit getting arrested for the most gay shit ever. dmx is dumb as fuck and the crack made him make 5 albums all about the same damn thing over and over. peace
HellRazor05 said:
Ghost, I'm with you on this one. X is my favorite rapper alive, it's just a shame that shit like this gotta happen to him lately. I'm not tryin' to change your opinion on his music Calcuo, but the whole K-Solo thing...X was probably dolo and K-Solo probably showed up with heads behind him, that would be the only reason X would walk out of a situation like that. I've met him before and believe me, dude doesn't fuck around, he's the real deal.
I actually enjoy the guy's music, & have never stated otherwise.

DMX was at a show & I think Method Man & a few other guys were also present backstage. I'd imagine DMX had at least one mate with him. K-Solo showed up - with how many guys I don't know, I too suspect he wasn't by himself - & DMX ducked out.

Btw, I knew you'd post in this thread lol, you always post about your affiliate who lives where DMX used to :D
HellRazor05 said:
X was probably dolo and K-Solo probably showed up with heads behind him, that would be the only reason X would walk out of a situation like that. I've met him before and believe me, dude doesn't fuck around, he's the real deal.
ye thats the only reason i was thinkin too. i know ppl like X they never walk from shit unless they are really unprepared
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