Disco D commits suicide

Bipolar disorder is very serious and difficult to deal with. A person is mentally unstable and is a danger to themselves simply because of their mindstate.

I had a friend who had the same disorder and the people would call him 'mad max'. Some really inconsiderate shit that,

What this guy did is not cowardly but tragic. his mind was his biggest enemy.

Bobby Sands

Well-Known Member

People are ignorant to what he was going through yet they label him a coward.

Whatever problems he had,they must have been really bad for him to have taken his life.


Well-Known Member
No one is ignorant to anything. Quit catching feelings cus someone thinks different than you. In my eyes dude is a coward plain and simple, he is weak, I dont give a fuck really. Sorry if I cherish life so much.
just because someone is bipolar doesnt give them a free pass to kill themselves. i have at least 4 friends who are bipolar and they dont think people who kill themselves because they are depressed and are bipolar are heros. they think people who kill themselves are stupid fucks. people who kill themselves are just taking an easy way out. i have studied bipolar disorder a few times so i dont have to read that link because i already know all that stuff.
Aristotle said:
To me committing suicide is the most cowardly thing you can do. I say R.I.P to people who earn respect, I dont respect cowardly actions, pretty simple. I know depression, a close friend of mine has been battling it for quite some time and takes pills everyday for it. Sorry if I upset you or anything but that is how I feel.
You're very narrow minded and unable to truly experience empathy. It's okay though, I blame your upbringing.

Bobby Sands

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Aristotle
No one is ignorant to anything. Quit catching feelings cus someone thinks different than you. In my eyes dude is a coward plain and simple, he is weak, I dont give a fuck really. Sorry if I cherish life so much.
Im not dissing you,but i am saying that you are obviously ignorant to the mental problems Disco D had.And this post only highlights it more.

To label someone with severe mental problems, who takes their own life as a result, as weak or a coward is pure ignorance in my opiinion.

Prize Gotti

Boots N Cats
Staff member
samtarin said:
just because someone is bipolar doesnt give them a free pass to kill themselves. i have at least 4 friends who are bipolar and they dont think people who kill themselves because they are depressed and are bipolar are heros. they think people who kill themselves are stupid fucks. people who kill themselves are just taking an easy way out. i have studied bipolar disorder a few times so i dont have to read that link because i already know all that stuff.
no one is claiming he is a hero, but he is not a coward either. and personally, i dont think you know 4 people that are biopolar, most people that are biopolar are in institutes because they cant control their suicidal thoughts, so to know 4 people with it is rediculous.

People with Biopolar don't think "My life is pointless, i think i might kill myself" they think "my life is pointless, i will kill myself". Its not a choice, its what their brain tells them to do.


Well-Known Member
RIP Disco D

Bobby Sands said:
Im not dissing you,but i am saying that you are obviously ignorant to the mental problems Disco D had.And this post only highlights it more.

To label someone with severe mental problems, who takes their own life as a result, as weak or a coward is pure ignorance in my opiinion.
Well in a way because of the disease they do cowardly acts, just its only not by choice. Their own brains and whatever else causes Bipolar make them weak. Alot of these mental diseases cause the person to think they arnt sick, especially when the medicine is doing the right thing they feel better and therefore stop taking it. Thats what I figure happend with Disco D, which is a shame and I feel sorry for him not being able to overcome this. Aristotle has a different opinion to you, get over it.

Bobby Sands

Well-Known Member
^^Yes a different opinion is fine.But his opinion is upsetting to people that have lost someone they knew or loved through suicide.I'm sure there are people looking at this message board that, would find his opinion upsetting especially if they lost someone they knew this way.

He could have just said RIP in his original post and left it at that.


Well-Known Member
Bobby Sands said:
^^Yes a different opinion is fine.But his opinion is upsetting to people that have lost someone they knew or loved through suicide.I'm sure there are people looking at this message board that, would find his opinion upsetting especially if they lost someone they knew this way.

He could have just said RIP in his original post and left it at that.
Saying that would go against his beliefs. I understand people who have lost someone in this way would find it upsetting but they must realise maybe others have also and dont view it as they do, or simply just dont agree. It's a tough subject but sometimes you just gotta let it go.


Well-Known Member
Suicide is not a symptom of being bi polar. Anyone saying being bi polar made him kill himself is just wrong.

Tru Principle my upbringing made me respect life and fight for it, not end it. Why even comment on my upbringing anyway, try to leave the little kid dis out.
if you dont think i know 4 people who are bipolar you are a dumb ass. there are many people walking around that have mental problems and dont tell everyone about them. more than likely you know 10 people with bipolar but you dont know it. 3 close friends of mine have it and my sisters ex boyfriend has it. my grandma had it too. not to mention how many people i grew up with have the shit. so trust me i know all about it. not everyone has to be chicken shit and get themselves locked up for it either. you obviously dont know much about it. go get an education pass high school and then come talk to me. obviouly you dont live in the real world. a large part of our population has some sort of mental disorder whether it be PTS or Bipolar or anything else. Killing yourself is a choice. having depression isnt a choice. there is a big difference. if the dude killed himself then obviously he should have been on higher meds.
samtarin, artisticgurl, all you ignorant uninformed , lack of education, persons ... need to just shut up.

Go minor in psychology or something, you might learn a thing or two.


Well-Known Member
samtarin said:
if you dont think i know 4 people who are bipolar you are a dumb ass. there are many people walking around that have mental problems and dont tell everyone about them. more than likely you know 10 people with bipolar but you dont know it. 3 close friends of mine have it and my sisters ex boyfriend has it. my grandma had it too. not to mention how many people i grew up with have the shit. so trust me i know all about it. not everyone has to be chicken shit and get themselves locked up for it either. you obviously dont know much about it. go get an education pass high school and then come talk to me. obviouly you dont live in the real world. a large part of our population has some sort of mental disorder whether it be PTS or Bipolar or anything else. Killing yourself is a choice. having depression isnt a choice. there is a big difference. if the dude killed himself then obviously he should have been on higher meds.
Yea cos meds solve everything :thumb:

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