Dante and his ways

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For such a old man(what you like 58 or something?) dante sure aint wise, i say remove him as a mod or admin and lets all get back to reality. That way, i can prove that pac is alive. I dont really post here that much, and ever since dudes closed up the alive / death theory forum, things has not been the same on this forum.

Now, i aint all caught up in this what if pac is alive or whatever, trust me i aint. Its just that , i have questions, and so do other people and instead of shutting someone out, why not have a serious discussion on the matter. For example this topic:


I think this was a good all around topic, good questions and i think alot of people on this board would agree with me. But dante he went LO-CO and went crazy and lost his hair and lost his mind, so he close my topic without showing respect.

See what it is, he cant answer them. Dante may have lost his mind, but he aint stupid, thus i think its some questions that he may want to know about pac.

Anyway, yall can closed this topic, even ban me, i dont care, i dont see any harm of talking about what if pac is alive every now and then, but i guess others aint knowing. I got my own stuff coming , so yall can roll over to my board once its done, and those who think pac is alive, or just wanna ask questions and not have the fear of that question being closed, then thats cool. But even tho i love my days on hitmeup and now on 2pacboard, i think some things on this board are wrong, and yall wonder why people over at 1nation be talking about you.

So its still westside, deathrow , Makaveli Records, outlawz M.O.B. Westcoast riding, yall know what time it is.
Ma-k'av-"eli said:
For such a old man(what you like 58 or something?) dante sure aint wise, i say remove him as a mod or admin and lets all get back to reality. That way, i can prove that pac is alive.
your the only one that needs to get back to reality :thumb:
Well i guess its really no point to continue this discussion, some people think pac is dead and some dont, i just had to let you dante and others know, if you have questions or have some type of doubt, let a brother know whats up, and lets sit down and talk about it, but you dont wanna do that, even tho some type of question is in your heart about pac supposely death.

People aint stupid, thus you can see that something about pac death or whatever dont add up. You think pac got into a fight with a gangmember, and 3 hours later in las vegas, they had enough balls to go ride on , excuse me, they only rode on tupac, which is as i mention is very strange, pac wasnt the only person who supposlely was beefing with anderson and his crew.

So yall can think what yall want, but i am positive that everything in las vegas was planned and only deathrow outlaw can do it like this.

So to end this, what did pac say:

I know y'all watchin, I know y'all got me in the scopes ,Y'all got me under surveillance(what are the odds this was talking about vegas) huh?, but i'm knowing - 2pac 96

They might hold me for a second, but these punks won't get me[
We got 4 niggaz, and lowriders, in ski masks
screamin Thug Life every time they pass - 2pac 96

You also remember this topic, i posted it for a reason:


What was pac talking about at the end of niggas done changed about thuglife, hahaaha

Yall aint knowing man, Makaveli lives on

I'm out, yall know who this is, Untouchable2K aka The General

I thought yall knew this.

Yall can catch a rider elsewhere, fuck 2pacboard.
Ma-k'av-"eli said:
Well i guess its really no point to continue this discussion, some people think pac is dead and some dont, i just had to let you dante and others know, if you have questions or have some type of doubt, let a brother know whats up, and lets sit down and talk about it, but you dont wanna do that, even tho some type of question is in your heart about pac supposely death.

People aint stupid, thus you can see that something about pac death or whatever dont add up. You think pac got into a fight with a gangmember, and 3 hours later in las vegas, they had enough balls to go ride on , excuse me, they only rode on tupac, which is as i mention is very strange, pac wasnt the only person who supposlely was beefing with anderson and his crew.

So yall can think what yall want, but i am positive that everything in las vegas was planned and only deathrow outlaw can do it like this.

So to end this, what did pac say:

I know y'all watchin, I know y'all got me in the scopes ,Y'all got me under surveillance(what are the odds this was talking about vegas) huh?, but i'm knowing - 2pac 96

They might hold me for a second, but these punks won't get me[
We got 4 niggaz, and lowriders, in ski masks
screamin Thug Life every time they pass - 2pac 96

You also remember this topic, i posted it for a reason:


What was pac talking about at the end of niggas done changed about thuglife, hahaaha

Yall aint knowing man, Makaveli lives on

I'm out, yall know who this is, Untouchable2K aka The General

I thought yall knew this.

Yall can catch a rider elsewhere, fuck 2pacboard.
you're talking as if people owe you something.nobody gives a shit what you think and if you leave thats one less faggot to deal with.
I can't believe everyone is so against this guy without even commenting on exactly what they're against. Its a shame there's the same old "stand up for the moderator/admin" routine. Read what this is about, and look at this from an unbiased position.

Pac aint alive faggot, go to a board that cares! :):thumb: Good luck finding one!
Should Bush be the president of the USA? Is Michael Jordan the greatest basketball player of all time? Its all opinions. Instead of calling him a name, state your opinion and why you have that opinion.

I got love for you and Diaz, but you need to shut up. Most of your posts are trash and don't contribute anything to this board. Calling someone else a faggot is just as useless as your other trash. If you're going to voice your opinion on something, do it in a respectful manner, as the guidelines clearly state.

Differences in opinion are expected, but please debate respectfully.
denial is a motherfucker.
I know you're close friends with Rukas, but if you're going to close a thread, can you do so because it violates the guidelines? I went over the guidelines once again, and a thread being "dumb" is not a cause for it being locked.

If anyone is violating the guidelines, Dante, its you.

Help build a community that supports each other, supports tolerance and encourages involvement.
Instead of creating a "community feel" (quoting the guidelines), you pushed the guy away to another forum.

Understand that your beliefs are opinions, and not everybody will agree with you. Do not shoot down others for having a difference in opinion.
The thread may have been "dumb," but that always remains an opinion. You disregarded the fact that others may not have agreed with you (ignore the kids that agree with you because you're a mod), and closed the thread based on opinions.

Dante, check the guidelines again. It looks like I know them better than you do. I am not even sure you care about the guidelines. If you're friendship with Rukas is that great, ask for a discount on Street Hop products or something, but please don't ask for a moderator position if you can't follow the guidelines he put up.

your the only one that needs to get back to reality :thumb:
Thanks for pointing out that Pac is not alive, but that's not the topic of this thread.

how the fuck can u be so sensitive about this shit god damn
You missed the several lines in which he said it doesn't matter that much to him. He only wanted to point out that there's something seriously wrong on this messageboard. Its not a matter of sensitivity. Its a matter of annoyance for those that have found a board and simply want to have a decent discussion.
^^if that section was closed then that means they didnt want anymore talk about alive theories and shit so its reasonable to close that thread because it does in fact break guidelines. and nobody sets the rules except the admin.he can make a rule right now,or take a rule away.you dont like it then get the fuck out.that's how it is.
Its bullshit how they closed the alive forum i mean its not right to limit speech and shit they shud have just banned west africa and the fags that made it gay. i liked the death forum. i mean i think what dante did just being like "dumb" and closing it was weak and ive seen him do it before. but hes a fuckin diety vompared to the rest of us when it comes to pac. ( not trying to ride dick or nothing).


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
that post was in the LIFE forum. not the LIVES forum. if you want to perpetuate a childish little mythology that bastardizes pac's legacy, then do so elsewhere.
bigmack said:
^^if that section was closed then that means they didnt want anymore talk about alive theories and shit so its reasonable to close that thread because it does in fact break guidelines. and nobody sets the rules except the admin.he can make a rule right now,or take a rule away.you dont like it then get the fuck out.that's how it is.
Don't get it it twisted. I am not saying the thread should not have been closed. I am saying it should have been according to clearly stipulated guidelines. If its not in the guidelines or anywhere else, this guy could not have known it was not allowed.

that post was in the LIFE forum. not the LIVES forum. if you want to perpetuate a childish little mythology that bastardizes pac's legacy, then do so elsewhere.
The "lives" forum must be invisible to me, because I can't find it anywhere on this messageboard.
The Death Forum is gone ...right.? All i want to know is what were the circumstances surrounding the closure of it...i did not follow the happenings around the forum in a long time, who closed it and why..?

Thx..in advance.

P.s.Stop Bad-mouthing eachotha it aint kool. <==Lol

He shouldn't of closed the death forum, I wanted a debate with sessible new & old info but west africa just went to far & lost the plot completely (his theories were mostly irrelevant & based on pure bs) now we have nothing to talk about pac suspicious death & the things that contributed to it.
H.E. Pennypacker said:
I can't believe everyone is so against this guy without even commenting on exactly what they're against. Its a shame there's the same old "stand up for the moderator/admin" routine. Read what this is about, and look at this from an unbiased position.

Should Bush be the president of the USA? Is Michael Jordan the greatest basketball player of all time? Its all opinions. Instead of calling him a name, state your opinion and why you have that opinion.

I got love for you and Diaz, but you need to shut up. Most of your posts are trash and don't contribute anything to this board. Calling someone else a faggot is just as useless as your other trash. If you're going to voice your opinion on something, do it in a respectful manner, as the guidelines clearly state.

I know you're close friends with Rukas, but if you're going to close a thread, can you do so because it violates the guidelines? I went over the guidelines once again, and a thread being "dumb" is not a cause for it being locked.

THe guy should be allowed to post any dumb questions he wants.
Kamakazi u do need 2 chill out ... r u tryin 2 be a mod or sumthing? is it workin yet?
Oh damn i forgot to add something, i been around since hitemup first got started, jon was around then, now we got all these other mods or whatever closing all types of topics, i cant even begin to count how many damn threads was close, and i aint even talking about in the alive /death forum, just take a look in the life forum or the fair exchange forum, its madness.

As i mention i been on hitemup since hitemup first got started, people know who i am and i even tho me and tupac.net was beefing with hitemup, everything was still on some of level where it was cool, and jon from what i can recall, he never once close any of the topics that was going on. The only thing he did was hook up us some cool mods and he might of banned some people from the board, only because they was racist, like this dude name madmen or something like that.

Infact nobody on hitemup years ago didnt even care what people had to say, i mean if you dont like what someone says or what they talking about, dont reply back , its really that simple.

The bottom line, i am positive that its some people still out there, alot of people that back in thier mind have some type of question , to where as pac could be alive, even those who say he dead, may have questions or wonder sometimes, because they know pac is cool like that. If pac is dead, so be it, but i do enjoy talking about whatever from time to time.

And what people dont seem to understand , is that the theory forum been around on hitemup since, what 1998 or 1999, haahaha, why the fuck yall wanna get rid of that, its been around for so damn long, why close it after all this time, thats just str up ignorant.

Some may say those who think pac is alive is ignorant, i guess chuck D must of been ignorant too, or better yet tupac's mother right? :rolleyes:

Nevertheless, i aint mad at nobody, i love my brothers and sisters on this board, i dont just agree with how things are on this tupac board, and i dont give a fuck who you is and who you running with, i will let you know what i dont like, its all luv, we just have a disagreement on alot of issues, and i just dont wanna be on a pac forum where someone will close thier topic because they dont like what you say or whatever, and again i aint just talking about the alive stuff, general type shit, yall close whatever, thats shady business yo.

Its still Deathrow MOB, Westcoast Ridah, peace.
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