BREAKING NEWS: Nelly’s Sister Dies

see yall ......... all yall shuld take a good look at her and wonder when is your time to die...............ha' look at if u were gone 2moorrow ....u see dese people on tv live there life and love living there life but the sad thing we must not know when we will die ....death come comes but will never goes from us united people .we are the light in GOD'S eyes the future . if any bro' or anybodi one's kill each other and our self so what make the fuk i give a care bout the next muthafucka who kill'd my ass from the jump yao!! who dun give a hack bout me dogg.....wake up my people the hur is near we all in the last stage of life .its time to get right or die my niggaz....u know iam right am not hre to pass judge mental on all yall but iam hre to help all yal get save my niggaz.. i m also dead too but will be back when the lord gesus comes back.. my name is 2pac amaru and im the light i live'd 1,34459,777,,,9000,,85 how much i live here on this planet when i were alive in skin human tissie so why us brothers or sisterss all in up hurtin one another all shuld thank the lord fa the day that u receive of that u are living daily pray niggaz be very scared my niggaz when that time comes its coming and all going to try to make it to the gate of life but con't get in hahaha fuck u demons no shyt ... stop the fight and the gun fire ples help our city,and neihoods, to be come a betta place fa everybodi........once again ima say again again stop killin with gun fire many of my niggaz and our sistaz are dyein out hre for us not to care for one another ... fam of big nelly L.I.P= living in peace she maded to the sunshine my brother i will pray for all thats hre in this board of mines .............................peace my ni99az i gotta go they calling me to come back times is up.............see u seen bigg baby hahahahahahahahahahahah

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