Franchise2003 said:
Why do y'all take this as fact when theres no crediable evidence apart from some forum rumours?? some of you need to start thinking for yourselves instead of blindlingly following tupacs immature beefs or you'll hate every major mc in the business.
Also since when was pac such a great pioneer for women?? don't start posting random lyrics from keep ya head up or can u get away because theres easily twice as many refrences pac made degrading women. One last point biggies quility because some kid posted a message on a board 9 years after his death but pac gets found quilty by a judge for rape and hes innocent just because he said so?? don't talk about anyone with "slight intelligence" because judges aren't known for being stupid. So yeh i guess i just did bring up the rape case. so what??
Also since when was pac such a great pioneer for women?? don't start posting random lyrics from keep ya head up or can u get away because theres easily twice as many refrences pac made degrading women. One last point biggies quility because some kid posted a message on a board 9 years after his death but pac gets found quilty by a judge for rape and hes innocent just because he said so?? don't talk about anyone with "slight intelligence" because judges aren't known for being stupid. So yeh i guess i just did bring up the rape case. so what??
If he'd only talk about the good women , he'd have seemed like more than he was..
One song he's gonna talk about the bitches
other song he's gonna talk about the good women in his life , like his mother..
if you wanna diss someone like that , look more into the person himself & his views , not just the few songs!
Like he said : judge a man on his actions fully.. not just a bit part of his life!
Same thing goes about Biggie & Big Pun & everybody else..
people are really quick to judge in this thread