Biggie was a wifebeater?

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Franchise2003 said:
Why do y'all take this as fact when theres no crediable evidence apart from some forum rumours?? some of you need to start thinking for yourselves instead of blindlingly following tupacs immature beefs or you'll hate every major mc in the business.

Also since when was pac such a great pioneer for women?? don't start posting random lyrics from keep ya head up or can u get away because theres easily twice as many refrences pac made degrading women. One last point biggies quility because some kid posted a message on a board 9 years after his death but pac gets found quilty by a judge for rape and hes innocent just because he said so?? don't talk about anyone with "slight intelligence" because judges aren't known for being stupid. So yeh i guess i just did bring up the rape case. so what??
'Pac explained it in countless interviews tho'..
If he'd only talk about the good women , he'd have seemed like more than he was..

One song he's gonna talk about the bitches
other song he's gonna talk about the good women in his life , like his mother..

if you wanna diss someone like that , look more into the person himself & his views , not just the few songs!
Like he said : judge a man on his actions fully.. not just a bit part of his life!

Same thing goes about Biggie & Big Pun & everybody else..
people are really quick to judge in this thread :confused:
Sarr said:
theres a difference between cursing a woman on a record and beating her face to a pulp!

"judges arent known for being stupid"....yea but they are known for being racist,biased,and untrust worthy. the OJ case anyone?

dont be ignorant bro, its a known fact biggie hit women, its been going around for years now, he even wrote it in his lyrics. The guys probably roting in hell as we speak
Yeh course theres a difference between rapping about something and doing it, so why do you later contradict yourself by stating cos biggie said something on wax he did it?? so taking the track dead wrong for example biggie raped underage girls before killing them?? you need to think about what your saying before making throwaway statements.

Again of course SOME judges are racist/ biased etc but these are a tiny minority despite what public enemy and tupac might tell you, there is no eveidence this was the case (as opposed to someone like mike tyson) in pacs trial just the eveidence presented, oh yeh and didn't OJ get off?? strange example to use.

So to summarise you believe ALL judges are racist and untrustworthy but people who post on message boards are ALWAYS fair and accurate?? think about that for a minute. You say its a known fact biggie hit women, thats bullshit, give me one crediitable source this is the case and i'll concede the point but as one hasn't been found yet it take it you have nothing but rumours on the same scale as pacs alive theories. Oh yeh and nice comment about BIg at the end of your "arguement" very classy.


Wishes he was on probation
you getting alot of the shit that i said confused. There is overwhelming evidence biggie did hit his girlfriends, the chics have come out and said it (charlie baltimore and i read an interview where lil kim said she got hit all the time by him, but it was a "love hate relationship").

reason why i mentioned OJ, is because of the fact it was blatantly obvious he was guilty...but guess what? a JUDGE let him go (could we have a "stupid" judge here? maybe so).

your saying "a judge is always right" so tupac must have been a rapist. If tupac was guilty, i doubt he would have gotten out of jail only 6 months after being in prison. Man, wake up and realise how many celebrities and sports icons are being framed by attention seeking bitches who claim they were raped.

Even biggies friends said he would do the shit that is being stated...stop living in denial bro
O boy U hataz. The fact is Faith states of Biggie hearin the rumor bout her and Pac that she was worried bout what he'd do. The reason info like this is dickrydas who say Big was innocent compared 2 Pac will B put in their place. A hypocrite having the nerve 2 get mad at Faith when he cheated countless times on her, in fact gettin Kim 2 abort their child. I trully believe Faith got with Pac 4 this reason. He was shady and this info is not suprising.
Hataz try and say Pac was a woman hater, the yang 2 Big yin but thats twisted. He mentally raped that weak minded Kim. He beat his woman more then likely (he had anger issues from what Faith implies) and was very shady with sublimnal disses (Long Kiss, fuckin Goin back 2 cali) and being the 2nd rapper 2 come out with a double CD soon after Pac called him a biter just b4 Pac died. Even NYs own Ghost and Rae said it and peeps still pointed at Pac like he was crazy. If only he knew.
If only hataz would C this. This is 1 reason why Pac gets so much love. And thats the image people R cool with 2 B the King of NY? 4 god sakes its rumored he wasnt close 2 Puff and thats from his own Momz. But due 2 him and Puff U have the curremt state of rap as so many people bitch bout
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