Beef in Hip Hop does not affect careers.

jason g 718 said:
So, making a comment means you care about that person?

"Suge is an idiot".

Oh...look...I care about Suge now.
You brought him up & care enough to have an opinion on him.

Anyways, you made a(nother) lazy comment & myself & two187pac highlighted it. You couldn't rationalize so you made yet another lazy comment.

Think of it as a , 'I'm not playing anymore' attitude.


Well-Known Member
Okay now I get it. jason, you ask him 'why would I care about 50 Cent? and he explains that you brought 50 into the discussion (you guys were discussing 50 because you brought him up and then you say 'I don't care about 50' as if you were implying Calcuo was the one talking about 50 Cent .. pretty weird on your account). He didn't put that sentence in bold to emphasize 'care'.
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
You brought him up & care enough to have an opinion on him.

Anyways, you made a(nother) lazy comment & myself & two187pac highlighted it. You couldn't rationalize so you made yet another lazy comment.

Think of it as a , 'I'm not playing anymore' attitude.
Look, you and I can go back and forth all fucking day.

Bottom line is, making a comment or having an opinion about someone or something doesn't mean you necessarily have any interest in it.

Any opinion is merely a thought you have about someone or something, that's it.
what is it with you people damn?! Have you guys ever tried to accept the fact that u 2 will disagree 4 ever? I wonder why you guys feel like you should reply to each and every post I am done with that. I was gonna leave this shit since i got banned but made a new account to make 1 more thread actually 2 and I couldn't stop myself from replying to this thread.
DONDI said:
what is it with you people damn?! Have you guys ever tried to accept the fact that u 2 will disagree 4 ever? I wonder why you guys feel like you should reply to each and every post I am done with that. I was gonna leave this shit since i got banned but made a new account to make 1 more thread actually 2 and I couldn't stop myself from replying to this thread.
I see what you're getting at but really, you 'couldn't stop' yourself from replying to a situtation that had nothing to do with you & yet, you expect us to 'restrain' ourselves.

i dont know about you but i dont believe its the norm to comment and bring into discussion things you dont have an interest in..... you said nobody you knew heard of 50 before wanksta and i say its because he wasn't mainstream yet or on the radio.... you then reply by saying he is garbage and why would you wanna hear about him. its apples and oranges.
i dont know about you but i dont believe its the norm to comment and bring into discussion things you dont have an interest in.....
My sister just graduated in December with a bachelors degree in primary education.

She comes home everyday with questions for my mother (who is also a teacher) about if she did this or that right with the kids.

I give her suggestions myself, doesn't mean I have an interest in her teaching career.
ok, so if you have no interest in 50 then why bring him up in a forum where its going to be discussed, why say you never heard of him before his big single if you don't wanna hear him anyway. i think you just like to hear yourself talk and are trying to fight the world.
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
I see what you're getting at but really, you 'couldn't stop' yourself from replying to a situtation that had nothing to do with you & yet, you expect us to 'restrain' ourselves.

Columbo :rolleyes:

hm...<<< :rolleyes:

leave Jason alone man cuz he is never gonna admit that he is wrong and I am most def. the one who knows all about it. You see I could ask Jason to shut the fuck up but he is never goin to take ne thing from me better yet he is never goin to take anything from anyone but bank robber ( who qouted jason in his sig lmao) pittsey, roaches ( prolly) and chronic. Leave him alone man save your energy for some real thinking in other threads the dude is not worth it :thumb:
DONDI said:
leave Jason alone man cuz he is never gonna admit that he is wrong and I am most def. the one who knows all about it. You see I could ask Jason to shut the fuck up but he is never goin to take ne thing from me better yet he is never goin to take anything from anyone but bank robber ( who qouted jason in his sig lmao) pittsey, roaches ( prolly) and chronic. Leave him alone man save your energy for some real thinking in other threads the dude is not worth it
My bad. I thought you were just another bystander.

Peace, Columbo.
two187pac said:
ok, so if you have no interest in 50 then why bring him up in a forum where its going to be discussed, why say you never heard of him before his big single if you don't wanna hear him anyway. i think you just like to hear yourself talk and are trying to fight the world.
lol, what? :confused:

I made a simple statement, that's it a "passing statement".

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