Beef in Hip Hop does not affect careers.

OMG jason posts and again this has turned into a thread about shadyrecords...its gettin real annoying ya know...sum 1 report his ass for that...or jason just stop man think outside da muthafuckin box

Shot 21

Active Member
I dont know how anyone can say Eminem killed Ja Rule. All you have to do is listen to the song Loose Change and the album Blood In My Eye. Much better than any weak 2 Pac rip off Em can do.
jason_g_718 said:
What are you? A member of the media?

Pac and Big's beef didn't kill them. Suge did. He had Pac killed because Pac figured out he was being fucked and had Death Row audited, on top of that, Suge knew that Pac had intentions of starting his own record company and leaving DR (though there is the rumor that Makaveli Records was going to be under the DR umbrella, but it was still going to be Pac's company, and that rumor isn't necessarily true), and bottom line, no matter what Suge MIGHT have been doing to help Pac with his own company, Suge probably thought in his head that Pac was worth more to him dead than alive, since Suge probably thought he could bank on getting the rights to Pac's unreleased material and shit. He didn't count on Jada Pinkett giving Afeni as much access as needed to her bank account to fight Suge.

So, I guess when you think about it, you COULD SAY that we have gotten so much posthumous material thanks to Jada.
well , for one i never said pac's beef with big got him killed, i just said beef in general. if for some strange reason your right and suge did have pac killed and risked getting shot in the drive by too then i guess you could say his beef with suge fucking him over for $ is what got him killed.... and this would still mean what i said is true. as far as your theory of who killed pac it seems like you know somthing we don't because last time i checked it was a cold fucking case. maby your part of the media and have some insider source we don't know about that revealed the hole plot but untill then just be quiete.
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
9 bullets gave 50 Cent a career. Whether those bullets were Hip Hop related is debatable.
Nine bullets didn't give 50 anything except an "I don't give a fuck" attitude, but who can blame him? If I survived nine shots and wasn't paralyzed or wasn't physically fucked and remained "normal" after recovering, I'd probably have an "I don't give a fuck" attitude as well.

However, nobody had even heard of 50 before Wanksta, his first diss at Ja Rule.
What are you? A psychic?
Yup. :p

You don't know this to be true, so don't have a go at other posters when they state something that isn't factual.
Of course it's not fact. It's my opinion, and my opinion is that Suge had Pac and Big both killed, for different reasons.

Anyways, I wanted to ask you about these 'facts' on your website.
That's fine. Send me a PM or an email. I have several areas all over my website where you can email me. I don't discuss my website in forums. I'm here to discuss rap music and 2pac...not my website. I WILL tell you ahead of time that ALL of the facts posted at my site came from one of three places. A. (many from the facts page here) or B. one of the various books I have about Pac including the Michael Eric Dyson book that came with my Thug Angel Box set and the Vibe Tribute book. or C. the documentary Thug Angel.
well , for one i never said pac's beef with big got him killed, i just said beef in general.
Beef in general didn't get Pac killed. Even if you buy the theory that Orlando killed Pac, it still wasn't over beef, rather getting his ass kicked.

if for some strange reason your right and suge did have pac killed and risked getting shot in the drive by too then i guess you could say his beef with suge fucking him over for $ is what got him killed....
If Suge killed him, how was it still beef that got him killed, when to our knowledge, there was no beef between them. If there had been beef between Suge and Pac, do you think Pac woulda even been with Suge that night? Hell no. Pac didn't even want to go to the fight, Suge talked him into it. Pac wanted to go to Atlanta and solve some family problems.

and this would still mean what i said is true. as far as your theory of who killed pac it seems like you know somthing we don't because last time i checked it was a cold fucking case.
I don't know anything more than the average Pac fan does. My "Suge Killed Pac" theory is based off of commonly known facts surrouding Pac, Suge and the things that happened both leading up to that night as well as that night. And if you mean it's a "closed case", I don't think it is. Last time I checked it was open, and a case being closed doesn't mean shit other than they've given up on it.

maby your part of the media and have some insider source we don't know about that revealed the hole plot but untill then just be quiete.
:rolleyes: Don't be stupid.
Strictly 4 said:
i dont like 50 cent very much, whether he got capped or not.. i just dont like his voice and how he uses pac do diss ja
You don't like how he uses Pac to diss Ja? Ja did the same thing, using Pac's name and memory to diss Em and 50.

As for 50, like his flows, like his voice, don't like his lyrics.
Frank Grimes said:
jason should kill himself or something.
I love it. No matter what thread it's in, you, Hurts and aban ALWAYS have to find a way to talk about me.

Perhaps you should stop being so obsessed with me and actually post something that adds to the conversation.

Stop freeposting.
jason_g_718 said:
Beef in general didn't get Pac killed. Even if you buy the theory that Orlando killed Pac, it still wasn't over beef, rather getting his ass kicked.

If Suge killed him, how was it still beef that got him killed, when to our knowledge, there was no beef between them. If there had been beef between Suge and Pac, do you think Pac woulda even been with Suge that night? Hell no. Pac didn't even want to go to the fight, Suge talked him into it. Pac wanted to go to Atlanta and solve some family problems.

I don't know anything more than the average Pac fan does. My "Suge Killed Pac" theory is based off of commonly known facts surrouding Pac, Suge and the things that happened both leading up to that night as well as that night. And if you mean it's a "closed case", I don't think it is. Last time I checked it was open, and a case being closed doesn't mean shit other than they've given up on it.

:rolleyes: Don't be stupid.
i cant even count on 1 hand how many times you just contradicted yourself, anyway , you still have no answer to why suge would put a hit on someone via a driveby when he must realize there not the most accurate of ways to kill someone. who would ever put themselves in the posistion to get hit by a stray. i would also consider it a beef if pac knew suge was fucking him out of money and was leaving.... apparently according to you suge took it as enough of a beef to have pac killed...
jason g 718 said:
However, nobody had even heard of 50 before Wanksta, his first diss at Ja Rule.
Nobody had heard How To Rob?

Nobody had heard of the rapper that got shot 9 times?

I guess the world's deaf........ and btw, just because you wear make-up, that don't make you no psychic.......
two187pac said:
i cant even count on 1 hand how many times you just contradicted yourself, anyway , you still have no answer to why suge would put a hit on someone via a driveby when he must realize there not the most accurate of ways to kill someone. who would ever put themselves in the posistion to get hit by a stray. i would also consider it a beef if pac knew suge was fucking him out of money and was leaving.... apparently according to you suge took it as enough of a beef to have pac killed...
This thread isn't about why I think Suge killed Pac. It's about whether or not beef affects careers.

And there is no contradictions in what I said. It all depends I guess on what your personal definition of beef is.
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
Nobody had heard How To Rob?

Nobody had heard of the rapper that got shot 9 times?

I guess the world's deaf........ and btw, just because you wear make-up, that don't make you no psychic.......
Nobody I know heard of 50 Cent before Wanksta.
jason g 718 said:
50 Cent is complete and utter shit. Why would I even care about him?
Incase it had escaped your attention, you brought him up in your post saying that, 'Beef also gave 50 Cent a career', which I disagreed with & which has led to two187pac's comment.
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
Incase it had escaped your attention, you brought him up in your post saying that, 'Beef also gave 50 Cent a career', which I disagreed with & which has led to two187pac's comment.
So, making a comment means you care about that person?

"Suge is an idiot".

Oh...look...I care about Suge now. :rolleyes:

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