Anyone nice enough to do this?

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jason_g_718 said:
If those are what some of you consider "great lines"...I'm already laughing.

What's so fucking spectacular about those lines? What's so lyrically great about repeating the same word 3 times in one bar?

That's sad.
Look u gotta be open for new things if you are gonna judge it b4 hearing it ur never going to appreaciate it..and i dont think if u take pplz posts seriously ppl wont post songs 4 was you who asked for songs remember?!...
jason_g_718 said:
I should act grateful, why? Because he posted up an album that I have no way to listen to? nice.
U are a fucking ass, the guy tries to do U a favor and U shit on him.

I dont know what shit U listen to but I pity U if U have never heard any Nas.

Stillmatic is a classic album - Rewind, One Mic & Rule to name but a few hot joints from it

And to go further back, Nas has tracks like - I Gave You Power (My Personal Fave), The Message, Memory Lane & N.Y state of Mind

U should expand U'r record collection and go and buy some classics

Now Hit The Bricks, Junior !
Hurts said:
Look u gotta be open for new things if you are gonna judge it b4 hearing it ur never going to appreaciate it..and i dont think if u take pplz posts seriously ppl wont post songs 4 was you who asked for songs remember?!...
Every album I've ever listened to I've gone into listening to it with a preconcieved notion.

I ain't judging shit. I didn't ask for people to post songs either, I asked for someone to be nice enough to burn me a CD, should have known that was too much to ask for in this forum.
Valiant Emcee said:
U are a fucking ass, the guy tries to do U a favor and U shit on him.

I dont know what shit U listen to but I pity U if U have never heard any Nas.

Stillmatic is a classic album - Rewind, One Mic & Rule to name but a few hot joints from it

And to go further back, Nas has tracks like - I Gave You Power (My Personal Fave), The Message, Memory Lane & N.Y state of Mind

U should expand U'r record collection and go and buy some classics

Now Hit The Bricks, Junior !
You should have a clue as to what I listen to before you tell me who to listen to.
jason_g_718 said:
No, aban is an idiot.

Im 28...well, 27 now...28 in March.
28 years of age and U have never listened to Nas ?! holy shit, Do U live in outer mongolia ?

anyway I doubt someone will send U a Disc, why cant U download shit and listen to it ?
Valiant Emcee said:
28 years of age and U have never listened to Nas ?! holy shit, Do U live in outer mongolia ?

anyway I doubt someone will send U a Disc, why cant U download shit and listen to it ?
LOL. Yes, I've listened to Nas. Hurts is on this kick that because I don't like Nas I "am not a real hip hop fan".

I've heard about 10 songs from Nas over the time he's been out, never liked one song, though Ether was OK.
Valiant Emcee said:
I still dont understand why U cant download, get on pacshare, U can get any hip hop U want off that
Because I don't have my own computer.

I still don't understand why I've typed that 3 or 4 times in this thread but yet people are still asking me why I can't download a file sharing service.

That proves people in this forum don't read a fucking thing and see what they want.
Valiant Emcee said:
sorry bro I didnt peep that, I think U should invest in a computer,

what are U ? a hillbilly ?
It's called "unemployed".

I haven't had a job in almost a year and it fucking sucks. DYING to get working again...I ain't even got money to get back into the studio to do my EP, which really sucks because I'm recording one of the best songs I've ever written next.
Valiant Emcee said:
I'm actually unemployed at the moment too

It is wack, Struggling to pay credit cards and shit, plus I dont get any help cause I resigned
Well, I'm not stupid enough to have a CC. I don't need one.

I just want to get back into the fuckin' studio. Haven't spit on the mic in like 3 months.
aban said:
CAn please post up your lyrics for your next song

She was sweet and gentle with the brain and heart of a soldier/
He was needy and mental with the make of a snake but colder/
Told her all of his lies, the fuckin' Devil in disguise/
Got in her soul and planted the seeds of her demise/
Wise she usually is, lost in his eyes let the games commence/
It took me by surprise, it didn't make no sense/
But I knew down the line that she'd come to resent/
All the time heart and soul that she would invest
I could but she couldn't see why she'd regret it/
She let him devour her soul, now it's a little tainted and cold/
Behold the power of a snakes venemous hold/
Now she cries her eyes out at night over what you stole/

HOOK(as performed and written by my sister):
We see, lessons are learned,
When we're Emotionally Burned
But why do we have to hurt?/
If we only want to learn/
I ask why I must be burned/
I no longer want to yearn/
Being broken is more than just hurt/
I was left to be Emotionally Burned

It was so hard for me to watch him decieve/
Knowin' damn well that he would eventually leave/
Then who would be there to pick up the pieces?/
When I call him a punk bitch best believe I'm not teasin'/
Don't even need a reason to wanna make him be bleedin'/
I feel her pain like we're joined at the nerves/
Cuz I've been cheated too and I know how it hurts/
What he did to you you know you did not deserve/
So if you wanna see him in pain just sit back and observe/
Cuz he went back to her and she's just him in a skirt/
No matter what happens you know one things for sure/
When you need me, I'll be there with my shoulder/

Now after all this shit, I still ain't come to grips/
With how you tripped over his bullshit/
There is no grudge, I'm just still in awe/
How someone so smart can so easily fall/
You had the advantage or maybe that's what's wrong/
For once you were outmatched and never had a chance at all/
You say you fell from grace, but I think you just made a mistake/
You need vaccinations for that venemous snake/
I've tried to push you to keep the faith/
Sometimes I wonder if you don't just procrastinate/
I know you have the will you just need to find the way
Militant said:
dunno why, but just that one line made me laugh very loudly.
LOL, made me laugh too, actually.

LOL, my moms side of the family is from W. Virginia and the other side of the fam is from Pennsylvania. I DO live in the country area of Michigan, out in the sticks, but I'm hardly a hillbilly.

And no, I ain't hardly no hillbilly.
A few friends of mine a recording a rock EP in a proper, professional studio, and fuck those studio times cost a hell of a lot. They're paying $1000 for 5 days use, and thats just a "mate" rate...That whole system is a bit of a bitch.
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