^^ wait a sec... was your droid eris faulty afterall? lucky you...
Oh yeah, it was faulty the whole time but, honestly, I could have lived with it. The speaker truly did go out several times a week causing me to either miss calls or go silent during a call. People would freak out when I had to reboot my phone and they would call during that time and not get an answer. There was also silly lag on it.
Both complaints would have been tolerable, but after hearing about others on forums getting Droids and even Incredibles (Desires) for free, I wanted in on a device more capable than the Eris for root and OCing purposes. So I bitched and got it.
The lady, who was very nice, said she had a Droid and she too had the same issues I was having and that it was a 2.1 thing. After further research, it appears to be an HTC thing and also HTCs on VZW only that have the 50% without signal bug as well as the silent call bug. EVO and N1 users do not seem to complain of this and those are on two different networks yet still made by HTC.
I have a sick feeling that they will send me a Devour on 'accident' though. Asurion, the phone insurance company of choice here, has stopped sending Droid owners, who pay them monthly, Droids because of short supply. There are rumors the Droid is nearing it's EOL and so they are offering Droid owners the Ally or Devour, both lesser phones, if they were to break their Droids. I figured VZW would be bitches too and screw me on that one too.
You never know. I will shoot up HQ, though, if that happens. And take a Droid X on my way out.