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Knock, Knock...
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Google Chrome browser arrives on Android (video)

By Mat Smith
posted Feb 7th 2012 12:49PM

The latest step in bringing Google-based unification has arrived. The Chrome browser is here on Android. This beta version is available for that elite crowd of ICS phones and tablets, and like it's desktop progenitor, the synced settings and bookmarks are all in tow. Expect to see the card view and more natural mobile view of the tab system. It'll also remember what you were last looking at on your desktop Chrome browser, and sync it across to your mobile device -- it's like Kindle or iBook's bookmarking system, but for the web. We're giving it a good play-aroundright now, but while we get our first impression up, check the quick intro after the break.



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I like Opera Mini and its smoothness. BUT, I'm not a super-huge fan of its user interface. Perhaps this fixes the issue although I'm not a super huge fan of many of google's mobile user interfaces too.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
I love it on my tablet. It's still an alpha, yet the only problem I have is random reboots. Random meaning, when I'm not using. Never causes me an inconvenience by shutting down in the middle of a game or while taking notes. Just when I set it down for a few hours.

Like I said, it's an alpha, not even a beta, but it's very useable.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
If YoU HavE Rooted your PHONe, I THink your CaN Get It I AM TypIng ThIs On ,y TABLET USING The new chrOme And I Don't know What Is wrong with The FORMatTIng AnSIGNps block Going On And Off All The Time But IT looks Like a ThIRd GRADe NIG Is TYping THIS MAYBe ITS a SIGN


Well-Known Member
T mob is having a valentines day promo. I can get the sgs2 for free. I'm thinking about doing it. Then keeping it all nice and shiny then selling it and paying an extra 100-200 for something else in 6 months or so.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Aside from typing like a middle school blonde, the Chrome browser is pretty cool. It synced all my bookmarks, so I can use my tablet on campus with WiFi and not miss a beat from my laptop.

I still haven't brought my tablet to school yet. I still haven't used it the way I was hoping to. Just been enjoying Angry Birds on a bigger screen. Trying to get the Madden 12 app to work. It won't.


Well-Known Member
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I've been testing that Chrome browser and it's not that awesome really. You can sync things like bookmarks and even passwords with Opera mini too and more user-friendly.
I wonder why they can't introduce some of Chrome browser's features to the generic Android browser and take best of both worlds that way, they are working on 2 different browsers instead.

As far as browsers are concerned I'm a fan of Opera mini and the stock browser despite the fact that both are far from perfect, but complement each other. For example I dislike downloading files with Opera mini and its tab management, which are better in the stock browser but on another hand the browsing experience itself is better in Opera mini. I can just scroll a website up and down, left and right and just enjoy the smoothness and responsiveness which is really outstanding compared to any other Android app that I know. Also it compresses data so it loads websites faster on slower connections and uses less data.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
I imagine Chrome will be the stock browser at some point. It's still a Beta, but the added functionality is encouraging, but the lack of flash... isn't...

Why not remove it when it is no longer necessary. Not before. It's like having an iphone. Although I switch browsers and get it back again.


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New HTC handset leak points to Incredible S successor

By Daniel Bader on February 10, 2012 at 11:34am in Mobile News

Today’s a pretty exciting day for leaks! PhoneArena has received some leaked photos of a new HTC device that looks to be the successor to the Incredible S/2 that was released last year on Bell/Verizon. While this particular model sports LTE and is destined for Verizon, it is likely the company would create a LTE/HSPA model for Canada and Europe. Even if they don’t, it gives us a good idea as to how Sense 4.0 will look on a new device.
Like the Incredible S, which was one of my favourite devices of 2011, it has that weird industrial-looking back cover, though this one is white whereas its predecessor was black. Internal specs look to be a 1.2Ghz dual-core processor, 1GB RAM, 8MP back camera and VGA front camera, and a 4.3-inch AMOLED display running Ice Cream Sandwich. These specs sound very similar to many of the HTC devices released last year, so it wouldn’t be surprising if the dual-core processor was a newer Snapdragon S4 variant.
You like what you see? Despite HTC’s promise of lowering its device output in 2012 it seems they are on track to release quite a few at Mobile World Congress this month.
Source: PhoneArena


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
I have my Transformer Prime now too. Got it this week. Very, very nice tablet. Bit of light bleed, but I can live with it.

However, while icecream sandwich is a massive revolution on the phone.... There isn't much of a visual changed from Honeycomb to ICS...

I also love the Asus widgets. Google needs to make some widgets like those.


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By Ian Hardy on February 16, 2012 at 6:15am in Mobile News

How are people enjoying Android OS 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich? Smooth UI, pretty fonts, well organized… wait, there’s currently only 1% of devices running ICS. The rest of us are still waiting for our Android to get the upgrade notification. Following the manufacturers notices it seems that most compatible devices are estimated to receive ICS between late February to late April.

However, a rumour has started today from DigiTimes, who usually comments on Apple supply chain orders, that the next major Android OS update will be OS 5.0 Jelly Bean, which they are penciling in for a Q2 2012 launch. The report states that their sources say “Android 4.0 has fallen short of original expectations” and that Google wants to beat Microsoft’s big Windows 8 launch in Q3.
Another whacked portion of the report says that OS 5.0 – which previous rumours had Jelly Bean at OS 4.1 – will work on both smartphone and tablets, integrate the Chrome browsers and “push dual-operating system designs” that “Brand vendors can either choose to adopt only Android 5.0 or add Android 5.0 to Windows 8 devices with the ability to switch between the two OSes without the need to shut down the computer”. Not sure about that one. Apparently Microsoft’s Windows 8 tablet requirements actually limit manufacturers to only installing one OS, and that a second OS is prohibited.
For now… all rumours.
Source: DigiTimes
Via: PocketNow


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Next big update so soon (4.0 to 5.0) and only 1 source stating that. Hmm, I'm not sure about it. Even for Google it's hardly believable, since less than 1% of all devices are running ICS. Manufacturers could do a ragequit on Google for big updates so often.

Anyway you gotta love competition, even if (imho) Windows 8 will be nothing worth getting probably.

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