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Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
I had two LGs, one was a cheap flip my sophomore year of high school and the second was the LG EnV before my freshman year of college. The EnV was my favorite of the two. People today are still rocking the EnV 2 or 3, years after they were released. And they love them. The Droid is very similar to the EnV, imo, and that's why I like it.


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I also had 6620 (here it was called 6600). It was a great phone really. And it had Symbian. It was my first smartphone I was really satisfied with. It was back in 2003 or so. That's where my only sentiment for Symbian comes from - it had every smartphone feature out there (multitasking included). Then a latter iteration of Symbian was shit though.


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casey i cant believe you had that phone in 2004 lol. i never expected that from you.

I also had 6620 (here it was called 6600). It was a great phone really. And it had Symbian. It was my first smartphone I was really satisfied with. It was back in 2003 or so. That's where my only sentiment for Symbian comes from - it had every smartphone feature out there (multitasking included). Then a latter iteration of Symbian was shit though.
Yeah, it was actually the 6600 that I had. Don't know what the difference was between the 6600 and the 6620.


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Looking at these phones feels so ridiculous now yet they were so awesome really not long ago. Just a few years and yet the difference is so big.


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What is the knob thing on it for?
it's a speaker. It detaches as a key-chain kind of, but when you attach it, you can bump music pretty loud.

Is that what you had before your G1? I think I remember you saying how much you loved that phone a few years ago.
Naw, I had a couple phones after this one and before the G1. This one fell in the urinal when I was wasted my freshman year. I didn't know about rice and shit like that...ways to dry it so it still works.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
it's a speaker. It detaches as a key-chain kind of, but when you attach it, you can bump music pretty loud.

Naw, I had a couple phones after this one and before the G1. This one fell in the urinal when I was wasted my freshman year. I didn't know about rice and shit like that...ways to dry it so it still works.

Would you have used it after it being in a urinal anyway?


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Rumor has it Facebook may build an OS based on Android. Whatever their surprise is today, it should be out soon.


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Rumor has it Facebook may build an OS based on Android. Whatever their surprise is today, it should be out soon.
That rumor is not true.

The event today was about the update to the Facebook app for Android to include Places and Groups. There was some other stuff announced too, but nothing else pertaining to Android.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Ah. Well it was interesting while it lasted. Haven't checked my news reader to see what it was all about.


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Turns out my CM5 Nandroid backup was corrupt, so I'm stuck on CM6 unless I do a clean install of CM5, which I probably will do later or tomorrow.


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That article is total fail. Read the comments, it got shut down completely in the FIRST one, lol.

Anyway, Twitter put their own update out for Android today as well.

Twitter For Android Gets an Update)

Twitter for Android users, get ready for a major update that brings more details, speed and punch to Twitter’s official Android app.

We tried out the updated Android app in-office and there’s a ton of new features that we think will make tweeting easier, faster and more customized.

According to the Twitter Blog — where the update was revealed — changes include:

A better tweet details page (which was already included in Twitter for iPhone, Twitter for iPad and Twitter for Windows Phone). Now, when clicking on a tweet, you can easily click on links and reply to, retweet or favorite a tweet. No more fumbling around — it’s all laid out easily at the bottom of the screen.
Pull to refresh. Now you don’t have to hunt for the “refresh” button, just pull down at the top of your tweet stream to get the latest 140-character news. This is especially nice, since manually refreshing is a pain — also the app’s increased speed makes the process much quicker.
Swipe to reveal. This is perhaps one of the coolest additions — if you want to get more info about a user, just swipe your finger across their tweet for the option to access an easy-to-read profile (including bio, lists he or she follows/is followed by, etc). This feature adds a ton more info about users, which is nice when someone you don’t know reaches out to you via the microblogging site.
You can also use this feature to reply to, share, favorite and retweet a tweet.

Quote a tweet. For everyone out there who hates the “retweet” button, this feature will come as a boon. Now you have the option to “quote” a tweet (i.e. old-school retweet), just as you would do by copy-pasting on the in-browser site. Sadly, you still can’t see who retweets you using the retweet button via the app — which would have been a nice addition.



Well-Known Member
just doesnt seem like something you'd have after seeing you with the latest tech stuff and expressing interest in high-end gadgets etc etc...

i'd love to see you rockin that til' this day and show it off in your next video. now that would be unique, but not very likely lol.

i had some NEC given to me by a family friend who worked for BT. they had a deal with NEC as part of BT Cellnet (before it became known as O2).

was a nice slim, basic and lightweight phone. then i got my Nokia 3210 with a custom nike fascia. love that phone.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
That article is total fail. Read the comments, it got shut down completely in the FIRST one, lol.

Anyway, Twitter put their own update out for Android today as well.

Twitter For Android Gets an Update)

Am I seriously the only one that realized the post was satirical? Why are all the comments so serious? Clearly it's on an Android blog, they wouldn't completely bash it. Quite the opposite, actually.

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