Technology Android


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lol @ rough. no, it's going to get better for consumers. only problem will be that it's going to tough to choose a phone because so many are good. WELL, THANK THE FUCKING LORD.


Well-Known Member
RIM have recently come out with the new BB OS v6 i believe, so they'll be using that as a selling point which many people (current BB users) will go for and upgrade to another new BB. People from the outside looking in should think twice and consider their options.

All that aside... the amount of times ive seen or heard of people losing their BBM contacts or forget their BBM pins is unbelievable. Surely it has to be a reliable service if it has x million regular users.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
lol @ rough. no, it's going to get better for consumers. only problem will be that it's going to tough to choose a phone because so many are good. WELL, THANK THE FUCKING LORD.
Having that many choices can be a bad thing too. Not only are we talking about the so many phones per OS, but then which OS to choose, and for some, what carrier to choose.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Having that many choices can be a bad thing too. Not only are we talking about the so many phones per OS, but then which OS to choose, and for some, what carrier to choose.
Are you like a girl choosing shoes....?

It has never been a hard choice for me.... I got the blackberry, it was shit, so I sold it and picked up the iphone. It was good but restrictive so I tried Android, and got me a galaxy s... If I want something I buy it. I don't spend hours trying it on and wondering if it matches my handbag.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Are you like a girl choosing shoes....?

It has never been a hard choice for me.... I got the blackberry, it was shit, so I sold it and picked up the iphone. It was good but restrictive so I tried Android, and got me a galaxy s... If I want something I buy it. I don't spend hours trying it on and wondering if it matches my handbag.
This thread did the choosing for you. I made my decisions on my own, like a big boy. And regardless if they were good or bad, I lived with them until I could find a way out.


Staff member
^You make decisions based on the information available, ie. this thread. Not listening to anyone doesn't mean you're making your own decisions. It means you're not making informed decisions. :)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
This thread did the choosing for you. I made my decisions on my own, like a big boy. And regardless if they were good or bad, I lived with them until I could find a way out.
No, you were stubborn and made the wrong choice despite being given the best advice possible.

Here's some classic quotes I pulled out of the archive:

Casey Rain said:
Why don't you get the Moto Droid though if you're on Verizon?
Smacky said:
I don't like the way it looks. Motorola has such a bad reputation. The Eris has incredible reviews across the board, especially since it has been rebranded and that too got good reviews. It's also alot cheaper. $100 for the Eris and I think $200+ for the Droid. I just don't like the Droid's design. The slideout keyboard doesn't do it for me.
Casey Rain said:
personal preferences and cost aside, I can assure you the Droid is a superior phone. I've used both. Droid is running Android 2.0 while Eris is running Android 1.6 with a customised UI. It has a higher res screen, a faster processor, more RAM, more internal storage. If cost isnt that big a deal, get the Droid, it'll last you longer.
Smacky said:
Well, the specs for the US version are the same for the two, so there is no performance increase. The Eris is smaller, lighter, and I think it looks better. I would be paying $100 extra for a Motorola that has the worst reliability of all phones. And the Eris will have 2.0 by December or so. They won't be leaving it neglected.
Casey Rain said:
the spec is nowhere NEAR the same, I don't know who told you that but it's wrong
Smacky said:
Compare the Eris and the Droid... from Verizon themselves.
Smacky said:
I went to go see the phones today and I'm really sold on the Eris. The Droid doesn't even have flash on it. It's like an iPhone... the speed of the Eris is fine for me. Doubling it would be nice, but I doubt I'll need it. The Droid browses a tad bit faster, but the sales rep said they were both good, but he preferred the Eris for the price. Every other geek friend of mine has recommended the Droid but I'm no geek; I don't need all that speed.

I'm not trying to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to technology, and this Eris is slightly behind the geek curve, but I'm no geek. Its features are sufficient for me.
Let me know how that worked out for you again? Did the Eris get it's 2.x upgrade in December? :D :D lol


Well-Known Member
Staff member
^You make decisions based on the information available, ie. this thread. Not listening to anyone doesn't mean you're making your own decisions. It means you're not making informed decisions. :)
I want to Thank this post but it doesn't have a Thanks button. So.....I hereby approve of this post. lol


Well-Known Member
One thing that I do hate about the current pace of the cell market is how fast phones get outdated. That's not really a bad thing but I'm not rich enough to upgrade to what I want when I want. So for me it is hard to go out and purchase a phone knowing a couple months down the line something I want will come out. Hence why i didn't get the G2...


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Yeah, it's a vicious cycle, but you'll end up spending the whole time on the sidelines waiting for "the right one."


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
No, you were stubborn and made the wrong choice despite being given the best advice possible.

Here's some classic quotes I pulled out of the archive:

Let me know how that worked out for you again? Did the Eris get it's 2.x upgrade in December? :D :D lol

You told me it would probably get it early 2010. Which it did, although unofficially. And with just two devices to choose from, it was 50/50. Plus, I wasn't that knowledgeable about phones back then; I didn't have all those sites on my news reader to see what was coming up and how the phones compared. I just had word of mouth, mostly from you. And since the Droid would have been $100 more, I settled for the Eris. I lived with it, didn't I?

It's easy when all the phones on O2 are high-end Android devices. Choosing between a Desire, Galaxy S, really can't go wrong. IF you're willing to go all out with the money, sure, it's easy. But when you're bargain binning it, it's a lot tougher.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Why are you looking for a bargain? Don't you drive a bmw
Driving one and owning one are two different things. I try not to go ape shit with my parents' money. Prior to the Eris, I had an EnV which I had kept in use for 28 months before asking my parents if I could go the smartphone route with the $30 data and whatnot. The Eris was $50 for me, with rebate and VZW discount. The Droid would have been $150.

Being a n00b to phones, I just looked at the numbers on the paper, not realizing more MHz doesn't necessarily mean a faster, better phone. The Droid did have more, but only slightly. Like ~50 more. But it made a world of a difference, especially when rooted and OC'd. I did not know this at the time and was merely concerned with getting the latest and greatest firmware. Which turned out to be dumb...and (officially) released six months later. Not to mention it was dying hardware (which I was told) but that wasn't the kicker. The phone had so many bugs, it was almost funny going on to AF and reading people's complaints. The phone speaker would cut out randomly, forcing you to restart. The trackball would never scroll left...or always scroll left. Either way, you were fucked when it came to switching screens. The speaker blew out on many people's phones. It was just plain, shitty slow.

So through experience, I learned that buying cheap isn't always good when it comes to phones. Also, you need to do the research to complement the "not buying cheap" philosophy. Some people were happy with their Erises. I wasn't. After realizing how much of a difference rooting made on a device, it makes sense to go the extra mile and pay a little extra. People can tell you to do that, but some people need to experience it to really learn it properly.

That's what I was initially trying to say.

So, again, if you don't suck at the teat that is Google, and are open to exploring all the possible options, it's going to take a good bit of research to find the phone and OS you really want. Having five OSs in the ring at once can be chaos if you're looking to switch. And then having each OS having tons of phones, it's gonna take some time to see which phone is best for you.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
So through experience, I learned that buying cheap isn't always good when it comes to phones. Also, you need to do the research to complement the "not buying cheap" philosophy. Some people were happy with their Erises. I wasn't. After realizing how much of a difference rooting made on a device, it makes sense to go the extra mile and pay a little extra. People can tell you to do that, but some people need to experience it to really learn it properly
Yeah you have bad experience because you bought a bad phone. There are also expensive phones that aren't great and it's not really about the price - it's about searching for a well made model.
You can do your research and buy a great cheap phone.
There are many very good Android phones that aren't as expensive and at the time you bought your Eris there also were some very decent mid-ends :p

I bought a phone that was a few times cheaper than most expensive smartphones at that time and actually turned out to be better. I did my research but was also lucky because it exceeded my expectation with community support. And that is also because people who do their research are usually led to buy similar things. You can even tell a lot by looking at basic specs, and I don't mean looking just at processor speed numbers but looking at the device as a whole.
I was the first person on here that was amazed with the Galaxy S the day it was announced (probably because Casey dislikes Samsungs :p) and it turned out to be a huge hit, something I really expected to happen.

It's about "Value for money" and you can have it in the high end and mid end.
You can buy an expensive phone that turns out to be "meh" or one that turns out to be awesome but the same thing applies to lower end phones. After all phones that we consider as "mid-end Androids" are still high ends looking at the phone market overall and even I - the "tech geek" don't need the fastest and most awesome device because its display is 5% bigger or processor is 10% faster. There are very good phones that aren't "top of the pack". It's just that your past phone wasn't good :p


Well-Known Member
exactly. im trying to get my mum to buy the Samsung Galaxy Portal on a 18 or 24 month contract. Ive mentioned that it is througha third party company, and it works out to about £12/month after cashback (which is a hassle to claim back). Otherwise its a £30/month contract.

I would love it if she got that one and the I could root it. But right now, purchasing a new phone is the least of her worries. Im due for an upgrade/downgrade next month; contract expires on christmas day... I might just wait a little longer... hopefully that CM 6.1 ROM comes out in the next few days.

edit: looking at Cyanogen's twitter - I swear i saw a tweet about CM 6.1 the other day.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Yeah you have bad experience because you bought a bad phone. There are also expensive phones that aren't great and it's not really about the price - it's about searching for a well made model.
You can do your research and buy a great cheap phone.
There are many very good Android phones that aren't as expensive and at the time you bought your Eris there also were some very decent mid-ends :p

I bought a phone that was a few times cheaper than most expensive smartphones at that time and actually turned out to be better. I did my research but was also lucky because it exceeded my expectation with community support. And that is also because people who do their research are usually led to buy similar things. You can even tell a lot by looking at basic specs, and I don't mean looking just at processor speed numbers but looking at the device as a whole.
I was the first person on here that was amazed with the Galaxy S the day it was announced (probably because Casey dislikes Samsungs :p) and it turned out to be a huge hit, something I really expected to happen.

It's about "Value for money" and you can have it in the high end and mid end.
You can buy an expensive phone that turns out to be "meh" or one that turns out to be awesome but the same thing applies to lower end phones. After all phones that we consider as "mid-end Androids" are still high ends looking at the phone market overall and even I - the "tech geek" don't need the fastest and most awesome device because its display is 5% bigger or processor is 10% faster. There are very good phones that aren't "top of the pack". It's just that your past phone wasn't good :p
Well, the thing is I was planning on staying with VZW, as I had done so that past two years. There were only two devices out at that time, and they were the Droid and Eris. The next VZW Droid to come out was the Devour. Then the Incredible (May). I would have had to have waited six months for the next legitimate Droid.

Had I been switching carriers, I would have had a good bit to deal with. T-Mobile had the MyTouch 3G, G1, etc. AT&T didn't have one back then. And Sprint had the Hero. Times have changed now. Everyone, save for AT&T, has a high-end device (not including the Vibrant).

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