For the record Smacky, MGSiegler who wrote that article is a diehard Apple fanboy and doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. Every time there's a pro-Apple or anti-Android article on TechCrunch, it's by him.
Now, take a look at this anti-Android article written by Siegler just last week.
Is Android Surging Only Because Apple Is Letting It?
Just like the link you posted (his most recent article), it's misinformed and best, and completely fucking wrong at worst.
Now, look at the most popular comment underneath that link I posted. Guess who wrote it.
Yep - I wrote a few paragraphs defending Android.... and what's that? 514 people clicked the "Like" button in agreement with my post. The most popular comment on the whole article.

And you saying "Android is growing too fast for it's own good" is flat-out wrong too and shows you have VERY little understanding of how this industry works. Very little. I wish I could share some of the insights from my cousin who works on the Android team, but I can't. I shouldn't even know them. But you're wrong and we'll leave it at that.
However, I'd like you to elaborate, pretty much so I can have fun shooting down every point you make to get it into your head as to WHY you're wrong.
Now, take a look at this anti-Android article written by Siegler just last week.
Is Android Surging Only Because Apple Is Letting It?
Just like the link you posted (his most recent article), it's misinformed and best, and completely fucking wrong at worst.
Now, look at the most popular comment underneath that link I posted. Guess who wrote it.
Yep - I wrote a few paragraphs defending Android.... and what's that? 514 people clicked the "Like" button in agreement with my post. The most popular comment on the whole article.

And you saying "Android is growing too fast for it's own good" is flat-out wrong too and shows you have VERY little understanding of how this industry works. Very little. I wish I could share some of the insights from my cousin who works on the Android team, but I can't. I shouldn't even know them. But you're wrong and we'll leave it at that.
However, I'd like you to elaborate, pretty much so I can have fun shooting down every point you make to get it into your head as to WHY you're wrong.