"Yeah, I had a social worker 'cuz I had some troubles. Anyone who'd riff on me, I'd pop their dome like bubbles" - de La Soul
Don't call me ignorant. Especially when you list an artist w/the above violent lyric as "non-violent." True, artists due tend to write about their environments, but plenty of rock musicians grew up in dangerous, crime-filled places. They may write about their surroundings, but they don't write about fighting and killing people. Some people do deserve to die - dumb people. It's survival of the fittest. If 50's fans are stupid enough to pay money to see his movie AND stupid enough to get in gun fights while in the theater, we definitely don't need those types of people in the world. I do look beyond the cover... do YOU ever listen to any other types of music? Our generation isn't only rap. Take rock - It requires much more talent to write the music (and play it) and to write and sing the lyrics. Rap has a bad name because of the lifestyle rappers lead. If they didn't want that bad reputation, they wouldn't continue to live the way they do. But they've got guys like you buying their records and paying for their mansions, so why stop?