50 Cent: "Kanye West Is Successful Because Of Me"

JDeez said:
50 Cent's Life story cells records, Kanye's doesn't.
Car accident, "Through The Wire"...it kinda does (or "did").

fields316_2000 said:
I think GreenDay should thank 50 also since rock music was looking for someone that didnt get shot and isnt black : THANKS 50! --50 is responsible for every recording artist that ever sold a record. The Beatles sold albums because 50 was a ghost writer...he had a beef with Elvis and smoked weed with Bill Clinton..50 can breathe fire also..50 is awesome!
Thats overdoing it.
Did 50 write Kanye's songs for him? No. Did 50 produce Kanye's beats for him? No.

How is Kanye successful because of 50 Cent? I don't get it. I think that Kanye is doing well without Mr. Jackson, and I'd go as far as saying that he's successful despite what 50 Cent is doing. You all have to admit, 50 has ruined the game and let me tell you why. First off, he brought unnecessary beef into an industry that was otherwise peaceful without him. Secondly, he hasn't rapped a halfway decent verse in months, and he thinks he's the boss because of Piggy Bank...which had to be one of the worst rap songs I've heard in ages. Third, since his sound is so watered down and commercial that's all we hear on the radio, shutting out other acts that truly deserve the opportunity. Take 50 out rap music permanently and you'll see things get so much better.
hes just being scarcastic...lol

lol what 50 doenst realize is hes not the first rapper to rap about girls in da club, sipping on gin and juice, smoking pound of weed, street life, hustling, gettin shot shooting back list goes on
so i dont know where the fuck he got the idea of fans wanting a different style of rap thus making kanye successful

DPG iz all I C

Well-Known Member
2pacnbiggie said:
"He puts together witty phrases and he's a great talent as a producer, but I still don't know who Kanye West is when I listen to him," 50 said recently in Miami. "By listening to the record, I don't know who he is — I know he's been in a car accident, that's what I know."
He puts together pop songs and he's an average rapper, but I still don't know who 50 Cent is when I listen to him," DPG iz all I C said recently in Glasgow. "By listening to the record, I don't know who he is — I know he's been shot 9 times, that's what I know.

Kinda reminds me of how Kanye said that Time magazine took some of what he said out of context. It aint really what 50 said, its really HOW he said it - you cant pick up on HOW people say shit when its when its printed for you to read.
From what i hurd from a lot of ppl was that 50 was trying 2 be like pac.. I kno 100 ppl might attack me saying im a pac rider or w/e. but the pictures 50 uses 2 promote himself when his cd 1st came out (grodt) looked a lot like 2pacs old pics.

Bullet proof vests , guns , buletwounds, ect.. 2 many similaritys .. i kno it wasnt all 50 it was his managers ect but if anything it seemed like 50 copyed 2pac...
Think_ThuGLiFE said:
From what i hurd from a lot of ppl was that 50 was trying 2 be like pac.. I kno 100 ppl might attack me saying im a pac rider or w/e. but the pictures 50 uses 2 promote himself when his cd 1st came out (grodt) looked a lot like 2pacs old pics.

Bullet proof vests , guns , buletwounds, ect.. 2 many similaritys .. i kno it wasnt all 50 it was his managers ect but if anything it seemed like 50 copyed 2pac...
50 wore a vest cause had too. He wore it when it flew to Cali for ink the deal with Dre & Em. Hes got guns for protection, he's bulletwounds cause he was shot. That doesnt say he's trying to be like Pac.
Cant u guys just think out of the box once. how does piggy(50) make his money. He pisses one a-hole rapper away, now the ahole rapper fights back with ahole lyrics, and then piggy fights back once more. All the wannabe ghetto rap fans think this is some major sh*t and they go buy the albums. This is all just an entertainment scheme dont you get it, All this stupid comments back and forth making deushebag albums at each others careers(like if they ever had a good one), fans buying these albums as if there is no tommorow and its just on and on sequence. This is just getting boring as watching wwe(ie: fake wrestling).
prasad said:
Cant u guys just think out of the box once. how does piggy(50) make his money. He pisses one a-hole rapper away, now the ahole rapper fights back with ahole lyrics, and then piggy fights back once more. All the wannabe ghetto rap fans think this is some major sh*t and they go buy the albums. This is all just an entertainment scheme dont you get it, All this stupid comments back and forth making deushebag albums at each others careers(like if they ever had a good one), fans buying these albums as if there is no tommorow and its just on and on sequence. This is just getting boring as watching wwe(ie: fake wrestling).
was i being too hurtfull here. :rolleyes:
ya´ll know that Kanye is a big 50 fan, i wonder how their relationship will change ... not that they have a relationship but we all know that he wants to work with 50 and Eminem ... 50 just distanced himself from a very talented man ...

i simply don´t get it ...
I would guess 50's words were taken out of context so they could be used against him. The press has a way of doing that. So take it as a grain of salt. If I was Kayne I would just get him on the phone and be like "whats up?" Not be disrespectful or nothin, just real, be like, "do you really think that?" See what 50 has to say. I am a huge fan of both of these men's work, and its dissappointing if 50 truely is going to act that arrogant, but, who knows?


Active Member
has kanye produced for 50?

Either way 50 would need kanye before kanye would need 50...what the fuck would kanye need 50 for.....


New Member
Ive been following West career since 2001. Since Blueprint came out. I knew he was a great producer and kept following him since then. I even told everyone before he blew up that he was going to be the next big thing. So fuck 50 and his stupid ass statement. I dont listen to Kanye because your wack. I listen to Kanye because he actually makes good music.

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