i run 10 minutes a day and do 190 situps afterwards..it's been goin on for two years now. and this is every day. in the summer i biked 20 miles a day and the evening went out running and did my sit ups.
The point is that i don't eat healthy food and that's why my stomach still ain't flat. IT TAKES A LOT to get a flat stomach.
I'm sorry, but u have no knowladge whatsoever about working out. YOu should do some research, unless it's really a waste of time.
First of all, what is your goal? A Flat stomach? Aiight. Runin is a good idea, but rather then run everyday for 10 minutes you should run 3 times a week for an hour+, that would help. I always wouldnt suggest to do your situps daily, take a break, that's improtant for your mind and your body as well. Work out rather 3 times a week then everyday, but if you work out, work hard.
I don't think that u do your situps the right way. I doubt u'd be able 2 do 180 situps and anyway I'd rather suggest crunches then situps, but go and google, find out how they are done. If you don't do them the right way u're cheating and it won't help.