You obviously do not have your priorities straight lilshortie, and like everyone else says, you are way too young to be worried about this stuff. If what you look like is more important to you than becoming a mature responsible person, then you have issues. Although I can't really blame you, you've been brainwashed by the media and pop culture into believing that beauty and looks are all that matter and that if you weigh more than 100 plounds you're a fat ass. And you should never, and I mean NEVER try to change for someone else. What happens if you change yourself for this guy (Who is obviously a shallow asshole if he would only go out with you if you have a flat tummy, and he seems like a retard. By scraps, I assume you mean scrubs, right? the uncool people? So the guy you like is a bully who beats losers up? Wow you picked a winner there) and then he decides he likes someone else now? You will look like an idiot for changing yourself to please a guy. Be yourself and forget about this loser, he's not gonna be going anywhere in life, I can already tell. And if you continue this way, neither will you. I'm sorry if this is harsh, but kids these days really piss me off.