GMG r sending out fake/false e-mails, pretending to have a credible source

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I received an e-mail, claiming to be sent from, promoting Hussein Fatal - Blocka Blocka (2009 Global Music Group Version with New Verse).

I contacted Rahim, from Streethop, and asked him wtf he was doing dealing with these fakes.

His response was, "I received an e-mail too, it was not sent by me, not sent by us StreetHop". He also added something about the e-mail address and added "it's not me, its not even my e-mail, and i can prove it, my email address is, not". "That's Kilo, fucking up again".

These are the fakes and frauds we r dealing with over at GMG, they even banned me from the forums 4 no reason, also my mates J-Foxx, Jeffro666, and J-Slim.

GMG ARE Fakes and Frauds, trying to get more people to their site or to buy from them, acting like they have a credible source like in their corner.

Attached is a copy of the fake e-mail they sent me as well. HERE

Prize Gotti

Boots N Cats
Staff member
I received an e-mail, claiming to be sent from, promoting Hussein Fatal - Blocka Blocka (2009 Global Music Group Version with New Verse).

I contacted Rahim, from Streethop, and asked him wtf he was doing dealing with these fakes.

His response was, "I received an e-mail too, it was not sent by me, not sent by us StreetHop". He also added something about the e-mail address and added "it's not me, its not even my e-mail, and i can prove it, my email address is, not". "That's Kilo, fucking up again".

These are the fakes and frauds we r dealing with over at GMG, they even banned me from the forums 4 no reason, also my mates J-Foxx, Jeffro666, and J-Slim.

GMG ARE Fakes and Frauds, trying to get more people to their site or to buy from them, acting like they have a credible source like in their corner.

Attached is a copy of the fake e-mail they sent me as well. HERE
the link tells me i have to register. just copy and paste it here.


New Member
Staff member
Anyone have a copy of the emails I can see? Or the email header information so I can track it? Or better yet forward me the email to streethop at

Id also appreciate GMG's contact details so I can supply them to my lawyer.

Thank you.
No no no, i dont have anything to do with that other board.

I just tried to upload it in here but it wont let me.

Its already at that other site.



me, myself & us
^It's okay :)

What type of file do you want to upload? Try uploading it on another site like rapidshare and post it here? Most members are lazy (that including me) and will not register at that other board to see what you're talking about.

u could of done it by now with all the typing you've done lmao.

its just a .eml file.

Its uploaded there, I'm lazy too, its already been posted as a link.


New Member
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This is wat happens when you get a dumbfuck like kilo to join the staff at streethop. I still can't believe you guys had him on here.
Whether he was on staff or not, it doesnt have anything to do with anyone faking emails. He never had email access, the emails are fake, they could have been faked if he was on staff or not.

In regards to why he was on staff, I'm not a gossiping yenta like some people and so I had no idea about his reputation to begin with. I read some of his news, he seemed to have potential, he was upfront that people hate on him but wanted to turn that around and so Ruk and I decided to give a kid a chance. Some people, perhaps him included too I am no defending him nor passing judgement, seem to be more occupided with gossip and backstabbing than Hip-Hop or media.

I suggest you all get a hobby.

And DP, you seem to be in that circle seeing as you bring it up so I guess that is important to you, and maybe you find entertainment in it, but I think it is lame and don't pay attention to it, and that is why anyone with good reporting skills can be given a chance no matter what people think of them. Of course once they fuck up or betray that trust or decide not to be serious or try to involve the site into it, they are shown the door.

I havent even seen these emails, and I dont care. I dont know if kilo was involved, and I dont care.


Well-Known Member
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And DP, you seem to be in that circle seeing as you bring it up so I guess that is important to you, and maybe you find entertainment in it, but I think it is lame and don't pay attention to it, and that is why anyone with good reporting skills can be given a chance no matter what people think of them. Of course once they fuck up or betray that trust or decide not to be serious or try to involve the site into it, they are shown the door.
Im not a part of any circle or group. But seeing as how this used to be a 2pac website you should have known that alot of the people still left on here still collect 2pac material. Kilo is widely known for scamming alot of people of their money with his "rares." Most of the news he posted was made up bullshit along with his "contacts" that he said he had with artists (which you guys should have looked into). As a hip hop site you dont see a problem with putting someone in staff that is known to fake news and scamming people? You say you dont listen to rumors yet he is widely known for all this on most if not all hip hop websites including (2pacforum, dubcnn, real rap talk, and even back in the westcoastaftershock days. That is one reason i told sigh that i no longer wanted to be a part of the staff back then when i found out he was a sh staff member. Is it any surprise that as soon as people found out who he really was he suddenly resigned as a sh staff member?


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DP, from what I can see none of his news was fake. Until you can prove that "most of his news was made up" your point is mute.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
DP, from what I can see none of his news was fake. Until you can prove that "most of his news was made up" your point is mute.
His news on here may have not been fake but most of the news he posted on his site was pretty much bullshit along with his "interviews." Kilo is not worth the time wasting looking for all his old bullshit news stories so im not even gonna bother. But ask anybody on here that is somewhat still affialiated with 2pac collecting and they will tell you the dumb shit this kid has done. Rizzle and Rahim know exactly wat im talking about.


me, myself & us
Here is a key question:

Who is Kilo? I'd like to know who the guy is, what happened. I feel left out. :(

The person who explains will be repped and thanked.
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