Appeal against my post being deleted

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Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
You're talking about light spectrum, skin tone does not work that way, unless you are saying that Caucasian skin is a combination of yellow, green and red skin types?

Therefore yes, your post is off topic.
It is fact that certain colour 'materials' reflect certain tones. A white 'material' reflects every colour. A blue piece of paper doesn't, because it absorbs all the blue light out of the white spectrum, and it appears blue, that is its appearence. I Payed attention in my physics class.

Do you wanna talk about colour in the context of colour or physics? hang back, cause science has got a hold on your ass


Well-Known Member
Are you actually serious or are you just trying to stir up shit? You're awfully busy in this forum...

Anyway, the thread is about white people and world population, this has nothing to do with colors.


Yes, that he did. However white people are not actually ... wait for it... white!. Same way that black people are not actually black but a shade of brown! WOW!

S O F I made a thread about white people being a minority by the year 2042-2050 and wanted us to discuss this. Yes he was vauge in what exactly he wanted to discuss but if he wanted to discuss colors he would've made a thread about colors.

Now that you've absorbed all that information kindly fuck off with your petty bullshit. You know you were off-topic, you just wanted to flex your knowledge muscle. And in turn you were (yet again) a patronizing ass. Do you really think S O F I didn't know such a basic fact? Or anyone else for that matter?

I'm deleting all your off-topic posts in the thread. If you want them restored you'll have to show a valid link between world population and the color white.


I am talking about science, whereas I feel Sofi is talking about race, being racist.
There we go. If S O F I started the thread and you're talking about something else then you're off-topic.

Also, anthropology is a science :)


Well-Known Member
To make it a little bit more clear:

Ethnic indigenous Europeans will be a Minority by year 2042-2050.

A little physics lesson for you, White light contains ALL the colours of the spectrum, fact.

Sense ... this makes none!

And even a fancy link to Wikipedia
Color terminology for race - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"In some societies and by some anthropologists, color terminology was used to label races, sometimes in addition to a non-color term for the same race. Rather than a literal description of skin color, color is used as a synonym for race."

If your skin-tone is white you may want to consult some hospitals.
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