Sigs question.

If I have a sig on my account,, and I have sigs turned off on my account, will my sig still show to other members?

Just curious, as looking at my profile it still has my sig listed even though I have them turned off.
Tupac used the word 'fin' or 'finna' - its Cali slang for gonna or going to. I have made a thread about Tupacs use of 'Fin' 'Finna' in Life before. It is all ambiguous SOFI. It makes sense. Many of Tupac's lyrics were based on ambiguity. He was a lyrical genius, weather you choose to accept it or not.


Staff member
Tupac used the word 'fin' or 'finna' - its Cali slang for gonna or going to. I have made a thread about Tupacs use of 'Fin' 'Finna' in Life before. It is all ambiguous SOFI. It makes sense. Many of Tupac's lyrics were based on ambiguity. He was a lyrical genius, weather you choose to accept it or not.
lol i know what it means, dude i actually LIVE HERE.

But, you didn't hear it right, it's "my life in exchange for yours"


Staff member
That's the ethanol talking.

But, seriously, you are making tupac out to be bigger and better than he is. When he wrote that line, he had no intention in being ambiguous. You, as a groupie, want to think that, because your love for his work and admiration will grow as the result.
he is right, it is "my life in"
Why do you think 2pac raps about his double-ar? Love, do you have a lack of getting ... what he means.

Before a reply, I already know what you are going to say. RR, lol. Double is the essence of ambiguity :p. Duality in the semantic context of language.


Well-Known Member
Tupac used the word 'fin' or 'finna' - its Cali slang for gonna or going to. I have made a thread about Tupacs use of 'Fin' 'Finna' in Life before. It is all ambiguous SOFI. It makes sense. Many of Tupac's lyrics were based on ambiguity. He was a lyrical genius, weather you choose to accept it or not.
dude saying "finna" is NOT RARE.

its just a fast way of saying "fixing to".. rather than "going to"

my and my homies down south FL BABY use the term all the time, suck it.

edit: my life in exchange for yours
Maybe I am over-analysing, but that is what makes lyrics a whole lot more interesting. Poetry is deep. It needs to be analysed to make sense of why it is deep. Can't nobody convince me otherwise.

People back in schools still wanna discuss Shakespeare's way of using language. How long has Shakespeare been dead? How long till people catch up to how Tupac used language? Tupac is already a legend, how long is it till people recognize how Tupac used and applied language? There are schools right now dedicated to the study of tupac's lyrics. Don't knock new ways of interpretation. in 50 years time people will still be talking about Tupac.

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