One more question to the SH administration..


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I'm a mod of life section, I try to be good at the "job" I was given, I edit/delete wrong posts/threads (not much as there's not big traffic here) but anyway I try to do my best for the community and to keep 2pacboard's legendary level.

I'm really confused now, as I feel like SH administration can't decide on how it should be handled. I remember few weeks ago posting og's/leaks/Dante's projects was strictly forbidden.
A week or so ago Sigh deleted Davilion's thread where he posted the link. I thought it was ok, then got a pm to send that link to administration. After retrieving the link either from me or Davilion (I'm not sure which link did they use) those tracks were posted to download again by the highest administration saying those tracks were not retail and may be posted.

I have my own opinion on that matter which is I'm against hiding 2pac tracks for a small group of people like Caesar states but on the other hand I understand Dante who's one of the most commited people to the 2pac scene and puts his money to buy tracks that will be available for all 2pac fans for high, but still quite affordable price. To be more precise I think it's Amaru and 2pac's mother (owner of his material) who should provide us with that material, they don't do that - that's my biggest pain in this matter.

So the question is.. What's the official SH administration's state on that matter? Links already got deleted by supermods (not by admin), Rukas is no longer admin - Caesar is now. I'm loyal to SH so I want to know what's the final decision?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I am admin... My thread is there to see....

Since when have I been a supermod?
sorry my mistake. I was nearly sure that Preach closed them threads. Now I see I read it wrong.
So now the official stance is "no links to recently leaked ogs" and that won't change any soon? Maybe I don't know the whole situation but wasn't it Rukas/Caesar deciding to post it?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
yeah in fact that's a bit confusing. Ok so I'll delete all links to latest leaks. Hope nothing will change, or if so somebody will let me know before :)

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