Important Message to the StreetHop Administration

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now you are making a whole different point. you attacked me for being under appreciative, a "leecher" and not a real fan, and i set you straight on that bullshit.

you are still claiming that the people who got it for free appreciate it less than those who paid for it. that's garbage and you know it. the people that bought it have a clouded opinion of what it is because they dropped money on it. it's that simple. anyone would.

you seem to have a misguided sense of loyalty. dante is not going to make you his best friend and invite you over to his crib in iowa for a day of drinking tea and listening to rare toopack just because you financed his next 5 meals at the olive garden.

i am under no illusions about this site offering downloads en masse for traffic. that's nothing to do with me. caesar can do what he likes. and for the record - when mr. pizza shop decides he needs a cash injection he'll make more pizza because he knows he can sell it to gullible folks who really and truly believe that it won't leak, cos "this time's it'll be different".
then after he's made some scrilla from those folks, it'll be out there again, no matter how many private forums, private websites, chastity belts, eye-scanners, dna matchers, securitas vaults, bodyguards and kryptonite-encrusted padlocks are in usage.

not to mention - there's more than one person that sells pizza. the resourceful will never starve. don't give me that shit like there's some sort of Iowan monopoly on unreleased tupac material.

Again unbelievable.

Dante wasn't the only one involved, yet he gets all the hate.

I'll never understand it.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
but you don't know the full facts. you only "know" what you assume. ...and keep tossing my state of residence into this as if it makes one iota of difference, you yarn haired freak. oh, and your boy johnny j isn't the saint you make him out to be. i know a couple people who have made deals with him to varying degrees. oh but you got us in the end because i've never had waffles with the guy so i'll stfu now and go back to that other site that sucks so much balls yet reps pac maybe even more than hitemup used to.
no, i don't know what i "assume". i know what i've heard. maybe i've heard wrong, if i am so utterly and completely off the mark then please enlighten me oh wise one.

your state of residence was a light hearted joke, not a key point of any statement i made. lighten up a little farmboy.

i never said johnny was a saint, i personally found the guy to be cool, if other people find him to be the same way that has jack and shit to do with me.

Again unbelievable.

Dante wasn't the only one involved, yet he gets all the hate.

I'll never understand it.

if you interpreted my post as hate towards dante you need to learn how to read. where did i hate on him? you completely missed the point, meltiger. i know he isnt the only one involved. that was my entire point, so you've agreed with me without realizing.


Dying Breed
Staff member
We all live for the past in our own ways i suppose, allthough i dislike dante it is a shame, but i always said that everything is leaked.

As far as the 2pac section going downhill on this forum, thank god, lets just remove it for the good of the world.



Well-Known Member
You guys are twisting this into something else.

- This does not concern my anticipations as to whether or not this would leak. As stated so many times previously in this thread, we were a group of people who have dealt with each other, selling and buying items from each others and establishing online relationships but trust over the years. although it's a far-fetched comparison, imagine if you went together with a bunch of friends and invested in a company, and then one of your friends went ahead and stole money scraping it from the surface. we were stabbed in the back by a person who introduced himself as a trustworthy person, and remained so for a short time until he gave in to temptation. I have been royally fucked over. This was not supposed to leak. This was a private circle. We all made an agreement. This is not like any typical release that gets put out. A select few people were allowed to purchase it. 30-40 maybe. 50 tops, but i'm pretty sure 30 is the closest guess.
- This does not concern the moral debate of bootlegging vs. no bootlegging. (which by the way I find laughable. Every human being has done something that is considered, by the general norm, inhumanitarian or "bad," at some point in their life. You told a lie, screwed someone over, or took advantage of a situation once in your life. Any sucker claiming otherwise is either a liar, or needs to stop making up stories for him/herself. Playing white knight is even lower than pulling the "calm down, this is just the internet" card. You all have downloaded bootlegged Tupac music. Something ticked off your moral compass, and you let that manifest into hatred for Dante. This lead to assumptions about Dante's motives, that you who were not a part of the trusted circle, have no idea about. You know nothing about what this is about. Fuck you anti-bootleggers, you are a bunch of faggot ass hypocrites. Dante didn't make money off of a dead man, he lost several thousands on him. Are you stupid in the head?


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
There's no point in this thread.... Preach has had his say, he has resigned.... I can't be bothered to go back and forth any further.


Dying Breed
Staff member
I agree with pitt if your going to argue about this please pm your arguments to pitt so he doesnt have to go back and forth.

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