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It's that egotistical feeling you get that you just fucking love, isn't it? "I have the OGs, and you don't, you pathetic impoverished commoners." That's what goes on in your head. I doubt you even play and listen to the OGs you pay hundreds of dollars for, weekly.

This is what really annoys me. Complete moronity such as the rubbish that spewed forth from your fingers above.

Have you ever thought that some people might feel cheated that they paid a fortune for something that others are now recieving for free?

I gaurentee you it has nothing to do with anyone being 'egotistical'

You should be THANKING each and every one of us that purchased these project, as WE made it possible for you to now download it. If we hadn't, it would still be sitting on someones hard drive never seeing the light of day.

I could also go on and on about Dante and others (Dante wasn't the only one involved in providing this project but he gets all the hate, go figure hey?) who did the initial groundwork/financial layout to obtain the music in the first place.


Staff member
Have you ever thought that some people might feel cheated that they paid a fortune for something that others are now recieving for free?
Yes, however, in the present day of things like Aron pointed out, it's expected. Dante's love for 2pac tracks has him making risky investments that are going sour because with the industry that he's dealing with, it's just too easy to leak a track.

I gaurentee you it has nothing to do with anyone being 'egotistical'
What feeling overcomes you when you obtain a rare 2pac track that many many 2pac fans don't have? Don't bullshit me, man.

You should be THANKING each and every one of us that purchased these project, as WE made it possible for you to now download it. If we hadn't, it would still be sitting on someones hard drive never seeing the light of day.
I am not weak. I don't need unreleased 2pac music to live. It seems you do, you're pathetic.


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In a rare turn of events, I concur with S O F I, and of course Caesar.

Rizzle, I thought you were smarter than this. Did you honestly expect it to not leak? Seriously?

Much as some would probably say otherwise, I am not unsympathetic to something that has time and money invested in it, leaking. I know the feeling. But it's expected in this day and age, everyone from the smallest indie label to the fatcats at Sony, Universal, EMI, etc know this. As far as I'm concerned anyone who purchased it should have expected it to leak. And yet we still get people bitching and moaning about it and Rizzle doesn't want to mod anymore.

It just screams of elitism.


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It's a fact that project get leaked these days. But it's also a fact that if people like Dante don't release nothing, we won't hear any new *real* Pac.... so I think it's too easy, too simple 2 say this is how the world turns, projects get leaked. Of course, those that don't care about unheard Pac stuff don't mind, but I love the idea that I might listen to a 'new' song 10 years from now.... but that's only gonna happen if ya'll respect the least a lil bit, just showin' some respect.
Rizzle, I thought you were smarter than this. Did you honestly expect it to not leak? Seriously?
My friend, if you'd been part of the "collectors" (I like to call us the real fans) you would not have expected it to leak either. This wasn't the usual behind the scenes "msn deals", this was a real base where all of us real fans knew each other and were moving foreword. This was the only group of songs in the 2pac scene that had a real chance of not leaking, but getting to those that deserved them, and it stayed like that for a record time....

To Dante and Rizzle, you guys, in my opinion are just wasting your time with this cemetery board. It has been dead (as a 2pac forum) since RM2. I doubt it could ever be revived, and these herbs on this "2pacboard" know it.

Basically (in regards to 2pac) - Streethop consists of 98% leachers and 2% semi-knowlegable haters who are the REAL ones pounding nails in the scenes coffin. 0 supporters.

And all this anti-"bootlegging" talk. All I can do is laugh. You guys are living in a dream world with your defenses. YES 2pac recorded these songs for the fans, but NO you will never get to hear them without bootlegging - and that's the reality. GET it through your head. You really believe that one day amaru is going just say, "Now were going to re-release everything we have released, but in original form!" the time they do that (if they ever) 2pac will be unprofitable (sales slope are dropping like an elephant off an airplane - Nu Mixx has sold 18 000..that's a joke).

Basically, I have stayed interested in Pac because every few months, something new comes a long. The last binge leak like this recent one was March 2005. Now, some of you might now believe it, but I have witnessed it - the people who make these new songs happen are throwing in the towel - for real this time. So....there's little in the scene for me anymore.

The only reason I think Dante and Rizzle are even posting in this ghost town is because they feels nostalgia and a bit of loyalty towards it. To advertise these leaks must've been a real stab in the back after 10+ years of contributing and keeping this site alive..

Let's set a scenario here, lets say that in the 2pac scene, for a period of more than 4 years (since Better Dayz) a song has existed, but only as a remixed version. Then, a year ago, the biggest 2pac collector drops some info : the songs original is one of the dopest - and the collector says that the BD version compared the OG is like comparing the LTTG version of Ghetto Gospel to the OG. The forum is in uproar, because this would mean that the OG of this long sought-after song, would have to be incredible, as the BD version was not bad at all....

then, one day, seemingly out of nowhere - it is posted.

Militant's initial response, once it is confirmed real:
Militant said:
Props guys!!!! Hot shit, nice one.
...woah...that was a little underappreciative, right? Just "hot shit, nice one!" like it was the new ne-yo song?

ok, well then another LOOOONG loved track, one that was debated over and over about, as one of the "original assistant producers", posts on this board. Manages to leak - featuring a 2pac verse that was mangled on it's retail release, and three other verses from all-star favourites of the 2pac-era "Thug Life". Not only that, but the guest verses are INCREDIBLE..

an average 2pac fan would shit his pants at these two leaks.....

Militant's response:
Militant said:
oh, shit, judgement day just leaked too?

Stick to Prince,'s obvious that you have no appreciation for real 2pac music - go ahead and bump your exclusive OG of "International" featuring some random west-african dude.

sheeesh. and some wonder why the 2pac scene is rotting....//


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Let's set a scenario here, lets say that in the 2pac scene, for a period of more than 4 years (since Better Dayz) a song has existed, but only as a remixed version. Then, a year ago, the biggest 2pac collector drops some info : the songs original is one of the dopest - and the collector says that the BD version compared the OG is like comparing the LTTG version of Ghetto Gospel to the OG. The forum is in uproar, because this would mean that the OG of this long sought-after song, would have to be incredible, as the BD version was not bad at all....

then, one day, seemingly out of nowhere - it is posted.

Militant's initial response, once it is confirmed real:

...woah...that was a little underappreciative, right? Just "hot shit, nice one!" like it was the new ne-yo song?

ok, well then another LOOOONG loved track, one that was debated over and over about, as one of the "original assistant producers", posts on this board. Manages to leak - featuring a 2pac verse that was mangled on it's retail release, and three other verses from all-star favourites of the 2pac-era "Thug Life". Not only that, but the guest verses are INCREDIBLE..

an average 2pac fan would shit his pants at these two leaks.....

Militant's response:

Stick to Prince,'s obvious that you have no appreciation for real 2pac music - go ahead and bump your exclusive OG of "International" featuring some random west-african dude.

sheeesh. and some wonder why the 2pac scene is rotting....//

Grow the fuck up Eri.

What, you expect people to be all like:


Seriously, what kind of response do you expect? The shit leaked. It's good. I'm not creaming my pants over it, it's a great unreleased version of a song in average quality, missing a verse.

Dropping 100's of dollars into someone's pocket does not make you a "real fan" more so than anyone else.

Shit leaked, get over it. You should have expected it to, and don't try and deny it! Even if it sold to less than 10 people (which it didn't), ONE of those people is OBVIOUSLY going to get approached by others, people who would probably even pay them for it just to be able to leak it. Then the original trusted person is making his money back anyhow. That is a fact and it is ALWAYS going to happen.

And I wouldnt say "hot shit nice one" to the new ne-yo song. Ne-Yo sucks ass. I'm not having a fucking aneurysm because a fucking song leaked, no matter how SUPER RARE EXCLUSIVE it is. It's a fucking song. You want 2Pac-related excitement and talk about picturing a scenario? Aight how about YOU picture THIS scenario.

Me kicking it with Johnny J and QD3 in their studios, hearing shit that NO fan has heard. You wanna talk about excitement about hearing shit? Well fuck, imagine the grin on my face when Johnny played me 5 tracks that STILL aint even left his studio! Pictures of Johnny with 'Pac that no-one has seen! Not to mention stories motherfuckaz ain't from 'Pac to Johnny and QD that folks don't know about....the original promotional UTEOT cover artwork STRAIGHT FROM JIMMY IOVINE'S INTERSCOPE OFFICE WALL.........chilling with Leila S for 2 hours, interviewing her for damn near an hour (of which the public heard 5 minutes of that interview), her telling me the real truth about the poems 'Pac wrote and the events that led to that happening.....I could go on and on for days.........

Sorry if a leak of half a track where we already know at least the vocals off by heart already doesn't seem as incredible. Sorry I'm not jizzing all over the wall before lashing out and talking smack about a website because you dropped money on something that EVERYONE knew would leak.

Basically, you're asking me to get excited about an unfinished beat and a Nate Dogg hook. Woop de fucking doo.

I guess I have no appreciation for real 2Pac music then. I guess I'm not a "real fan". :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

You just bodied yaself big time, home-slice.
Basically, you're asking me to get excited about an unfinished beat and a Nate Dogg hook. Woop de fucking doo.

I guess I have no appreciation for real 2Pac music then. I guess I'm not a "real fan". :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

You just bodied yaself big time, home-slice.
It also has an unheard Big Syke verse, but I guess you overlooked that...

I'm not asking you to be excited at all. Don't get it twisted, I'm not mad because you don't appreciate what leaked for what it is. I'm sure if this was Erotic City OG with less instruments and two extra minutes of moaning, you'd be creaming all over your walls, and that's good - that kind of love for certain artists and music is hard to find. BUT it's obvious that the leachers, yourself included, don't even appreciate whats leaking to the extent that it should be, and that's really the only thing that pisses me off, because once the rest of the project leaks, and the songs are in all of your "OGs" folder, your not going to listen to the song with the "unfinished beat and a nate hook" again. And you'll all just be waiting for the next leak...well...unfortuanately, this attitude has reached the end of it's rope....there will be no next leak.

and what caused this cutting off (for the appreciative and unappreciative fans) of real 2pac tracks? that attitude of gimme gimme gimme, better quality! full! CDQ! DAT! WAV!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
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It also has an unheard Big Syke verse, but I guess you overlooked that...

I'm not asking you to be excited at all. Don't get it twisted, I'm not mad because you don't appreciate what leaked for what it is. I'm sure if this was Erotic City OG with less instruments and two extra minutes of moaning, you'd be creaming all over your walls, and that's good - that kind of love for certain artists and music is hard to find. BUT it's obvious that the leachers, yourself included, don't even appreciate whats leaking to the extent that it should be, and that's really the only thing that pisses me off, because once the rest of the project leaks, and the songs are in all of your "OGs" folder, your not going to listen to the song with the "unfinished beat and a nate hook" again. And you'll all just be waiting for the next leak...well...unfortuanately, this attitude has reached the end of it's rope....there will be no next leak.

and what caused this cutting off (for the appreciative and unappreciative fans) of real 2pac tracks? that attitude of gimme gimme gimme, better quality! full! CDQ! DAT! WAV!!!!!!

sorry. the unheard big syke verse suddenly makes it way more important to me. :rolleyes:

you are asking me to be excited, you claimed that my response was underappreciative. And don't get me wrong, i was excited to hear it. it wasn't exactly a life-changing event. funny how you haven't even reponded to my major points.

as I said, maybe you can understand how hearing fully-unheard, full-length, full-quality, multi-tracked og's in johnny's studio with him punching in and out various instruments and vocal parts to gain a full picture is slightly more exciting than an average quality rip with a verse missing and OOOHHHHHHHHHHH unheard BIG SYKE VERSE WOW!

how can you claim I'm not appreciating it for what it is? I'm fully appreciating it for what it is, and what it is is exactly what i described in the above paragraph.

don't try and expunge your angry feelings on me just because you got ganked. your life-force and chi will not render you invincible just because you got a special invite to a hidden forum where your fandom was finally repaid with the opportunity to blow money on something that everyone else would eventually get for free.

i suspect this is why you try and claim i would be more excited by throwing out names and details of something you clearly know nothing about in a foolhardy attempt to prove an invalid point. for the record, i have 7 alternate original versions of erotic city, but i didn't spend $300 on them only to see them leak afterwards. we don't operate like that in the purple kingdom.

i am far from a leecher and your watered-down venom is misguided. if i were you, i'd spend time on the people that caused this situation. be mad at those who were trusted and yet leaked. be mad at those pro-actively spreading it around. be mad at yourself for not realising the inevitable. don't be mad at the guys who were offered a free slice of pizza and ate it even though you bought one moments previously.

i appreciate it fully. actually, i like the track and have bumped it several times over the last 2 days, more so than most new tracks i get. i like this version a lot. it's great. one of the better og's. when i burn my next cd-r of og's to bump in the car i will put this one first. if someone asked me to play them some unreleased 'pac i would explain how great this song is and how much better it is than the released version. there, is that enough info for you about how much i appreciate it?

sorry, i guess the way to appreciate it the most is by throwing some cash at it. i didn't realise there was such a link between appreciation of art and someone else's cashflow.

your remarks are incorrect, unsubstantiated and juvenile. perhaps next time I go to subway I'll give them £50 for a sandwich that costs £5. then i will appreciate it more than everyone else. yay for me.

good day to you.
i am far from a leecher and your watered-down venom is misguided. if i were you, i'd spend time on the people that caused this situation. be mad at those who were trusted and yet leaked. be mad at those pro-actively spreading it around. be mad at yourself for not realising the inevitable. don't be mad at the guys who were offered a free slice of pizza and ate it even though you bought one moments previously.
I never said I was mad at those who downloaded.

It wasn't long ago that I was in the position that a new track would leak, other people were arguing and I got a free track out of it.

Who can blame you guys? who WOULDN'T take the pizza......

But what this site is doing is offering the free pizza to everyone and their mother to get more hits, exploiting the pizza for its own profit, and now the pizza supplier is not making any more pizza, so both the people who bought the pizza and those who ate the same pizza for free (but thought it didn't taste too good) are cut off.

Now we will all starve.


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I never said I was mad at those who downloaded.

It wasn't long ago that I was in the position that a new track would leak, other people were arguing and I got a free track out of it.

Who can blame you guys? who WOULDN'T take the pizza......

But what this site is doing is offering the free pizza to everyone and their mother to get more hits, exploiting the pizza for its own profit, and now the pizza supplier is not making any more pizza, so both the people who bought the pizza and those who ate the same pizza for free (but thought it didn't taste too good) are cut off.

Now we will all starve.
now you are making a whole different point. you attacked me for being under appreciative, a "leecher" and not a real fan, and i set you straight on that bullshit.

you are still claiming that the people who got it for free appreciate it less than those who paid for it. that's garbage and you know it. the people that bought it have a clouded opinion of what it is because they dropped money on it. it's that simple. anyone would.

you seem to have a misguided sense of loyalty. dante is not going to make you his best friend and invite you over to his crib in iowa for a day of drinking tea and listening to rare toopack just because you financed his next 5 meals at the olive garden.

i am under no illusions about this site offering downloads en masse for traffic. that's nothing to do with me. caesar can do what he likes. and for the record - when mr. pizza shop decides he needs a cash injection he'll make more pizza because he knows he can sell it to gullible folks who really and truly believe that it won't leak, cos "this time's it'll be different".
then after he's made some scrilla from those folks, it'll be out there again, no matter how many private forums, private websites, chastity belts, eye-scanners, dna matchers, securitas vaults, bodyguards and kryptonite-encrusted padlocks are in usage.

not to mention - there's more than one person that sells pizza. the resourceful will never starve. don't give me that shit like there's some sort of Iowan monopoly on unreleased tupac material.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
No offence Militant, but people aren't gonna divulge life long secrets to people they have known for 5 minutes and sent in by the BBC... If they showed you, they've showed a lot of people.... And a lot of the people that post (or posted) here have built up quite intricate and trusting relationships with these people... and heard stories and music that will never see the light of day.... Well... Apart from on their stereos... Johnny J is different, he has a bad attitude problem, and an air of elitism.... But he has a little birdy in his ear....

A couple of Admin's from hitemup days, have even been working on a book, with the blessing of Shock G and Afeni....

But it's events like this that show the bitching and unfortunate lack of loyalty on the net.... The fact people feel the need to kick a man and celebrate the fact... The fact people are far too happy to share their opinion and jump in thread which they should really skip... I know of no project, or elite collectors group, therefore I skip this thread and don't comment.....

Now will all this shit spur on the book's completion (it's very, very good), all will it dampen the enthusiasm we once had for a rapper who has crappy remixed music and a new wave of immature and jealous fans.... Fans who are usually fat and squeaky.....


Well-Known Member
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No offence Militant, but people aren't gonna divulge life long secrets to people they have known for 5 minutes and sent in by the BBC... If they showed you, they've showed a lot of people.... And a lot of the people that post (or posted) here have built up quite intricate and trusting relationships with these people... and heard stories and music that will never see the light of day.... Well... Apart from on their stereos... Johnny J is different, he has a bad attitude problem, and an air of elitism.... But he has a little birdy in his ear....

A couple of Admin's from hitemup days, have even been working on a book, with the blessing of Shock G and Afeni....

But it's events like this that show the bitching and unfortunate lack of loyalty on the net.... The fact people feel the need to kick a man and celebrate the fact... The fact people are far too happy to share their opinion and jump in thread which they should really skip... I know of no project, or elite collectors group, therefore I skip this thread and don't comment.....

Now will all this shit spur on the book's completion (it's very, very good), all will it dampen the enthusiasm we once had for a rapper who has crappy remixed music and a new wave of immature and jealous fans.... Fans who are usually fat and squeaky.....

I'm aware of that Pitts. The point I was trying to make is that EriM accused me of being under-appreciative regarding the Changed Man OG and used that to assert that I wasn't "a real fan".

I know a lot of people have built up intricate and trusted relationships with all manner of people associated with 'Pac, and therefore may be privy to things the general public aren't. That's exactly my point - all of us that have done that know there's a lot more to be excited about than this rip. It's great, but I'm not yelling down the town and jumping for joy because of it.

I wasn't trying to say that everything everyone I have met told me is stuff they haven't said before, but I'm comfortable enough with some of the things that I know aren't widely known, and I'm not going to speak on them because a lot was said off the record. That's not even the issue though, but I'll be damned if someone is gonna accuse me of not being a real fan just because they're upset over a leak that has absolutely fuck-all to do with me anyway!!

What's your issue with Johnny? I found him to be a very nice guy and I didn't pick up on any attitude problem or elitism. Maybe you have had a different experience with dealing with him, I dunno.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
What's your issue with Johnny? I found him to be a very nice guy and I didn't pick up on any attitude problem or elitism. Maybe you have had a different experience with dealing with him, I dunno.

Yeah... I do... lol

Don't wanna say too much. I'd like to repair it in the future. He has been getting bad advice.
Sorry for the angryish post, it was just the 'egotistical' comment annoyed me.

What feeling overcomes you when you obtain a rare 2pac track that many many 2pac fans don't have? Don't bullshit me, man.
Do you want to know the honest truth? Not at all. I don't collect the music to have 'one up' on others, I collect the music because I enjoy listening to it.

You would find in my review of the album I stated 'It's a shame the wider scene will never get to hear these because...'

I don't care who has what, so long as my personal collection keeps growing.

The difference between myself and the other collectors who paid for this project compared to the wider scene is simply that - We are prepared to drop the money neccesary to make growing our collections a reality, whereas the wider scene prefers to leech.

I am not weak. I don't need unreleased 2pac music to live. It seems you do, you're pathetic.
I could be your average mid 20ish guy and go out, get fucked up every weekend, waste my life but personally, I prefer to live a quiet life, just enjoying the things I enjoy.

Is that so bad?
At the end of the day, you cannot expect those of us who paid not to be annoyed the wider scene is getting it for free.

You may not care & I actually understand that, but you just can't expect us not to be annoyed.

& from the sellers perspective, they entrusted a group of people and one or more of them fucked them over - Equally, they very much have every right to feel cheated.


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At the end of the day, you cannot expect those of us who paid not to be annoyed the wider scene is getting it for free.

You may not care & I actually understand that, but you just can't expect us not to be annoyed.

& from the sellers perspective, they entrusted a group of people and one or more of them fucked them over - Equally, they very much have every right to feel cheated.
I feel you on that, anyone would be annoyed. I just think that if you expected it not to leak, you were being overly idealistic.


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
I feel you on that, anyone would be annoyed. I just think that if you expected it not to leak, you were being overly idealistic.
but you don't know the full facts. you only "know" what you assume. ...and keep tossing my state of residence into this as if it makes one iota of difference, you yarn haired freak. oh, and your boy johnny j isn't the saint you make him out to be. i know a couple people who have made deals with him to varying degrees. oh but you got us in the end because i've never had waffles with the guy so i'll stfu now and go back to that other site that sucks so much balls yet reps pac maybe even more than hitemup used to.
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