Post Count reset?

Was there a post count reset.

Been a long time member, I view a lot but don't post a lot because of the children on messege boards. I log in and saw I have 17 post count. Had over 4000 posts.

Not a big deal, just wondering.

Thanks for bringing back guys.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Well, during the hack a couple years ago we lost all the posts but the post count remained, it was fake and not a real representation of how many posts were in the system. We recently bought and migrated to a new server and the post count now shows the accurate amount of actual posts of yours existing in the database.

So in short, it's not that the post count was reset, it's that the old posts are gone.


Will suck off black men for a dime
lol I think if shits like this then it should be across the board. or at least if possible have two counters in whoever profile who wants to show how many he really has & same time how many on record so it wont fuck up again

is there a record of how many posts before the hack or some shit? or just estimated

a few top posters r separated by like thousands of posts lmao

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