yeah i like Ron Burgundy. Anchorman has been his best movie so far.
going back to SNL.. he was funny when he did Alex Trebek his parody of jeopardy. and Darrell Hammond was Sean Connery. always giving Alex a hard time. that is priceless.
and Even when Ferrell did Harey Carey. that still cracks me up
Lol, dude those Jeopardy skits are the most priceless bits of sketch comedy ever. That's the best thing SNL ever had. I was addicted to those for a long time. If his Alex Trebeck was an original bit, and not an impression, that would easily win. Also, I've seen the few Celeb jeopardys without sean connery and they suck!
I love the final jeopardy parts.
Trebeck: Write a number, any number. Any number and you win. We'll accept any number...any number at all. A one, a two, or a three. Or how about a 4. It's that simple. I know you can do this...
Trebeck: Let's start with French Stewart who's grinning like an idiot. You wrote..."Threeve". A combination of three and five--simply stunning. And you wagered Texas with a dollar sign in front. I'm speechless.