A Message From The Traz Jackers Don

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Vito Capone and i am the leader of The Traz Jackers. It was I and I alone that convinced so many members on the board to go against the pedophile ways of Big Easy and the remainder of Traz. My group consists of many members, some of which you already know and others you do not. In the coming Trazlympic events, you will see the greatness of our members and the things that we are capable of doing. Insults from current Traz members mean nothing to us and are taken in stride. We could give a shit about your photoshoped pictures and your so-called "Classic Traz Threads." Those are in the past and a former shadow of what you once were, GET OVER IT!

On a side note i would like to address the betrayal of Rizzle...Peaches....DickPleases,.....whatever the fuck you are going by right now and say GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU FUCKING BACKSTABBER! I would also like to make it known that The Traz Jackers was originally created for the purpose of pissing off Big (Pedophile) Easy and eliminate the remainder of Traz.

I understand many of you question why i chose the name "Traz Jackers" when the name itself contains "Traz." The truth is I decided to include Traz in our name to piss off Eric even more when we straight jack moved his bitch ass. These last few years Eric has been running around making an ass of himself and a mockery of what Traz originally was. Somebody had to stand up and regulate this little girl loving pedophile and that somebody is us. I would like to make it clear that once our mission is complete, we will then change our group name to what it originally was meant to be (it will be revealed in due time). In closing i would like to say that WE ARE THE FUTURE, WE ARE TRAZ JACKERS, AND WE WILL NOT REST UNTIL OUR MISSION IS COMPLETE. TRAZ JACKERS BLAST!

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