50 Cents Gettin Shot : career wise, a good thing or a bad thing?
pdxmuthaphucka said:
Good : for street credability/respect
Bad : for Record Labels......they don't want to sign a problem
but really, that's the only reason I feel he was signed......'cuz Eminem found someone with a real story behind there music.....it brings a realness to it.......
could you be anymore wrong?
Good for record labels because controversy pushes tapes, and that's what record labels care about. Do you really think Interscope gives two shits if 50 Cent is a nice guy if he's making them money?
Getting shot isn't bad for anything unless it does permanent damage to your health. It doesn't make you more or less respectable in hip-hop. It's how you handle yourself afterwards. I think he might have gotten more street cred from some of those ignorant fools out there (which I don't get by the way.. he got shot for saying some dumb shit.. how does that make you more credible?), but it doesn't give him more credibility as a rapper. He handled himself in an undignified fashion afterwards, which is why a lot of hip-hop fans don't respect him.
50 got signed because he was a good rapper surrounded by controversy who was willing to dumb himself down and go pop to sell records. It has nothing to do with being 'real.' It's all about how much the 12-22 demographic will eat him up.