from xym
nightmare and a dream": Palestinians rise up w/ Ali Abunimah“ (The Red Nation).
This is the first noticeable Israeli massacre after the creation of the Multipolar World. Israel wants to get in on this, hence the proposed trade route from India to Europe through Saudi Arabia and Israel, but Israel is very close to making itself a permanent Multipolar pariah.
Netanyahu's Dangerous Overreaction w/Alastair Crooke fmr Brit ambassador“ (Napolitano).
I’m reading and watching a lot of people warning that Gaza will now be fully ethnically cleansed. That won’t happen. The IDF isn’t capable of much of anything, except carpet bombing, and the cost of the constant carpet bombing required to depopulate Gaza will, as before, be outrage from the world community. Bibi will eventually back down. If he doesn’t, he will have a full regional war, facing Hezbollah, Iran, Jordan, Syria, Turkey and Egypt, even the Saudis and Pakistanis. Israel will be permanently excluded from the Multipolar World, its economy will be wrecked, and the Khazars may even get pushed into the sea.
Again, as usual, we have to stop buying into the (((media))) lies of Israeli power, which are constructed to serve as a warning. If the Muslim world is angry enough, the threats won’t help. Israel has nukes, but if it uses them, it will be a permanent international pariah. The men in the tiny hats are fully aware of all of this. Bibi has to kill enough Muslims to satiate the usual Khazar blood lust, it is almost like a ritual sacrifice, perhaps some multiple of the Israeli Jewish dead, and then he can back down. If he goes into Gaza in a land war, stupid but probable (and falling into the trap set by Hamas), the systematic issues with the IDF will be revealed for all to see, and the staggering number of IDF casualties will soon put an end to the operation, and even to Bibi’s power (and then he goes to jail).
Origins of Hamas/Israeli War w/ John J. Mearsheimer“ (Napolitano).
Excellent all around. The funniest thing is that the full two-state solution, as originally proposed by the Saudis and repeated just now by Putin, is, despite all the Khazar atrocities, still on the table for Israel. Clean the scum settlers out of the Occupied Territories and East Jerusalem, and establish a Palestinian state in the Occupied Territories and Gaza, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and Israel is home free, fully ‘normalized’ with everybody, a ‘normal’ country like every other country for all time. But there is not a snowball’s chance in hell they can agree to it. Not only will they not give up these things they have stolen to keep the other things they have stolen, they will never give up the prospect of Greater Israel.