This is my thread

"Get out of my uterus! *middle finger* lol

War on Everything brought to you by Vanguard and Blackrock.

Major companies including Disney, JP Morgan and Facebook owner Meta have told staff they will cover employee travel expenses for abortions, as millions of US women face restricted access.

Oh! Thank God! :rolleyes:

So, is a Pfizer anti-pregnancy vaccine in the works?


Mizuko kuyō (水子供養) meaning "water child memorial service", is a Japanese Buddhist ceremony for those who have had a miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion. It is also practiced in Thailand and China. This practice has become particularly visible since the 1970s with the creation of shrines devoted solely to this ritual. Reasons for the performance of these rites can include parental grief, desire to comfort the soul of the fetus, guilt for an abortion, or even fear of retribution from a vengeful ghost.

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Well-Known Member

"Pregnancy begins with a penis. Regulate that."

Okay, this just ruined my day a little. Am I misunderstanding what that's supposed to mean? I guess it ends with a vagina then? How the fuck does pregnancy begin with a penis? What about if the woman's on top lmao? That's like saying car tunnel serial crashes begin with cars... No wait :oops: they actually do. Wait a sec...

It's like saying electromagnetism starts with positive attraction. Or that yin-yang starts with yin. I don't have any strong opinions about the right answer concerning abortions. I empathize with women in difficult situations, ie. incest/rape victim having to carry forth the child-scenario. I 100% support that victims of unwanted pregnancy due to things "like that" should be allowed to abort the pregnancy. But I also recognize that calling a fetus a life is a legit stance, and I also empathize with those who find abortions immoral. Shit, I empathize with people that don't wanna kill flies and I empathize with people that wanna bomb a whole country, feelings make sense when you can understand where they come from. As far as pregnant 10 year olds go... That's a third world phenomenon. In most of the west that shit doesn't happen. It happens in poor societies. It happens in trailer parks. It happens to people that have undiagnosed development issues. It happens to addicts. For some reason, it happens a lot in the UK and America. It happens to certain demographics that exist due to failed social policy. Granting abortions should be a symptomatic treatment while we figure out how to solve the root problem, but it's became this right that people feel entitled to. I understand that moralizing about the person getting pregnant is useless from a societal point of view. I understand why it's a bad idea for a 10-year old to have and raise a baby. Anything I say that suggests otherwise was misinterpreted.

But boy oh boy when either side of some on-going battle start using false narratives as weapons, gloves come off and they deserve to suffer through all seven circles of hell... Pregnancy doesn't start with a penis, it starts with two people deciding to have unprotected sex. There's at least about 1 minute of foreplay and 2 minutes of on-going sex where either one could have been like "oh wait, that's right, babies etc." but neither of them did. How the fuck did that all start with a penis? I ask again, what if the woman's on top? Fuck that person (in the ass, so they don't get pregnant), seriously. Call me psycho, but I want people like this person with the "starts with a penis" poster to lose everything they have.

I honestly don't know what my end-all be-all opinion about the overall abortion issue is, at the end of the day. It's kinda too big. Maybe what I'm saying is abortions should be a temporary symptomatic treatment for these social issues and not a right. Maybe filling out some forms and having some educated people decide whether you're full of shit before you get the "okay" is a good idea. Unjust perhaps, but this isn't about rights, it's about helping people that need it. If an upstanding citizen in their 20s ends up getting pregnant "by accident", imo, tough luck, get fucked, and do the right thing already. Travelling for a few years and finding yourself, or getting the education you always dreamed of, isn't a right . It's a privilege, and one thing you gotta do to have that privilege, is to not get fucked and pregnant before you're at the finish line. That means holding back in the moment and not living on a whim, as a sacrifice to get other things you want. In spirit of how the world actually works. One can't have it all, choices matter. I thought these were important principles of human life. Action-reaction etc. Make some choices in life god damnit. Okay, I guess I do have some strong opinions about the matter, lol. They're just not the polarized "make abortions illegal!" or "abortion is a female right and men should shut up!".
White male privileging like a mother fucker.


Well-Known Member
White male privileging like a mother fucker.
Lmao, I dunno if you're joking or making a good point, but I assume it's a joke.

I do think my ideas are a product of western privilege so you're kinda hitting a nerve lol. At the end of the day, I don't want anyone to be sad/mad. Muslims deserve their happiness, as do girls, as do homosexuals, as do trans people.

But fuck. I used to be fat, I haven't fucked in five years, I'm not a looker, I never made a career for myself, I'm minimum wage, but I'm happy, I'm not bitter at the world. I feel like the proper concoction of problems and bliss to have a say in matters that relate to people that aren't your typical western upper middle class (which is the top of the bell curve in the west).

When I fuck someone, and they get pregnant, and I have to be the dad, I don't think "man, I wish abortions were easier". I think "man, I fucked up and it's time to own up". Imo that's the way to be, but I only say that because that's the way I am. So while you may have been joking, this mentality is why I'm not concerned about the "white privilege" discussion. Whatever white privilege I have, well fuck, I would trade it with some black motherfucker that's owning life in the split of a second. Fuck that white privilege shit, it's fucking bullshit. Maybe there are some people up in Texas rich off of oil to which it applies to but I don't get down with that. Throw it in my face and I'll spit back, fuck black people that think my life was easier than theirs. They haven't even quantified the shit, they're just speaking emotionally (as I am now). End of the day, social debt is a flawed concept that people need to get over. In Norway we didn't keep African slaves like that and I grew up worshipping African-American culture, so fuck that shit. I get into it with my dad about muslims all the time cause I believe in fighting the good fight and holding your tongue straight.


Well-Known Member
Mizuko kuyō (水子供養) meaning "water child memorial service", is a Japanese Buddhist ceremony for those who have had a miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion. It is also practiced in Thailand and China. This practice has become particularly visible since the 1970s with the creation of shrines devoted solely to this ritual. Reasons for the performance of these rites can include parental grief, desire to comfort the soul of the fetus, guilt for an abortion, or even fear of retribution from a vengeful ghost.

A human is made from a sperm and an egg. They melt together and start creating cells. DNA instructs the cell division. The way the fetus develops can be abstracted as the grain of sand/heap problem. Imagine you have a heap of sand grains. You remove one at a time. When does the heap of sand stop being a heap. Or imagine you have a bucket of sant, and you place one sand grain on the floor. Then another. At what number of sand grains does it turn into a heap/pile? What consitutes the "heap" or "pile"? Is it a specific number of grains? Or does it have to do with the context in which you view the question? <insert more philosophical bullshit>. The correct answer is: there is no answer to this. So when is a human life a human life? There is no answer. If you say "at conception" you're right, if you say "the moment the heart starts beating" you're right, and if you say "the moment they are born" you're right. There is no right or wrong here.

Which leads me to believe, due to how I know humans to behave, that whatever people choose to believe is whatever serves their personal cause the most. People that get pregnant but don't want the baby, will say "it's not a human until it's born", while people that think anything living is sacred, even trees, will say "at the moment of conception". There is no right or wrong. That's the problem. Abortion is unnatural AF. But so are rubber wheels that we use for cars that basically are the crutch to our whole way of living. How would medicine make it from China to the US without trailer trucks.

So yeah. Difficult shit. But for people to be like "get out of my uterus" and "it's old white men trying to decide what women should do" is just fucked on a whole other level. I mean, if we're gonna deal with reality, let's be realistic. White men don't want to govern females' uteruses. That's not what the issue is, and whenever you reduce it to that, you're a fucking idiot and should be raped and shot. Semi-kidding, but not wholly.

The best thing for individuals is to understand what it means when we agree that "not all things are black and white". It means that often when you feel you're right, you're actually wrong. Maybe I'm wrong right now.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog

"Pregnancy begins with a penis. Regulate that."

Okay, this just ruined my day a little. Am I misunderstanding what that's supposed to mean? I guess it ends with a vagina then? How the fuck does pregnancy begin with a penis? What about if the woman's on top lmao? That's like saying car tunnel serial crashes begin with cars... No wait :oops: they actually do. Wait a sec...

It's like saying electromagnetism starts with positive attraction. Or that yin-yang starts with yin. I don't have any strong opinions about the right answer concerning abortions. I empathize with women in difficult situations, ie. incest/rape victim having to carry forth the child-scenario. I 100% support that victims of unwanted pregnancy due to things "like that" should be allowed to abort the pregnancy. But I also recognize that calling a fetus a life is a legit stance, and I also empathize with those who find abortions immoral. Shit, I empathize with people that don't wanna kill flies and I empathize with people that wanna bomb a whole country, feelings make sense when you can understand where they come from. As far as pregnant 10 year olds go... That's a third world phenomenon. In most of the west that shit doesn't happen. It happens in poor societies. It happens in trailer parks. It happens to people that have undiagnosed development issues. It happens to addicts. For some reason, it happens a lot in the UK and America. It happens to certain demographics that exist due to failed social policy. Granting abortions should be a symptomatic treatment while we figure out how to solve the root problem, but it's became this right that people feel entitled to. I understand that moralizing about the person getting pregnant is useless from a societal point of view. I understand why it's a bad idea for a 10-year old to have and raise a baby. Anything I say that suggests otherwise was misinterpreted.

But boy oh boy when either side of some on-going battle start using false narratives as weapons, gloves come off and they deserve to suffer through all seven circles of hell... Pregnancy doesn't start with a penis, it starts with two people deciding to have unprotected sex. There's at least about 1 minute of foreplay and 2 minutes of on-going sex where either one could have been like "oh wait, that's right, babies etc." but neither of them did. How the fuck did that all start with a penis? I ask again, what if the woman's on top? Fuck that person (in the ass, so they don't get pregnant), seriously. Call me psycho, but I want people like this person with the "starts with a penis" poster to lose everything they have.

I honestly don't know what my end-all be-all opinion about the overall abortion issue is, at the end of the day. It's kinda too big. Maybe what I'm saying is abortions should be a temporary symptomatic treatment for these social issues and not a right. Maybe filling out some forms and having some educated people decide whether you're full of shit before you get the "okay" is a good idea. Unjust perhaps, but this isn't about rights, it's about helping people that need it. If an upstanding citizen in their 20s ends up getting pregnant "by accident", imo, tough luck, get fucked, and do the right thing already. Travelling for a few years and finding yourself, or getting the education you always dreamed of, isn't a right . It's a privilege, and one thing you gotta do to have that privilege, is to not get fucked and pregnant before you're at the finish line. That means holding back in the moment and not living on a whim, as a sacrifice to get other things you want. In spirit of how the world actually works. One can't have it all, choices matter. I thought these were important principles of human life. Action-reaction etc. Make some choices in life god damnit. Okay, I guess I do have some strong opinions about the matter, lol. They're just not the polarized "make abortions illegal!" or "abortion is a female right and men should shut up!".

Most of these signs are just tongue in cheek and can also just simply be shitty signs. It's probably trying to flip the tables on the burden of not getting pregnant being put solely on women and not on both people responsible for a pregnancy.

It could also be a call for men to get serious about birth control too and be more willing to get a vasectomy or use a condom, since OCPs sound pretty shitty and full of side effects for women. And expensive. And a bitch to take daily. Yet a large number of women are on it, albeit for various reasons.

I will say that there's a strong focus on male law makers and male voters that hold anti-choice views but there are plenty of women that hold these views and vote, as well.

Which goes back to your original question of what the point of these signs are and I'll tell you that not everyone at a Women's/BLM/anti-vax/Proud Boys March knows what the fuck they're doing/saying/standing for. Many people are there to chase social media clout or are bored and had nothing better to do that day and so they just show up. It's a dopamine rush to say "I was there" and that's it.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
A human is made from a sperm and an egg. They melt together and start creating cells. DNA instructs the cell division. The way the fetus develops can be abstracted as the grain of sand/heap problem. Imagine you have a heap of sand grains. You remove one at a time. When does the heap of sand stop being a heap. Or imagine you have a bucket of sant, and you place one sand grain on the floor. Then another. At what number of sand grains does it turn into a heap/pile? What consitutes the "heap" or "pile"? Is it a specific number of grains? Or does it have to do with the context in which you view the question? <insert more philosophical bullshit>. The correct answer is: there is no answer to this. So when is a human life a human life? There is no answer. If you say "at conception" you're right, if you say "the moment the heart starts beating" you're right, and if you say "the moment they are born" you're right. There is no right or wrong here.

Which leads me to believe, due to how I know humans to behave, that whatever people choose to believe is whatever serves their personal cause the most. People that get pregnant but don't want the baby, will say "it's not a human until it's born", while people that think anything living is sacred, even trees, will say "at the moment of conception". There is no right or wrong. That's the problem. Abortion is unnatural AF. But so are rubber wheels that we use for cars that basically are the crutch to our whole way of living. How would medicine make it from China to the US without trailer trucks.

So yeah. Difficult shit. But for people to be like "get out of my uterus" and "it's old white men trying to decide what women should do" is just fucked on a whole other level. I mean, if we're gonna deal with reality, let's be realistic. White men don't want to govern females' uteruses. That's not what the issue is, and whenever you reduce it to that, you're a fucking idiot and should be raped and shot. Semi-kidding, but not wholly.

The best thing for individuals is to understand what it means when we agree that "not all things are black and white". It means that often when you feel you're right, you're actually wrong. Maybe I'm wrong right now.

One theory I've read about, at least in the US, is that the decline in the White population has some white Christians clutching their pearls. They want to repopulate the country and bring that White population back up or risk being drowned in a sea of non-whites. I'm sure it has some merit, but it doesn't explain the reason why Christian non-Whites are also fighting tooth and nail to end abortions, like the Hispanic population. I'm sure there are Muslims in the US that also oppose abortions.


Well-Known Member
One theory I've read about, at least in the US, is that the decline in the White population has some white Christians clutching their pearls. They want to repopulate the country and bring that White population back up or risk being drowned in a sea of non-whites. I'm sure it has some merit, but it doesn't explain the reason why Christian non-Whites are also fighting tooth and nail to end abortions, like the Hispanic population. I'm sure there are Muslims in the US that also oppose abortions.
There's probably something culturally that's evading me because while those people do exist in Norway, they're a tiny minority. Most Norwegians, as I gather it anyway, are for a multicultural world. So I'm speaking from a 100% non racist point of view. Maybe that makes me a bit gullible.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
There's probably something culturally that's evading me because while those people do exist in Norway, they're a tiny minority. Most Norwegians, as I gather it anyway, are for a multicultural world. So I'm speaking from a 100% non racist point of view. Maybe that makes me a bit gullible.

It could be a cultural thing. The US was referred to as a "cultural melting pot" for the longest time but it also had a dark underside that not a whole lot of people talked about until recently. Maybe the last ten years when social media got big and the average Joe had a voice, good or bad.

From what I've seen on places like Reddit, a lot of the issues in the US fly over the heads of non-US users and they always seem to be confused as to why race is a such a big deal. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't in the grand scheme of things but it's still a hot issue. I think Europe is seeing a more rapid decline in religion compared to the rest of the world. If memory serves me correctly, the Nordic countries even more so. Maybe that's the common factor. It might be declining in the US as well but there's a big part of the country, namely the South, where politics and religion are intertwined more than they should be. Which, to be honest, should be 0 and not even a little bit if we want to call ourselves "secular." But that's not the case for some people and a lot of these churches that have a cult-like following are pumping money in to the elected officials that help their cause and they get their brainwashed followers to go along with it, too.
It happens in other countries too. I know India has a Hindu Nationalist problem that has Sikhs and Muslims unhappy. But India isn't as racial diverse as the US so it may still be an issue that's bubbling underwater and hasn't surfaced yet. It most definitely has surfaced in the US and, maybe, Canada.
from Wiki

Infanticide became forbidden in Europe and the Near East during the 1st millennium. Christianity forbade infanticide from its earliest times, which led Constantine the Great and Valentinian I to ban infanticide across the Roman Empire in the 4th century. The practice ceased in Arabia in the 7th century after the founding of Islam, since the Quran prohibits infanticide. Infanticide of male babies had become uncommon in China by the Ming dynasty (1368–1644), whereas infanticide of female babies became more common during the One-Child Policy era (1979–2015). During the period of Company rule in India, the East India Company attempted to eliminate infanticide but were only partially successful, and female infanticide in some parts of India still continues. Infanticide is now very rare in industrialised countries but may persist elsewhere.

Since feudal Edo era Japan the common slang for infanticide was "mabiki" (間引き) which means to pull plants from an overcrowded garden. A typical method in Japan was smothering the baby's mouth and nose with wet paper. It became common as a method of population control. Farmers would often kill their second or third sons. Daughters were usually spared, as they could be married off, sold off as servants or prostitutes, or sent off to become geishas. Mabiki persisted in the 19th century and early 20th century. To bear twins was perceived as barbarous and unlucky and efforts were made to hide or kill one or both twins.

Can you imagine having a memorial for aborted babies in the US? Bigger than Arlington National.

This is the Peter Singer, the animal rights philosopher, who is relatively unknown despite being one of the more influential philosophers in modern history: "Abortion and Democracy in America". He's right, abortion is a life and death issue that should be in the hands of voters, even if you don't like what they decide. He's also right that the Court is not consistent. It doesn't help that Roe v. Wade was a particularly horrible example of judicial decision making, an abortion itself, grounded in 'privacy' and 'consent' notions which apparently didn't survive COVID (not to mention the fact that we now know that women are men and men are women, and men can have babies). I don't know why the woke are crying so much - isn't this a perfect opportunity to improve abortion rights, whether by state legislation or by setting up underground railroads to finance patients getting to states with abortion providers? The upshot could be more practical access to abortion. Of course, nobody really cares about abortion, as it is just a fundraising angle for both American political parties. I mean this seriously, caring about abortion is almost a relic of ancient times, with the main people who care - both for, and against - being, on average, seventy-five-year-old white middle-and-upper-class women. Despite some silliness like knocking down statues, the main political effect of abortion has been to gravely reduce the political power of blacks in America by relatively reducing the black population. -xymphora
Use your head, avoid unwanted pregnancy!
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Seems like a par for the weekend in Chicago but I guess not in Highland Park :(

"Rapper" lol :rolleyes:

I read somewhere that 2/3 of Americans don't know who the US gained Independence from :eek:

I was waiting for my BBQ chicken pizza to finish when a big head appeared on the television and he was like "here are 200-n-some American flags somewhere! It represents all the years of freedom American has enjoyed! It reminds us that freedom isn't free!"

These news programs on the television feel to me like a SNL skit! No wonder.
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Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Starbucks and Disney will pay for your abortion, but don't recognise a reasonable level of maternity pay. America is closer in its morals to Saudi Arabia than to the majority of the West


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Just caught up on Stranger Things. Watched the first season as it dropped but just never got around to watching the rest of it. Wow, what a ride seasons 2-4 were. I was reminded of why I enjoyed season 1 so much; I didn't think subsequent seasons could top it but boy was I wrong.
Tetsuya Yamagami: "My original plan was to assassinate Abe with a homemade bomb, but the tests I conducted determined the explosive power to be insufficient so I decided to build a gun."

Americans are so fucking lazy. :(

According to the police, the suspect targeted Abe for his "ties to the Unification Church"
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Knock, Knock...
Staff member

A report produced by Oxford University and Imperial College London

View attachment 616

Excited to be living in such a transformative times but worried about spiritual wickedness in high places.

The 2030 timetable... is it arbitrary or is some kind of a clock ticking? One thing is for certain, a bunch of eggs will break for this bigass omelette.

How many times have human accurately predicted the future? Is it zero or is it zero?
Thank you Negrodamus! :p

I read it like a script that they would like to follow. "Fourth Industrial Revolution".

I see some good on paper like;

average size of cars reduces to ~1000kg.

Most goods made with 50% as much material, many now used for twice as long

Replace-with-new consumer mentality and modern crap breaking after 3 years needs to go anyway.

I think the unwritten part of this "revolution" is making things like meat, real estate and travel to become unaffordable for the average "consumer". Nobody is taking them away, instead they are dreams!
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Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Elon backtracking on purchasing Twitter:

I'm glad. I was really upset at this because I felt it would ruin the platform. I don't know how but it just would've gone to shit, I feel. I know it's a meme to shit on Twitter with "Twitter is a cesspool" but somehow I've managed to curate my feeds just the way I want them and it works for me. I have literally never gotten upset at something I read on Twitter. I do occasionally go to the comments when it's a user I know and like more than the rest, but I still don't see any shitposts or troll posts that get to me. I can't say the same about Instagram or Reddit. Even my Facebook is pretty tame and I have people on their with all sorts of views. Losing Twitter would've been a real sad day for me. Like losing Vine lol. Which I wasn't too attached to but still found it entertaining.

I don't know how many Canadians we have here but that telecom outage seemed like a big deal. I wonder if it's close to being fixed.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Elon backtracking on purchasing Twitter:

I'm glad. I was really upset at this because I felt it would ruin the platform. I don't know how but it just would've gone to shit, I feel. I know it's a meme to shit on Twitter with "Twitter is a cesspool" but somehow I've managed to curate my feeds just the way I want them and it works for me. I have literally never gotten upset at something I read on Twitter. I do occasionally go to the comments when it's a user I know and like more than the rest, but I still don't see any shitposts or troll posts that get to me. I can't say the same about Instagram or Reddit. Even my Facebook is pretty tame and I have people on their with all sorts of views. Losing Twitter would've been a real sad day for me. Like losing Vine lol. Which I wasn't too attached to but still found it entertaining.

I don't know how many Canadians we have here but that telecom outage seemed like a big deal. I wonder if it's close to being fixed.

He was never going to spend 44bn on Twitter. May as well have set his money on fire.

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