You're gonna have to explain this to me. On Facebook you were one of the more vocal anti-Trump people but other social has the same thing you're saying. "Sorry, we fucked up."
Who's the apology for? People act like it's something out of their control but the people around you voted. There was no magic at work here. This wasn't a tornado or a hurricane where it's "uhp, we can't control it, guess we gotta adapt to it and seek shelter or move out."
Most everyone can agree it was an election of choosing between the lesser evils. If Hillary was your "lesser" evil, do you still say the same thing? "Sorry, we fucked up?"
If that was the case, people like you should've said that as soon as the nominees were announced. And even then, you all were slow to the party because it was still too late.
People voted him in. Why are others acting like like some supernatural force put one candidate in front of the other? There are numbers that show, roughly, who voted which way and where from.
I don't get it. I was in the South when Obama won in 08 and it was the same shitty fear-mongering by the rednecks down there. "He's gonna ruin this country. He's a Muslim. He loves ISIS." Forget the attacks on his race.
Same shit now. "He's gonna ruin this country. He's in Russia's pocket." If everyone were as fucking great of a political pundit about how the world works, people wouldn't be crying, literally, as Trump's win as announced last night. You would've seen it coming if you truly had a gauge on what people of this country wanted and how they were going to vote as a result of it. If those people were wrong about who was going to win, then post-election, you probably have no fucking clue what that candidate is going to do now.
I don't give two shits about politics but I stayed up until the very end to hear Trump's speech. And that pathetic tail tucking by Depodesta at Hillary's HQ. And what the news was saying, that Trump swung states Obama had previous dominated in but Clinton faltered in this time, that people were worried more about their jobs and livelihood than immigration (which may or may not play a role in it) made a ton of sense.
The loudest people in this were likely the people that had nothing to lose. This was a popularity contest where no one really had any vested interest in what the results of the elections were. It was simply to take a side for the fuck of it. No different than sports. This is Alabama-Notre Dame for the national championship, when people who didn't watch football at all in the North thought ND was going to dominate Alabama. This is Manny vs Floyd a year ago, when people who couldn't tell you how many rounds were in a boxing match were giving their "expert" opinion on who was going to win. And after the match, had their expert opinion on how the match was rigged or how the fighters could better their technique. This is taking sides in a beef with rappers. Meek Mill vs Drake that becomes even more exaggerated because of social media, memes, and other bullshit.
Most people decrying the election results loudly aren't angry or scared because their lives are affected. They're upset their team lost. Because there were plenty of chances to fix this. If you supported Hillary, your party actively sabotaged a more popular candidate from earning the nominee. People did fuck all about that. I don't know how Trump won the GOP nominee, that's just a head scratcher. People are angry at the results instead of looking to fix the cause of it. And that's what's frustrating.
I do understand that some people are genuinely fearful of what happens next. What Trump has said vs what he'll actually do is another story. But as far as what's on social media and being said elsewhere, I think it's a front. A front that will go away within the next month. Because social media would have had you believe with all the concerts rappers were throwing in support of Hillary, Hillary had this one in the bag. Gucci Mane, Kendrick, Beyonce, Jay-Z all seemed to show support for her. LeBron supported her openly. 538 Sports had their mathematician basically say Hillary had this in the bag. The NYT said Hillary had an 83% of winning.
All those signs pointed to Hillary winning. And she didn't. So all these people,
on both sides, that are coming out trying to predict the future and what it means. What the fuck do you know? You couldn't predict a Trump win, you couldn't stop the wrong candidate from your own party from gaining the nominee. It makes you wonder if voters even know what they want for themselves with all these historic states swinging the other way.
If that's what you meant by "we fucked up," then OK. But there was a very long timeline involved in this election, and if you're waiting until the very end, literally, once the winner is announced, to say you fucked up then you're slow as hell and this election and politics is not for you. That's why I stay out of it. But to see these apologists out and free, it's an act. The people really getting fucked by this won't have the time nor the means to casually debate it on the internet. No one living in poverty has time to retweet "dank memes" from Black People Twitter.