Technology Windows 8


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I think the WP8 UI looks like shit, personally. Woo multicolored squares of different sizes in a grid. Boring.


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Hahah, Microsoft started working on a new desktop Windows OS with a 2013 project deadline. I think they realized that 8 is going to be a failure when most tech businesses expressed that they won't be upgrading to it. It looks exactly like the Windows Vista - Windows 7 case. I bet they'll release those "using Metro on your desktop isn't THAT terrible" videos like they did with Vista.

Microsoft need a new CEO and.. I think they hire the wrong king of workers. Amongst tech people there's that "just don't go working for Microsoft" mentality as of lately. Back in the days it was the cool place to work at and it was actually hard to get in. Now they seem to hire fools and their management strategies somehow make good workers quit and fools stay.


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That's exactly the case, unfortunately. With Metro you say "bye bye" to multitasking and 'windows', which is crazy for a Desktop OS.

I installed the customer preview version and using it was really terrible. I even tried to get used to it, thinking that I was simply whining and that I'm getting afraid of change but no, it's simply hands down the worst Windows version for its time. It kills productivity. I don't mean only "work'. It's really hard to use it for work but it's also hard to do anything if you like doing more than 1 thing at a time on your computer.

Microsoft are fortunate that Windows 7 is still good and most people will be fine using it for another year or two. If it wasn't the case Apple would happily gain a lot of new consumers coming from Windows. Heck, Windows 8 makes a lot of people jump to Linux already. Including companies, even video game companies (Steam).


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So apparently Americans don't see the Microsoft Surface as a shitty product for some reason I can't understand. It's especially funny because that's where Microsoft's slow and painful death began.
The freaking Windows RT (! incompatible with Windows programs) version with no keyboard just sold out in the US. It's funny, because there's absolutely no interest outside of the US so that might be some sort of marketing move from Microsoft.
It's beyond me how you can preorder that. Maybe the pre-orders only included a few hundred units in total or something.

Even I would rather get an Ipad, or almost any other tablet actually.

edit: Judging by the comments under most news articles they got people fooled thinking that it's a full x86 device that is able to run Windows programs. Or at least that's what most people thought - that they would be able to run their PC stuff on this tablet.


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You can on the x86 version, it's called PRO I think. It starts at 1000$...
The problem is a lot of people thought the 500$ version would be able to do that and preordered the RT version.

The RT version only runs bundled apps and whatever will be available at the Market developed for the ARM platform. Hardware-wise it's basically as powerful as the Nexus 7, except 3 inches bigger and three times as heavy. MINUS GPS, NFC, there's no mobile connectivity as well. It's a really shitty deal.


Knock, Knock...
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Yeah. I downloaded the android version. I want the full-on PC version...

Now I need to find a business reason for a win8 tablet...! As I won't be spending that kind of money....!


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I don't think there's a business reason for Windows 8. The best part about it is that it's able to run programs made for older Windows systems.

Personally I'd wait for other manufacturers to come up with their Windows 8 tablets. I'm pretty sure Asus will have something cheaper soon, perhaps even cheaper and better next year.


Well-Known Member
It's funny, because there's absolutely no interest outside of the US so that might be some sort of marketing move from Microsoft.
It's beyond me how you can preorder that. Maybe the pre-orders only included a few hundred units in total or something.
It sold out in the UK as well


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I predict a huge outrage when those devices ship.

Confronted with a lack of information, I did what any good consumer might: I called up my local Microsoft Store and asked a representative about Windows RT's capabilities. I played it dumb. Then, shocked by what I heard, I called up three others, and chatted up four more via the Microsoft Store website. Eight representatives in total.


Credit goes to this rep though:

Anyways, it should be made obvious. It's funny how most people want the Surface for their work (or games, lol) on the go. Surprise, surprise, I suppose.


Well-Known Member
It's sad really and will most likely leave customers feeling cheated by Microsoft. It will hurt them if enough of them are bothered about this.

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