So I've played with the One X. I say it's a neat phone. Looks better in reality - especially the white version. It feels really very slim and that's the main reason why you can tell that it's a new-gen phone. It's funny because the 4,7 inch screen doesn't feel that big at all. It doesn't feel significantly bigger than my 4,3 inch Arc and I was holding both against each other. So if they design the SGS3 properly (slim, small bezel) I could live with a 4,5-4,7 inch screen I suppose.
I'm not really digging the Sense 4. Honestly? My single core Arc *feels* more responsive. You can't feel the processing power, it doesn't do things faster. I was expecting more I think. Why all the processing power then?
I'm not feeling the physical buttons too. They're strange, they feel like they're too big, stealing from the screen estate.
The screen is good for an LCD but it's the same thing as with my Arc - the quality is very similar and everyone say how great they both are (in reviews) while I'm not too satisfied with mine, and I can say that the one on One X is similar. They are good for LCDs but they are not outstanding in any ways. Feels kind of dim - only the viewing angles are better than on my phone. It's just a normal LCD imho, a pretty good one but you'll be disappointed after reading most reviews. It's not anything that can even begin to compete with any AMOLED. The pixel density feels good though compared to pentile amoleds.
BUT it appears to be a good phone, and I like the fact that it's so slim.
I agree with Casey and Aron - I'm looking forward to the SGS3 and HTC have stepped their game up.
At the same time A9 quad core on the SGS3? That sucks. Not because of performance - but because the A15/Krait are a huuuuge step up. Especially the 28nm tech on these Krait cores makes a difference - they drain less battery and perform much better at the same time.
Anyway I really hope that Samsung will come up with something crazy cool. All of their Galaxy S phones have been far ahead of anything else. I really hope their third one will follow that path too. I hope that HTC, Sony and others will feel silly when the SGS3 comes out.