Two girls from my class are from Vancouver, BC. One is beautiful and very intelligent. She doesn't speak much, though. But I have a mad crush on her. She may have seen me smoking at the smoker's lounge on campus today, though, so I'm kinda worried about her judging me solely on that. Not that she wouldn't find out eventually, but...whatever. This Monday night (weird, I know) when we go out after our physio exam, I may see her out too. Get a couple drinks in me and I might talk to her.
No one comment about what I just said.
There's another girl from Vancouver, and she's friends with the other one. She's cute and a little mousey looking, but she has great tits for a 5'2" girl.
I've talked to every girl in my class, including the latter one, but not the former one, who, like I said, I am mad crushing on. This always happens.
As far as Indians go, they're shitty, no matter where you go. Canada, US, England...fuckin'....India. Just today there were about 50 people lined up for a bus to go home that could seat, maybe, 30 people? I was the first few there, waiting for the bus. One of the biggest guys there too. The bus came (giggity) and everyone bum-rushed it. I could have plowed through like Jerome Bettis, but I had a conscience. I was going to trample ten little Indian girls and that one geeky Indian guy who has the body build of an Indian girl. I waited twenty minutes for the next one. Because I don't have a tiny penis.