XXL Reviews 50 Cent's Massacre


Well-Known Member
That got rich and stopped trying quote was classic. It saddens me to see artist just go with the norm, push no envelopes. Maybe the writer was being a little biased but i doubt it. You gotta think a minute and ask yourself if some of these rappers can even be called Artists anymore.
sniper said:
yep ppl forget that xxl were the ones who startin the machine bs.
Naw, that was Benzino. Cause he first came out accusing Em of being a "culture stealer" and said that by dissing Em, he was attacking "the machine". Remember the whole "Hip Hip is In the State of 911" issues, articles and all of those lil hiphop comic strips The Source did about the machine and shit?
2pac4prez2006 said:
lol, 50 was never "on". And before anyone says anything, just because you sell 11 million copies doesn't mean that you're respectable. deserving or talented. Just means that enough people liked your gimmick.

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