Wtf Makes A Rapper Deep

Pac is very deep, else I can say Crooked I is deeper than ever lately. There's also my man RZA that is a frickin genius on the mic, that guy just drops knowledge whenever he's on a track. Fatal can also be deep, but damn Napoleon has been 2 deep these past months just spittin the real stuff.



Well-Known Member
this topic is just about "deep or not"..and not what makes a rapper great ;)

so i support this statement here:

Chronic said:
Content does not have anything to do with being deep.
Just because someone raps about poverty doesn't mean they're deep.
i dont really see any rapper as deep, but if i had to chose it would be pac, but then again if your saying someone who talks bout poverty,struggles and all that stuff is deep then so is like 40 percent of the world
jason_g_718 said:
So other than SSLP, what songs on his other albums do YOU like?

I can actually listen to his whole music catalog, "SSLP", "MMLP", and "Eminem Show", as well as "Infinite" and all his underground work. I believe I do have each and every song Eminem has ever made. I don't like "Encore". I like the first 6 tracks, and then the album takes a big dive into a pool of shit, but then it reflourishes with 'Mockingbird' and 'Encore'. Other than that, I'm preety much a happy camper when it comes to Eminem.

Slim Shady LP is my favorite, I still don't understand how you cannot like that album!!!!!!
The Almighty Nasquad said:
I can actually listen to his whole music catalog, "SSLP", "MMLP", and "Eminem Show", as well as "Infinite" and all his underground work. I believe I do have each and every song Eminem has ever made. I don't like "Encore". I like the first 6 tracks, and then the album takes a big dive into a pool of shit, but then it reflourishes with 'Mockingbird' and 'Encore'. Other than that, I'm preety much a happy camper when it comes to Eminem.

Slim Shady LP is my favorite, I still don't understand how you cannot like that album!!!!!!
You know it's funny, because now I find myself agreeing with you a lot.

I have MMLP, Eminem Show and Encore. I also have every "street" song he's ever released (Doe Rae Me, Bully, Monkey See Monkey Do, Nail In The Coffin).

I COMPLETELY agree with you about Encore. The fucked up thing is though, that album is such a disappointment because we have come expect nothing but the best from Eminem. To me, I look at Eminem and Pac the same way as in "ok, if they put something out, I'm almost guaranteed to like it". But anyone else, it's like I got to hear the music first.

On Encore, you said you like the first 6 tracks, I like the first 8. My 1st Single is DEFINATELY better than Puke though. I just happen to like Puke because when the album dropped I was going through some VERY hard times with a female in my life who'd been lying and shit to me, so that song makes me think of her. lol.

But you're right, after My 1st Single the album goes to shit, after that song, I FF to Spend Some Time, I listen to ONLY Obie and Em's verses (because Quo and 50 fucking suck on it) then FF to Mockingbird, then FF to Encore, then the album is done.

It will be interesting to see if The Funeral actually drops on time (Em claims the end of this year).


Well-Known Member
I feel that being deep is expressing struggle through the music and in life. Just because a rapper speaks about something political or "heart-warming" doesnt make them deep, because as we know those songs can sell and it could just be another tactic to sell more records. When the rapper takes actions to destroy or prevent the struggles spoken about in the music is when they become deep in my opinion.
jason_g_718 said:
*shrugs* Who the fuck knows?

IIRC, the person that posted about it provided a source and all, so, until it's disproven to me, I'll take it as truth.
im sorry but post up the soure cuz it sounds like bullshit to me...

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