Worlds top cop comes to Australia and blames hiphop for crime


Well-Known Member
groobz said:
yeah of course there were gangs before hiphop. But people are lnfluenced by rappers and rap. I remember when 2pac was really huge back when i was in school,, you had all these wankers starting to form gangs and using the westcoast sign ect ect, basically just little idiots, but they thought it was cool. This was in Australia, i can only imagine, the shit that has happened in the U.S
Yeah we had a lot of white kids throwing up westside and doing nothing else, they just imitate what they see on tv, nothing new, people do the same shit with style, and fashion. Its not like they went and killed someone because hip-hop told them too. Hip-hop is an easy scapegoat because there is only a negative portrayal about it. Im pretty sure the Doom game was the reason behind Columbine too, or was it hip-hop that told those bullies to pick on those kids so much. If anything hip-hop is a justified voice for us. We are a product of our enviroment, and im sorry that we are surrounded by gangs, drugs, violence, guns, MONEY, which was around a long time before hip-hop. So think before you say hip-hop is bad.


Well-Known Member
Te-R.o.a.r (T.h.u.g.)777 said:
Some people here are signed up to a Tupac board but know absoluletly nothing about what Tupac stood for... And have no clue or idea what THUGLIFE is.
Let me rephrase this for you.

Te-R.o.a.r (T.h.u.g.)777 said:
Some people here are signed up to a Tupac board but know absoluletly nothing about what Tupac stood for... And have no clue or idea what LIFE is.
Even though "thuglife" wasn't really about this, well it kinda is portrayed like it by most..... Too many people get caught up in the whole who is real or being real, being gangsta, snitch, whatever, get over it this is life
Aristotle said:
Yeah we had a lot of white kids throwing up westside and doing nothing else, they just imitate what they see on tv, nothing new, people do the same shit with style, and fashion. Its not like they went and killed someone because hip-hop told them too. Hip-hop is an easy scapegoat because there is only a negative portrayal about it. Im pretty sure the Doom game was the reason behind Columbine too, or was it hip-hop that told those bullies to pick on those kids so much. If anything hip-hop is a justified voice for us. We are a product of our enviroment, and im sorry that we are surrounded by gangs, drugs, violence, guns, MONEY, which was around a long time before hip-hop. So think before you say hip-hop is bad.
Didn't say hiphop was bad did I now?. You have to remember hiphop today is a tad different to how it was when it first started out. Gangsta rap, and glorifying gun toting thugs is what has turned hiphop down hill. Your also right about computer games, and other genre's of music like rocknroll ect. It comes down to the listener and how they're affected.

But lets be honest, the majority of hiphop fans arn't about stories or lyricism or whatever, they're about the 50cents, eminems and all the violence and controversy that comes with it.
Aristotle said:
I dont see hip-hop getting the respect it deserves until it is stop being used as a scape goat for problems in our society.
Definately. Surprising that a man with so much involvement in crime has clearly failed to recognise the depth and source of criminal behaviour. This talk of eliminating an outlet of expression merely glosses over the fact that crime has its roots deep in society.

What's a bet they found statistical data which suggested there is a correlation between hip hop and crime and concluded, therefore, hiphop causes crime. You could very well say then, that, crime causes hiphop. lol. It's obsurd.

To eliminate crime, you'd have to eliminate sources of oppression, not generate greater alienation with narrow-minded assumptions, which can and will only provide band-aid solutions.


Well-Known Member
groobz said:
Didn't say hiphop was bad did I now?. You have to remember hiphop today is a tad different to how it was when it first started out. Gangsta rap, and glorifying gun toting thugs is what has turned hiphop down hill. Your also right about computer games, and other genre's of music like rocknroll ect. It comes down to the listener and how they're affected.

But lets be honest, the majority of hiphop fans arn't about stories or lyricism or whatever, they're about the 50cents, eminems and all the violence and controversy that comes with it.
I don't remember you saying hip-hop was bad?
Thats the exact reason for most people saying hip-hop is in trouble. We'd rather see death and destruction over Life and love, we'd rather hear gunshots and shake your ass tracks than tracks about feeding your family or being a father. I mean the only album that we as rap fans certify classic that even shows hints of this is Commons'- Resurrection, and that is barely known. There is this theory about us as humans and other extraterrestrial life, saying that we would probably never meet each other becuase of each civilization destroying itself first. And i can say this with hip-hop, we will not know what it truly has to offer because we will destroy it first.
naa man dont diss channel 10!! channel 10 shits all over 7 and 9 when it comes to news and my sis news reports for ch. 10!! :D

but yehh missed that story, seems pretty bias
Aristotle said:
Let me rephrase this for you.

Even though "thuglife" wasn't really about this, well it kinda is portrayed like it by most..... Too many people get caught up in the whole who is real or being real, being gangsta, snitch, whatever, get over it this is life
Yeah it is life but ThugLife is the life that my people have lived for centuries and are stil living. Thuglife is apart life, apart of this world. With out juding you, I don't know if you can understand what it is but if you do then you should understand that there are things you stand for once you live a thuglife. And sadly it is a disease and nobody wants to go through it but some people have no choice. I think some people would shut up if a bully stole their money, while my people are willing to die to defend their homes and their freedom. I don't understand how if some one invaded my home, and I fight back ... i'm the ONE who's labeled a TERRORIST. Thuglife isn't about the women and the money... it's about the how our youth is being raised in opressesion and in the worst conditions possible. A bomb just went off in my country last night, so please.. don't tell me I got it confused son.
artisticgurl said:
If Police spent half the energy they use to try and jail Hip Hop and put it into the real issues and problems in our society maybe Hip Hop wouldnt need to speak about the poverty and oppression these rappers faced as youngsters. And no Police agency should take advice from a guy from the LAPD where a 16 y/o can get beaten down on camera by Police and get away with it.
police are trying to solve the root cause of the problem and not the 'exciting' cause or the face of it.
If someone pulls a gun out on antoerh person because of a road rage incident. then the casue would be one person trying to ram the other of the road. and it is this root cause which would be brought up in court. similarly, hip hop is de-sensitising a generation to being a delinquents and 'bad'. that is something to be proud of. hip hop is one of the root causes to someone glorifying gang violence and other activities such as smoking weed and disrespecting authority etc etc. the line between rap and reality is easily blurred by imperessionble youngsters looking for something to be a part of.


Well-Known Member
Te-R.o.a.r (T.h.u.g.)777 said:
Yeah it is life but ThugLife is the life that my people have lived for centuries and are stil living. Thuglife is apart life, apart of this world. With out juding you, I don't know if you can understand what it is but if you do then you should understand that there are things you stand for once you live a thuglife. And sadly it is a disease and nobody wants to go through it but some people have no choice. I think some people would shut up if a bully stole their money, while my people are willing to die to defend their homes and their freedom. I don't understand how if some one invaded my home, and I fight back ... i'm the ONE who's labeled a TERRORIST. Thuglife isn't about the women and the money... it's about the how our youth is being raised in opressesion and in the worst conditions possible. A bomb just went off in my country last night, so please.. don't tell me I got it confused son.
You do have it confused, cus i said i know what it is, and your right by all means, but, i was saying how most young people, or people trying to fit in see it. Money, hoes, cars, and so on....
ken said:
police are trying to solve the root cause of the problem and not the 'exciting' cause or the face of it.
If someone pulls a gun out on antoerh person because of a road rage incident. then the casue would be one person trying to ram the other of the road. and it is this root cause which would be brought up in court. similarly, hip hop is de-sensitising a generation to being a delinquents and 'bad'. that is something to be proud of. hip hop is one of the root causes to someone glorifying gang violence and other activities such as smoking weed and disrespecting authority etc etc. the line between rap and reality is easily blurred by imperessionble youngsters looking for something to be a part of.
Nah, I'm with artisticgurl on this one. What you are talking about is the "direct" cause. What she was talking about was the "root" cause. Problems that direct behaviour beyond the immediate, problems at the heart society. Sure there is violence in culture which is exacerbated by some forms of media, but that is not the root of the problem. The root can be traced to things such as oppression and poverty like artisticgurl said. So to single out hip hop as a cause of crime, merely directs focus from what really underpins the issue, meanwhile giving the rest of society a convenient vehicle to attack a form of culture they do not understand. You can blame hip hop, but even without it the root problems still exist and thus so will crime.
Aristotle said:
I don't remember you saying hip-hop was bad?
Thats the exact reason for most people saying hip-hop is in trouble. We'd rather see death and destruction over Life and love, we'd rather hear gunshots and shake your ass tracks than tracks about feeding your family or being a father. I mean the only album that we as rap fans certify classic that even shows hints of this is Commons'- Resurrection, and that is barely known. There is this theory about us as humans and other extraterrestrial life, saying that we would probably never meet each other becuase of each civilization destroying itself first. And i can say this with hip-hop, we will not know what it truly has to offer because we will destroy it first.
na you said i did here "So think before you say hip-hop is bad".

and i agree,, we want to see death and destruction and all that,, thats part of what is wrong with hiphop. It's about violence, shit like that, the whole bullshit excuse people use is to say they're talking about stories and how it is in the hood, that shit is laughable. Maybe the commons and mosdefs, kwalis can express themselves in that way. But if you want to be popular in rap these days,, u pretty much have to have been shot before, sold drugs, have lots of tatoo's ect. Frigging deplorable, especially when you have kids trying to copy that style.


Well-Known Member
groobz said:
na you said i did here "So think before you say hip-hop is bad".

and i agree,, we want to see death and destruction and all that,, thats part of what is wrong with hiphop. It's about violence, shit like that, the whole bullshit excuse people use is to say they're talking about stories and how it is in the hood, that shit is laughable. Maybe the commons and mosdefs, kwalis can express themselves in that way. But if you want to be popular in rap these days,, u pretty much have to have been shot before, sold drugs, have lots of tatoo's ect. Frigging deplorable, especially when you have kids trying to copy that style.
How is it laughable if it is true, i grew up in oakland, you see shit like you hear in albums everyday, its not like they just make this shit up, the bad thing is, that is all anyone talks about or notices, why acnt we notice the good in something. Why do people always end up rooting for the bad guy, our biggest icon is fuckin Scarface i mean fuck. I mean im a hypocrit too because i listen to and enjoy that music but still, id really like too see rappers talking about the good in the ghetto.
Aristotle said:
How is it laughable if it is true, i grew up in oakland, you see shit like you hear in albums everyday, its not like they just make this shit up, the bad thing is, that is all anyone talks about or notices, why acnt we notice the good in something. Why do people always end up rooting for the bad guy, our biggest icon is fuckin Scarface i mean fuck. I mean im a hypocrit too because i listen to and enjoy that music but still, id really like too see rappers talking about the good in the ghetto.
It is true! thats not the point. The point is that theres a fine line between telling a story about the streets, and educating people on what happends in these areas, and boasting about being a thug, being shot, dealing crack ect,, there's your difference between your mosdefs/kwalis and your 50cents, eminems. The later is what is mainstream and is heard, and what is fucking over hiphop.


Well-Known Member
Amara said:
Nah, I'm with artisticgurl on this one. What you are talking about is the "direct" cause. What she was talking about was the "root" cause. Problems that direct behaviour beyond the immediate, problems at the heart society. Sure there is violence in culture which is exacerbated by some forms of media, but that is not the root of the problem. The root can be traced to things such as oppression and poverty like artisticgurl said. So to single out hip hop as a cause of crime, merely directs focus from what really underpins the issue, meanwhile giving the rest of society a convenient vehicle to attack a form of culture they do not understand. You can blame hip hop, but even without it the root problems still exist and thus so will crime.
My thoughts exactly.

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