Worlds top cop comes to Australia and blames hiphop for crime


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
I just saw on Australia's channel 10 late news that the "worlds top cop" (the old LA boss -- anyone know his name?) came to Australia to teach local cops how to fight crime. He said that they should tighten down on petty crime like graffiti and that will help fight major crime, like murder. Sorry but I dont see the connection.

Then they showed footage of him during a radio interview he did, and out of the whole interview what did channel 10 choose to air? Him saying we shouldnt allow "gangster rap and that hip hop bullshit, its crap" and "worst form of music."

Hes obviously an idiot, but fuck channel 10!
Don't expect much else from channels 10, 9 or 7...I wonder if hip hop will be much more assimilated in say 20 years, and the what the people at that time will think when they look back at comments like this.


Well-Known Member
It bothers me how easy it is to blame hip-hop for anything.I think this comes from the fact that the only news from hip-hop is bad news, whether it is invovling a shooting, drugs, a record label being indicted. We never see them reporting a rapper donating money, giving books to NY schools, David Banner and his crusades in his hometown. Although the outside world might no think so, Hip-Hop is something good, "Wu-Tang is for the children," remember. Hip-hop wasn't set out to be the means for drugs,money, and violence. It all entangles in our society but stop portraying only the bad, it is pretty sad to see. I think Chris Rock was right when he said "The government hates rap." I dont see hip-hop getting the respect it deserves until it is stop being used as a scape goat for problems in our society. It truly is a problem, and this just shows how more of a problem it is becoming.


Well-Known Member
e said that they should tighten down on petty crime like graffiti and that will help fight major crime, like murder. Sorry but I dont see the connection.
It worked in New York. It's a social phenomenon, Malcolm Gladwell calls it an example of the power of context in his book The Tipping Point. James Wilson and George Kelling call it the Broken Windows theory.

NY spent a lot of money on preserving the image of law and order (cleaning graffiti from the subway system, making sure no one jumped subway fares, etc.). Having an orderly and clean environment = fixing broken windows. If you see a neighborhood with broken windows, you know you can get away with breaking windows. And if you can get away with that, you can get away with worse. But if you can't even get away with bombing a train or pissing in the corner of a station or jumping fare...
yeah didnt you know?..before 1989...the world was perfect!

before rap music, video games, and the internet...people didnt commit any crimes.
Hiphop music has done a lot of bad in society, no one can deny that.. i even remember a pac interview when the interviewer said something about his thug image is influencing the kids to think its ok or something,, and he said he hadn't figured out our to stop that yet.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
groobz said:
Hiphop music has done a lot of bad in society, no one can deny that.. i even remember a pac interview when the interviewer said something about his thug image is influencing the kids to think its ok or something,, and he said he hadn't figured out our to stop that yet.
Nope I dont agree. Hiphop has just given people who were going to commit crime anyway something to connect to. There were gangs before hiphop, there was violence before hiphop. Hiphop hasnt done any more harm to society than rock, TV or whatever. If anything its given a lot of lower class people something to do other than stay on the streets.
^^ a movie called "The Warriors" -it was made in 1979...its all about gang violence...but theres no reference to hiphop culture what so ever.


Will suck off black men for a dime
Well The Only Shit It Could Cause Would Be Kids Trying To Imitate But They're Not Talking Bout Them They'r Tryin To Clue That Shit In As 'look At All These Killins, Drugs, Graffiti' Look At The Influence." To Use That As Understandin What They're Sayin Is Bullshit And Just Whoever Saying That Tryin To Justify What They Say By 'well Look At The Kids Who Hear --- And Go And ---' These People Not Talkin About Them They Talkin About Just The Regular And Needed Effects - And They Dont Want Them Effects.
Rukas said:
Nope I dont agree. Hiphop has just given people who were going to commit crime anyway something to connect to. There were gangs before hiphop, there was violence before hiphop. Hiphop hasnt done any more harm to society than rock, TV or whatever. If anything its given a lot of lower class people something to do other than stay on the streets.
yeah of course there were gangs before hiphop. But people are lnfluenced by rappers and rap. I remember when 2pac was really huge back when i was in school,, you had all these wankers starting to form gangs and using the westcoast sign ect ect, basically just little idiots, but they thought it was cool. This was in Australia, i can only imagine, the shit that has happened in the U.S


Well-Known Member
If Police spent half the energy they use to try and jail Hip Hop and put it into the real issues and problems in our society maybe Hip Hop wouldnt need to speak about the poverty and oppression these rappers faced as youngsters. And no Police agency should take advice from a guy from the LAPD where a 16 y/o can get beaten down on camera by Police and get away with it.
Yeah it's always the music that inspires violence... That's why we're at war with Iraq, it's
Tupac's fault. For example, I remember when Tupac goes "Didn't you ever stop to think, i'm old enough to go to war; but I ain't enought to drink?" "It's funny when it rains it pours, they got money for wars, but can't feed the pour" ... lines liks this really inspire the world to want to go to war!!! I mean, I know when I heard these lines... I wanted to load up an A-K and go to war with Switizerland. And why? Because killings is good!

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