Wigger Sticky in Streehop

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Well-Known Member
Well, I wear "black clothes" and shit, but I guess its not bad compared to Pittsey's accusations. :p
That doesn't automatically make you a wigger.

Chronic said:
A wigger is a white person that tries to imitate a stereotype of a black person that's into Hip-Hop. This person is a fake, trying to be something he's not.
The reason why you wear those clothes matters. Why do you? Because you think they look cool/nice? Or because you think black people look cool wearing them and you want to be like them? If it's the former, you're a normal person . If it's the latter, then yes you are a wigger.


Well-Known Member
Well, I wear "black clothes" and shit, but I guess its not bad compared to Pittsey's accusations. :p
That doesn't automatically make you a wigger.

Chronic said:
A wigger is a white person that tries to imitate a stereotype of a black person that's into Hip-Hop. This person is a fake, trying to be something he's not.
The reason why you wear those clothes matters. Why do you? Because you think they look cool/nice? Or because you think black people look cool wearing them and you want to be like them? If it's the former, you're a normal person . If it's the latter, then yes you are a wigger.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Well, I wear "black clothes" and shit, but I guess its not bad compared to Pittsey's accusations. :p

:confused: Black clothes???

My accusations were more correct, they would support the idea of you being a wigger. Did you ever see David Beckham with Corn Rows. That was Wigger. He liked cornrows because he saw a rapper with them and thought the rapper looked cool. Beckham is not black, but likes to wish he was.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Well, I wear "black clothes" and shit, but I guess its not bad compared to Pittsey's accusations. :p

:confused: Black clothes???

My accusations were more correct, they would support the idea of you being a wigger. Did you ever see David Beckham with Corn Rows. That was Wigger. He liked cornrows because he saw a rapper with them and thought the rapper looked cool. Beckham is not black, but likes to wish he was.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Silleone said:
wigger does not mean "white nigger", where the fuck did u get that shit from.

That's how the word was created. But like Chronic said it means a white person acting black.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Silleone said:
wigger does not mean "white nigger", where the fuck did u get that shit from.

That's how the word was created. But like Chronic said it means a white person acting black.
Chronic said:
The reason why you wear those clothes matters. Why do you? Because you think they look cool/nice? Or because you think black people look cool wearing them and you want to be like them? If it's the former, you're a normal person . If it's the latter, then yes you are a wigger.

KAMIKAZI.......... you are NOT a wigger.

Dont know if you guys watch Maury or not. :):thumb:


Well-Known Member
There's another definition of wigger, which some white people use to describe (in a negative way) a white person who hangs out with black people a lot. Basically it's calling the white guy who hangs out with black people a sell-out.
This way it's closer to meaning 'white nigger' but again if you as a white person are offended by this racially (on a personal level) then you're a fucking moron. They're calling the white guy a white nigger which is racist towards black because they're calling the blacks niggers and saying the white guy is one of them. They obviously don't have problems with whites but they do with blacks, that's why they have a problem with a white guy hanging out with blacks.


KAMIKAZI.......... you are NOT a wigger.

Dont know if you guys watch Maury or not.
Please stop posting in this thread now unless you have something to add. Don't want off-topic bullshit :):thumb::):thumb: to derail this thread, the thread itself is already pissing me off too much.

Pittsey said:
Did you ever see David Beckham with Corn Rows. That was Wigger. He liked cornrows because he saw a rapper with them and thought the rapper looked cool.
That's not a wigger.

Edit: A wigger is someone who actually tries to be black i.e. speaks the slang, wears the clothes, has the hairstyle etc. Just wearing the clothes or just speaking the slang dosen't make you a wigger, it's a combination of factors.
Chronic said:
There's another definition of wigger, which some white people use to describe (in a negative way) a white person who hangs out with black people a lot. Basically it's calling the white guy who hangs out with black people a sell-out.
This way it's closer to meaning 'white nigger' but again if you as a white person are offended by this racially (on a personal level) then you're a fucking moron. They're calling the white guy a white nigger which is racist towards black because they're calling the blacks niggers and saying the white guy is one of them. They obviously don't have problems with whites but they do with blacks, that's why they have a problem with a white guy hanging out with blacks.
That is usually the case, but I've seen alot of black people that think they are cool because they are black, and that black is the in thing or something, so they get mad whenever a white kid wears South Pole or whatever.

That's how it is around here anyways.

Chronic said:
Please stop posting in this thread now unless you have something to add. Don't want off-topic bullshit :):thumb::):thumb: to derail this thread, the thread itself is already pissing me off too much.

fuck this shit, you got like nigger - igger > white nigger > wigger so WHERE THE FUCK ELSE WOULD THE "IGGA" COME FROM IN WIGGER.

i've had enuff now, u wanna b racist carry on wiv it. but u gotta understand ppl hav different views of different words. like "nigger" is exceptable to sum guyz but not to others hence how i feel about "wigger" i think its racist.


Well-Known Member
DJ Harris said:
fuck this shit, you got like nigger - igger > white nigger > wigger so WHERE THE FUCK ELSE WOULD THE "IGGA" COME FROM IN WIGGER.

i've had enuff now, u wanna b racist carry on wiv it. but u gotta understand ppl hav different views of different words. like "nigger" is exceptable to sum guyz but not to others hence how i feel about "wigger" i think its racist.
I ask you to explain it, you throw a fit.
I explain myself, you don't bother to reply to what I said.
You call me racist twice yet I haven't made a racist comment.
Even if wigger was a racial slur, my thread wasn't racist so what the fuck is your problem?
LMAO at you getting all sensitive over being called a nigger while you're white. Talk about getting offended for the sake of getting offended.

Closing this thread since the threadstarter only complains but doesn't care to explain things or bothers to reply. And also because I've had enough of this below zero intelligence.

PS: Fuck you for being a dumbass and calling me a racist :)


Well-Known Member
To prove that you're an idiot:

You moan and bitch about me being racist because I said the word 'wigger' while

DJ Harris said:
ahahaha Third Reich Rap, LOL!

its not "Westside" anymore Its "Right Wing Nigga!" LOOOOL (if ya don't understand just smile and leave the room)
Oh oh! Exposed!!! You used the word nigga! Doesn't matter if you're just quoting, you used it thus you're racist!!!!!!

:rolleyes: Go Ebay for a fucking brain.

EDIT: Either you're calling me a racist because I used the word wigger or you're calling me a racist because I said you'll be banned for using 'nigger' but not for 'wigger'. Either way you're an idiot. I explained why wigger isn't a racist term and I said "or any other racial slurs" so if someone uses a racial slur towards white people, they'll be banned as well. Now, how am I racist again?
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