Why'd it come to this

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New Member
i've been here for a decently long time...an i used to always browse hitemup before i chose to get an account..we used to post songs in the street hop section for a long time before u "made us a download forum"...an when they were there they never got moved...i think it'z juss cheezy that u felt it wuz neccessary to jack em an stick em in vip escpecially when many of us regular this site cuz we like to grip a few beats read a lil info an do it all in the pac forum with pac in mind...i know there are plenty of other threads about this but all the ones i scrolled through get closed an u guys dun really say shit but too bad..well it might be too bad for u guys when people stop comin to ur site cuz ur tryna take the name of pac an capitalize off it...i remember when there was no vip at all...an u guys weren't hurtin to make papes off it..i ain't choked or nuttin...juss dissappointed u guys would do that...an yea u prolly gon close this now but i hope someone reads this an if this one is closed make another one...paece


New Member
The money made from V.I.P goes to paying for the server, not into the Admins pockets. If it wasn't for V.I.P memberships, then this Forum wouldn't still be online.
dee, I am not hating on you, but you have to look at this from a business perspective. I know it would be great to have a forum where links are never moved and all sorts of things, but its not plausible. At the end of the day, it still takes money to take care of business.

I am not sure if you understand, but a lot of money goes into the website. There was a time when this board was almost about to go down because there wasn't enough funding. Shortly thereafter, if my memory serves me right, they came up with a subscription service. It was meant to at least take care of some of those costs. It probably didn't cover all the costs, but it did do a little.

So now...if you do the math, things aren't exactly easy for Rukas. My understanding is that he solely pays for this website with no help from anyone. He probably puts his own money and whatever comes in from VIP into costs related to running this website.

I'll break it down...it is about $400 to manage this website a month. Then tthere are other things to take care of. Its not exactly "cheap."

Know what I am saying?

Trust me, I am probably the nicest guy when it comes to this...most other people would just jump down your throat saying something like "SHUT UP!!!!! LEAVEEEEE."

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask...but don't ask bigmack. He'll *cough*...


Dying Breed
Staff member
how are we trying to capitalize of of pacs name? if you havent noticed this forum was changed to streethop, ur number one hip hop community. so please tell me where and how we are USING pacs name to make some cash?????????

dee, you seem like a smart guy from the way you put your point across. I'm not a rep of the owners of this board but let me throw in my 2 cents and hopefully you can assess for your self what the real deal is.
First of, the 'download section' was an idea that was made by regular users of the streethop forum, the idea was pushed by many of the regular streethop section and was given to them as another place where they could do their hip hop stuff.
Secondly, this place costs a considerable amount of money to run, nothing in life is free, same with this forum. To meet server costs something had to be done. The people who have paid for VIP have done so throuhg their own free will. The money goes towards meeting server costs and incentive must be given in order for people to want VIP, its simple business. and if a little did (I don't know about the accounts) go to those who put in time and effort into this whole thing so you can have a community where you can just read if you want, then so what? People still need to feed their kids! You going to begrudge someone who has put a mass amount of hours into something to make a few dollars.

All in all, you come off as someone who wants his cake and wants to eat it. MAny people seem to think that they come onto the internet that real life need not apply no more. Well, servers have to be paid for. Either that, or you can have no community to do what you stated
dee said:
i've been here for a decently long time...an i used to always browse hitemup before i chose to get an account..we used to post songs in the street hop section for a long time before u "made us a download forum"...an when they were there they never got moved...i think it'z juss cheezy that u felt it wuz neccessary to jack em an stick em in vip escpecially when many of us regular this site cuz we like to grip a few beats read a lil info an do it all in the pac forum with pac in mind...i know there are plenty of other threads about this but all the ones i scrolled through get closed an u guys dun really say shit but too bad..well it might be too bad for u guys when people stop comin to ur site cuz ur tryna take the name of pac an capitalize off it...i remember when there was no vip at all...an u guys weren't hurtin to make papes off it..i ain't choked or nuttin...juss dissappointed u guys would do that...an yea u prolly gon close this now but i hope someone reads this an if this one is closed make another one...paece

pay 20 bucks and get VIP. if you cant afford 20 dollars then you need to get a different job :thumb:


Active Member
i dont particularly like the thought of paying for a membership here, but think of it like this:
songs are posted in the Only Built.. section. if your quick enough, u get it for free without having to pay for membership. if you do pay for membership, you can take as long as you want to download it, and for $20 you get access to a hell of a lot of rare-ish songs. its not a lot to pay to get hold of all this material is it? i would pay, but im hardly ever on this forum and dont mind missing out on these songs and saving $20! (which is actually only about £10 for me, so its actually not too bad when i think about it!).
though i do think it should be a one off payment rather than a subscription, this isnt a bloody porn site!! im not hating on anyone (not dee, not the owners of this forum) im just putting accross my point of view


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
anything that is posted here is available in a variety of other places on the net. use the resources available to you, or god forbid buy the music you desire.
if it makes you feel any better dee, the links still go down in VIP too so even if you are VIP and you miss a day or 2 you still can't download the songs


New Member
sicc i sign in at 2pacboard.com therefore pac'z name is all up in that...an yea i dunno exactly how much dough it costs to keep this site runnin an i guess i shouldd figure that shit out before i talk but yea i figure if we wuz postin these links in street hop like we were only a few months ago or so an it wuzn't a problem...how much could've possibly changed where now u gotta stick it in v.i.p..as for the added incentive to vip status i would hope there would be more perks than temporary links which were posted by the users..thas like tryna charge people to eat at a potluck...i dunno if that came through str8 but hopefully some of u figured out that lass ssentence...neway if u tryna clock extra loot thas fine...but so am i an i know how i'ma clock 20 extra dollarz each month..by keepin it in my pocket...i still help support this site like i click on advertising for ur site all the time an i always have i know this helps support the sites i like..i like..i ain't tryna act like my clicks make a big difference or nethin corny like that but i'm sure other peepz thinkin like that to...it is wut it is tho...an thx for respondin str8 to me pennypackz an mase...rizzle eat a dick...paece


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
it's $20 per year, not per month. like i said, forum links are convenient, but anything on here can be found elsewhere.
You could also ask people to upload files onto fair exchange. As far as money goes, doesn't streethop make quite a bit for promoting artists through their website? Afterall, it is the hiphop fans which are essential in the marketing ploys that visit this forum.


Dying Breed
Staff member
Cheesyphily16 said:
You could also ask people to upload files onto fair exchange. As far as money goes, doesn't streethop make quite a bit for promoting artists through their website? Afterall, it is the hiphop fans which are essential in the marketing ploys that visit this forum.

lets put it like this what we make we put right back into the site, as in buying new product, adding arcade games, paying the artists etc, so no we dont make quit a bit,me and ruk make very little, but to become a succesful bus. u have to spend money to make money.

Why are people hating on someone trying to make a little money? Nobody has ever forced anyone to spend any money on this website. What? Are you so weak minded that your worried you might get tempted to spend money?
Everything that is uploaded in the download section is available in countless other places, but you leeches want to be spoon fed.
i sign on at 2pacboard.com also but why bitch about everything...the basic 2pacboard is still here under streethops icy logos and extraz. i dont have the Vip membership cuz i cant afford it with a 10 month old daughter around. If you want downloads then search the net, kazaa or go to rapcheck.com.

If ruk and sicc wanna make money off of us then so be it, they deserve a lil somethan extra after all the hard work and dedication...Ruk is always tryin to add new shit to spice up the board. ringtones , arcade, vip memberships....

shit gets expensive... dont think of it so much as a 20 fee for a membership think of the VIP status as a thank you for your $20 donation...

lol at the last part
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