Why the hell is 2Pacboard below StreetHop???

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The board has slowley been moving away from pac for a while now. i don't really see too much point on making this a hiphop site, since people that want to talk about hiphop in general won't come here, they'll go to allhiphop or sohh. People have always come here as the #1 source for pac material/news.
groobz said:
The board has slowley been moving away from pac for a while now. i don't really see too much point on making this a hiphop site, since people that want to talk about hiphop in general won't come here, they'll go to allhiphop or sohh. People have always come here as the #1 source for pac material/news.
Exactly even if it is not highly active it should be kept intact for when things go down people will know where to look.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
I put it belowe StreetHop because I thought it may flow better. StreetHop is general, 2PacBoard is artist specific, and then we have the artist specific Official Forums. Im trying to group everything better its getting a little bit too chaotic.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
2PacThug4Life said:
yes it is :(

why isn't rukas or someone respondin. just have tha board how it was before wit hitmeup.com
Ermm.. maybe cause im not online 24/7 to respond to your every question...


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Pacaveli-T said:
it shouldnt really matter think of it as the level of importance then most of the busy threads are in the middle.
StreetHop has been by far the busiest forum for years now, both view and post wise and it was in the middle for ages, now its at the top. And if you're saying Life needs to be at the top because its the busiest you're simply mistaken and then using your logic you should agree that StreetHop should be at the top cause its the busiest.
Harry_potter said:
it's like someone wants 2pacboard to die and are trying everything they can think of to achive that :(
How does someone want 2pacboard to die when all they did was shifted it a couple of positions down?
It is for the better of the board, people are being way to drastic.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Mase said:
How does someone want 2pacboard to die when all they did was shifted it a couple of positions down?
It is for the better of the board, people are being way to drastic.

Exactly. :thumb:
i dont really get what all the bitching is about.. sure i want hitemup.com back and all.. but its just a mother fuckin message board, yall act like a mayjor concept of your life has changed... well maybe for some of you it has...
Rukas said:
StreetHop has been by far the busiest forum for years now, both view and post wise and it was in the middle for ages, now its at the top. And if you're saying Life needs to be at the top because its the busiest you're simply mistaken and then using your logic you should agree that StreetHop should be at the top cause its the busiest.
street hop is not at the top its right below this one and from street hop down is busiest then starts to slow down again twords the end,streethop is busy i never said it wasnt you must have not been reading or understanding well enough.
life thread is both boring and useless to me and it still remains at the top and it isnt busy and i never said in my post that it had to be changed in the middle.

street hop and dfl,wow,tm are busiest and all twords the middle and they should remain there.

and the point of my post was who cares if it switched the way it was now its alright the way the forum is...


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
^^ Ah ok, I tried to find some point in your post regarding streethop and life and something about being in the middle, try to explain things better next time.

As for WOW and Thugz Mansion and Do For Love, niether are as busy as Life or StreetHop.

Thats all pointless -- what it comes down to is flow. Life is artist specific as are the Official Forums so I wanted to group them together.

Its not a big deal people get over it, you can always minimze StreetHop if you want and Life will be right back at the top again!
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