Why does it Happen


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its linx! said:
It isn't about who is "good" and who isn't anymore. If they appeal to the people that hear them on the radio and see them on tv, they will become millionaires right away. It's been happening for years and it will continue to happen.
thats so true. if sales went by skills though, most of us would be millionaires while they would be broke.
Hey, why complain? If they can get away with it, so can you. This is the booty-shaking era of rap where skillz dont matter; just good beats and catchy/R&B hooks. Hurry up and get rich while you can.
Because the majority of the population are fuckin idiots that like that shit. :):thumb:

truth...in the end anybody who saids you need skill/talent to make it in the game is full of shit. The the question comesup how can people like Nas, Mos Def, Common, KRS-ONE Rakim and so forth not still be big. Its a system built on hypocrisy. Even lowly ol me could make a better, overal lyrical song then chingy and so forth, I have to say though out of those artist listed before Nice Cannon has supirsed me, his new song is actaully pretty REAL....and thats a good thing
its linx! said:
It isn't about who is "good" and who isn't anymore. If they appeal to the people that hear them on the radio and see them on tv, they will become millionaires right away. It's been happening for years and it will continue to happen.
Its been like that for a good 15 years now.

Nothings changed much in my opinion.

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