Which religion has the most impact on hip-hop/black power?[respect]

^^^...Kadafi was not a Muslim. That's for sure.

I know he says "pray to Allaah" in "Who do you believe in?" but there's one line he uttered that could throw him out of Islaam faster than a speeding train:

Wonder how s**t like the Qu'ran and the Bible was written
What is religion?
Gods words all cursed like crack
I don't care how great of a rapper Kadafi was, anyone who says that is not a Muslim

Anyhow, back to the thread.

Religion is very relevant, because as someone else said, there's a reference to religion on almost every rap album. That doesn't mean the person is religious, but that there are rappers that are still talking about religion.
H.E. Pennypacker said:
Religion is very relevant, because as someone else said, there's a reference to religion on almost every rap album. That doesn't mean the person is religious, but that there are rappers that are still talking about religion.
Yeah, religion as a collective is always going to be spoken of because it has such an impact on life, but there is not, imo, any individual religion that can claim to have had a profound effect on Hip Hop.

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