Which religion has the most impact on hip-hop/black power?[respect]


What do you think of religion and hip-hop, black power, etc. With my knowledge i believe christianity and islam play a major role....wat do you think?


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Hip-hop and religion are like Ashley Simpson and Devil worship. They don't go together.

Hip-hop doesn't evolve from religion.

And Co-sign with Roaches on the "LMAO".


Well-Known Member
Rakim Allah, Common, Cube, Tribe, BDK, KRS, and more.
Rakim - NGE
Common - doesn't adhere to any religion
Cube - repped NOI, but not for religious reasons
Kane - King Asiatic... NGE, duh
Tribe - Q-Tip claims Islam, dunno about the rest
KRS - dunno

Religion has been pretty uninmportant in hip-hop. The NOI/NGE's black nationalism and vocabulary have been pretty important, but I can't think of any religious hip-hop until, say, Hammer.
No religion...like all the other posts rap is a form of art (or was back then, now its different). Religion may be mentioned, but rap doesnt revolve around it.
christianity and islam play a major role in many aspects cuz they are the two most important religions of the world, but I don't think that affects hip hop at all... they are different things
It really depends on the artist.

You can't look at hip hop in general and say it evolved from religion. Different artists rap about different things. They have christian rap as I'm sure most of us already know. And there is also rap about "I wanna fuck this girl" If fucking girls is a religion to you, than in that respect anything rapped about could be considered relgion.

As for organized religion, I believe that simply depends on the artist.
one mc on dj said:
craziest and most irrelevant fucking question I have ever heard about hip-hop..
I hope we see the light b4 its ruined.

I agree wit 1mc 100%

2pac and Enistine beleived in vurtually the same relgion. They both studied all the religion and seen all it does is seperate people and poitng at the other person saying they are wrong. They beleived in GOD and in good(they were human and had bad sides sumtimes who doesnt).

I like how they viewed it.

back 2 the topic a religion or a way sum1 grew up can effect the way an artist looks a certain things but they can be any religion and still have the same messages.

Look at 2pac and Kadafi 1 was a christian and 1 was Muslim but had the same messages.
Think_ThuGLiFE said:
I hope we see the light b4 its ruined.

I agree wit 1mc 100%

2pac and Enistine beleived in vurtually the same relgion. They both studied all the religion and seen all it does is seperate people and poitng at the other person saying they are wrong. They beleived in GOD and in good(they were human and had bad sides sumtimes who doesnt).

I like how they viewed it.

back 2 the topic a religion or a way sum1 grew up can effect the way an artist looks a certain things but they can be any religion and still have the same messages.

Look at 2pac and Kadafi 1 was a christian and 1 was Muslim but had the same messages.
WTF does the emboldened have to do with this thread?

And to answer the original question, I don't think any religion has had a profound effect on Hip Hop.

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