What would jason g 817 do if...

stefanwzyga said:
Listen i remember a few weeks back when jason said he thought Big l was overated, thats his opinion! and he is entitled to it, he also said christina should be on rap tracks! why not? she can sing, infact she can sing her ass off! i like chistina! what do people on this board think cuz this is a hip hop site you cant like other music? get real! an im pretty sure a homegirl is a female version of a homeboy! know what i mean?
yo ur right he has his opinion...thats cool...but when ur on a discussion board things get heated all tha time rite...this man accuses ppl of not being able to respect other ppls opinions..while he doesnt either...thats causing what i would like to call the hate-hate effect...lol
stefanwzyga said:
Listen i remember a few weeks back when jason said he thought Big l was overated, thats his opinion! and he is entitled to it, he also said christina should be on rap tracks! why not? she can sing, infact she can sing her ass off! i like chistina! what do people on this board think cuz this is a hip hop site you cant like other music? get real! an im pretty sure a homegirl is a female version of a homeboy! know what i mean?
Silleone is entitled to his opinion too though, even if it is hateful.

BTW, I made a weak attempt at adressing the link between 'home girl' and 'homeboy'.

Anways, Alba Gu Brath.

Butt Rubber

More arrogant than SicC
Silleone said:

his opinions are fucking wack

"big l is overated"
"Christina aguilara should be on rap songs"

also he said christina aguilara is a "home"girl, WHAT THE FUCK is a "home"girl.
didn't he also say Loyal to the Game was his favorite 2pac album a few months ago?
stefanwzyga said:
Listen i remember a few weeks back when jason said he thought Big l was overated, thats his opinion! and he is entitled to it, he also said christina should be on rap tracks! why not? she can sing, infact she can sing her ass off! i like chistina! what do people on this board think cuz this is a hip hop site you cant like other music? get real! an im pretty sure a homegirl is a female version of a homeboy! know what i mean?
Well, at least one other person on this forum shows maturity.

I know, the same people laughing at me for liking Christina or Ray Charles call Pac "deep" cuz he liked The Cranberries.
Bank Robber said:
didn't he also say Loyal to the Game was his favorite 2pac album a few months ago?
Uh, no, since my favorite 2pac album is Makaveli, followed by AEOM, followed by MEATW.

I said LIke LTTG, but it is far from my favorite.

Maybe you should actually pay attention and not put words in people's mouth. People can come on here and talk all the bullshit they want about me, that don't bother me, but don't put words in my mouth.


Well-Known Member
I think people on this board can be, well stupid to be honest! jason said a few weeks back why dont rappers work with christina more as she is a hot singer, or words to that effect! an i think everyone just laughed an took the piss! who knows why cuz everyone knows she can sing! is it cuz they cant see past hip hop? dont get me wrong 99 percent of the time am listening to hard core thugged out gangsta music! but that dont mean i cant appreciate and listen to other music aswell! i mean each to there own but open your minds! i read somewhere pac used to be a fan of kate bush! you dont have to act gangsta all the time! know what i mean?
stefanwzyga said:
I think people on this board can be, well stupid to be honest! jason said a few weeks back why dont rappers work with christina more as she is a hot singer, or words to that effect! an i think everyone just laughed an took the piss! who knows why cuz everyone knows she can sing! is it cuz they cant see past hip hop? dont get me wrong 99 percent of the time am listening to hard core thugged out gangsta music! but that dont mean i cant appreciate and listen to other music aswell! i mean each to there own but open your minds! i read somewhere pac used to be a fan of kate bush! you dont have to act gangsta all the time! know what i mean?
I know what you're saying and I recognize that Christina can sing so when I hate on her know it's strictly for the fact that she's a slut not because she's wack.

And BTW I don't think using Kate Bush was the best example, not only because Wuthering Heights is a gangbanger's anthem, but because Kate Bush claims Cedar Block Piru.

Once again, Alba Gu Brath.
jason_g_718 said:
Uh, no, since my favorite 2pac album is Makaveli, followed by AEOM, followed by MEATW.

I said LIke LTTG, but it is far from my favorite.

Maybe you should actually pay attention and not put words in people's mouth. People can come on here and talk all the bullshit they want about me, that don't bother me, but don't put words in my mouth.
this is what i mean with hate-hate....

Jason stop taking every post so fucking serious he was obviously joking...

STop it!

grow the fuck up..or joke with us...

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