What if DMX woulda signed to Death row?


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Yeah, it would have been real special if that was the case. They wouldn't have signed Pac prehaps. Dmx would have been the star Mc for Death Row. Knowing X, maybe he would have been killed way before Pac also. lol
gotta be carefull when hes driving though. i'd imagine him chasing some people with his SUV with the cop lights on and yelling "arf arf!" and "shits crazy!" while throwing up the westside. It's a good thing he ain't on deathrow.
^ How bout you get off my nuts for a minute 'thugzlife'? What, you mad no one wanted to go to prom with you? Look homie it ain't my fault, I don't know you you don't know me. Get your facts straight dumbass. X was offered a spot at deathrow back when deathrow was on fire. Waah and X's management team couldn't reach an agreement with Suge Knight so he never went there. Stop E-stalking me.
he would of had a massive amount of more problems and he would of been involved in more beefs. hes got a short fuse...

but i think he made the right decision, his first 2 albums can be argued to be classics
I honestly think DMX would b like 2pac but not in the talented sense. I mean Death Row was all about "Image" and "Look at us", DMX was (I dont think he is anymore or else he would get his shit together like Darius Miles should) like 2pac very emotinal and raw. He isnt an image person so he would have, in my mind, ended up probably successfull(not as many millions/followers/or as big as a legacy) but none the less successfull with a short life. I think everyone here knows DMX has talent but like Darius Miles just cant put 2 and 2 together. I hope DMX picks up cuz i had a lot of respect for him but, i doubt it.


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^^ Agree with that. X is mad talented. You can't go wrong with songs like 'Slippin' and 'Damien' (which is a classic in my eyes).

His next album will be great, there's been alot going on with him, including the whole Def Jam fiasco. I've been happy with every album DMX has released. The one I felt the least was 'The Great Depression', but was still above average.

If you all didn't check his autobiography. I urge you to read it, I finished it less than a week. Dude has had one crazy ass life.

E.A.R.L: The Autobiography of DMX

I think that if dmx signed with deathrow, he would be even more f**ked up than he is know, i think in a weird sort of way suge did him a favour by not signing him. But then in a way a reckon x on deathrow would be crazy!! (in a good way)
K69atie said:
i think in a weird sort of way suge did him a favour by not signing him
its not that suge didnt sign him. if i remember correctly, i believe it was irv gotti and waah who had a meeting with suge and they reached a decision that the contract was wack, thats why they refused to join death row.
AmerikazMost said:
Pac would've made Hit Em Up IV dissin X
i dont think pac could fuck with X on a battle
FlipMo said:
X is mad talented. You can't go wrong with songs like 'Slippin' and 'Damien' (which is a classic in my eyes).
a minte for your son, let me fly, look thru my eyes, the convo, the omen, the rain, ready to meet him, i can feel it, dogs for life, coming from, angel, here we go again, my life and thats just to mention immediate classics.
Ghetto_Ghost said:
its not that suge didnt sign him. if i remember correctly, i believe it was irv gotti and waah who had a meeting with suge and they reached a decision that the contract was wack, thats why they refused to join death row.

Oh right, cheers :thumb: has been a while since i have his autobiography :)

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