Film & TV "Watchmen" teaser trailer.


Well-Known Member
I downloaded the game on playstation 3, and I liked it. That Rorshack (sp?) dude is badass! In the game he has this move, Bullrush, where he just crouches his head down, runs into badguys and slams them down while roaring. Lmao. The game is actually sorta cool as a 2-player co-op, considering it's download-only (and a lot less money went into developing it than "regular" titles). Anyway, I'll check the movie out. I don't mind long movies, I some times even prefer them. Apocalypto was an awesome experience.


Well-Known Member
I liked it. It was long and it was vague, but the good parts were awesome. I like the directors take on a few things, but I am not really one to talk since I never read the graphic novel.

Overall, 8.0/10

Loved Dr. Manhatten and rorschach


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Staff member
From my rudimentary understanding of the comic, it stays pretty true to the original plot. There was speculation especially about the ending, that the movie would change it to some type of happy end, but they didn't.

What I especially liked was the way the movie fucked with the cliche set up of "good guys vs. bad guys". There's no real villain here, not a real easy to determine black and white colour scheme where you can pick sides or go "Well, HE'S the bad guy".

They're all their own characters.

It must be said I never even heard of the comic before this movie, though.
Well, if you read the graphic novel before watching the movie, you will be disappointed by the movie. Visually the movie is great but it's pretty watered down.

There was an animated version of the graphic novel made, which is awesome. You could check that out too, there's some links on the net.

Watchmen Motion Comic
I found this interview from an Alan Moore segment on The Culture Show a few years ago

Talks about why he doesn't like his work being made into movies. He prob wont even watch Watchmen haha


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