Wacko jacko going down?

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Well-Known Member
Anyone see the wacko documentry the other night? he is one twisted fuck up! In the last case the police went to his house an took pictures of his dick! the reason being cuz jordi the little boy he supposedly molested gave descriptions of him down below! i cant wait for this case to start! so we can see the last of this disturbed kiddie fiddling paedo! :mad:
Lol he has surely had some weird shit done to his dick, just like every other part of him. Shouldn't be too difficult to identify.
i think he is innocent of molestation. i think that he is very disturbed. he was allowed to never grow up because of being in isolation his whole life. he still thinks of himself as a child so he sees nothing wrong with hanging with kids, having kids sleep over. he need therapy not jail


Well-Known Member
i think he is innocent of molestation. i think that he is very disturbed. he was allowed to never grow up because of being in isolation his whole life. he still thinks of himself as a child so he sees nothing wrong with hanging with kids, having kids sleep over. he need therapy not jail
Ok so why did jordi give the police a perfect description of his genitals? why did jordi say he tossed him off and gave him a blowjob? why did wacko give the kid a 25 million payoff to keep his mouth shut? sure the kid could be lying but he aint the only one pointing the finger! why has wacko got seceret bed rooms with locks on the inside and cameras to see who is comming? why is wacko sleeping with little kids anyways? if that was any other dude from down the road there would be a lynching! who the fuck does he think he is when he comes out with his statments like, I think we should do this an that for the kids of the world! get to fuck like were really gonna listen to you! who the fuck are you to tell me how to raise my kids!not that i have any! this dude has been getting away with this kiddie fiddling buisness way to long! i just hope the american courts have the bottle to sort this out instead of doing another oj! :mad:
stefanwzyga said:
Anyone see the wacko documentry the other night? he is one twisted fuck up! In the last case the police went to his house an took pictures of his dick! the reason being cuz jordi the little boy he supposedly molested gave descriptions of him down below! i cant wait for this case to start! so we can see the last of this disturbed kiddie fiddling paedo! :mad:
Do u believe everything u see on tv?

Could u not c taht the prog was made to make MJ look bad, it wasant impartial. Anyone who knows about MJ would be able to point out flaws in the prog.

Its strange how all the people who said MJ were doing things were people who had never met him eg a news reporter, someone who has wrote a book about him. where as all the people who were interviewed and met him had said he hadant done anything improper.

Also take a look at this

Foxnews Correspondent Heraldo Rivera says charges against Michael are completely "False" and Further states...
"He is being railroaded here by a district attorney who is out of control, who is about to retire." Damn, I was having doubts. But, it sounds like to me Michael is being railroaded.




Michael Jackson wants his nemesis Santa Barbara County DA, Tom 'Mad Dog' Sneddon, to personally try the case against him in open court, top legal sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT.

"Don't hide behind your office, Mr. Sneddon!" a top Jackson source challenged.

In a dramatic high-stakes move, Jackson wants Sneddon to personally make opening arguments, claiming the case "would never have been brought without [Sneddon's] 'vendetta.'"

"Let Mr. Sneddon live or die by his own sword," the top legal source explained.

Sneddon still tries cases himself in court. "I love trials, and it’s good to get out of the office and do something I enjoy so much," Sneddon says.

"I also think that in an office my size it’s important for the lawyers to be able to see that the boss can still try a case, so that when people come to you and ask whether this or that should be done, they know that you’re not just a bench jockey and that you know what you’re talking about.”

Sneddon is serving his sixth and, he says, his last four-year term as DA of Santa Barbara County.

Meanwhile, FOXNEWS's Geraldo Rivera [who has secured an interview with Jackson to counter any damage of leaked grand jury testimony] claims: "The case will be revealed in the days and weeks to come to be so fatally flawed, you will wonder why it was even brought to begin with!"

Geraldo, interviewed late Tuesday night on top Los Angeles talker KFI, said: "Wait until you see the case against Jackson totally fall apart. Michael Jackson did not molest this kid. Period. The charges against him are fake.

"They have been created by grifters to cash in on a beleaguered and besieged guy. He is being railroaded here by a district attorney who is out of control, who is about to retire."
I think jacko needs pschological help, but fuck the media. They're all jus victimising him with no real evidence. They jus wanna sell a story and MJ is an easy target. I think we shud make are own oppinions on MJ and not jus simply follow what the media is sayin. MJ may have changed, but he aint no paedo. Remeba the Billy Jean dayz where everyone was lovin him, now look at y'all turnin your back on him afta watchin a few bullshit ducumentaries. Fuck that!!!!!!!!!!
stefanwzyga said:
? why did wacko give the kid a 25 million payoff :mad:
Answer this one , if someone molested your child would u except a pay off NO CHANCE u would wanna see that man spend the rest of his life rotting in jail.

If it actually happened u would never take that money, MJ paid coz he couldnt put up with the fake allegations. 25 mil was nothing to MJ back then.
TOP DOGG said:
Answer this one , if someone molested your child would u except a pay off NO CHANCE u would wanna see that man spend the rest of his life rotting in jail.

If it actually happened u would never take that money, MJ paid coz he couldnt put up with the fake allegations. 25 mil was nothing to MJ back then.
:thumb: well said
U aint gonna let a paedo pay u off and get away with that shit.


Well-Known Member
TOP DOGG said:
Do u believe everything u see on tv?
Could u not c taht the prog was made to make MJ look bad, it wasant impartial. Anyone who knows about MJ would be able to point out flaws in the prog.
It tried to make him look good and bad!
Its strange how all the people who said MJ were doing things were people who had never met him eg a news reporter, someone who has wrote a book about him. where as all the people who were interviewed and met him had said he hadant done anything improper.
Wacko meets thousands of people, he never molested them all!
Also take a look at this

Foxnews Correspondent Heraldo Rivera says charges against Michael are completely "False" and Further states...
"He is being railroaded here by a district attorney who is out of control, who is about to retire." Damn, I was having doubts. But, it sounds like to me Michael is being railroaded.
So thats his or her opinion!


Its got nothing to do with wacko who trys the case!

Michael Jackson wants his nemesis Santa Barbara County DA, Tom 'Mad Dog' Sneddon, to personally try the case against him in open court, top legal sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT.

"Don't hide behind your office, Mr. Sneddon!" a top Jackson source challenged.
Blowing up smoke screens!
In a dramatic high-stakes move, Jackson wants Sneddon to personally make opening arguments, claiming the case "would never have been brought without [Sneddon's] 'vendetta.'"
Bullshit! the case would not be happening if they had no evidence!
"Let Mr. Sneddon live or die by his own sword," the top legal source explained.
wacko has the funds to get top legal sources! its his job to cause havock!
Sneddon still tries cases himself in court. "I love trials, and it’s good to get out of the office and do something I enjoy so much," Sneddon says.

"I also think that in an office my size it’s important for the lawyers to be able to see that the boss can still try a case, so that when people come to you and ask whether this or that should be done, they know that you’re not just a bench jockey and that you know what you’re talking about.”

Sneddon is serving his sixth and, he says, his last four-year term as DA of Santa Barbara County.

Meanwhile, FOXNEWS's Geraldo Rivera [who has secured an interview with Jackson to counter any damage of leaked grand jury testimony] claims: "The case will be revealed in the days and weeks to come to be so fatally flawed, you will wonder why it was even brought to begin with!"
We shall see!
Geraldo, interviewed late Tuesday night on top Los Angeles talker KFI, said: "Wait until you see the case against Jackson totally fall apart. Michael Jackson did not molest this kid. Period. The charges against him are fake.
Do you belive everything you see on tv?
"They have been created by grifters to cash in on a beleaguered and besieged guy. He is being railroaded here by a district attorney who is out of control, who is about to retire."
No more exuses! your money cant save you this time!


Well-Known Member
TOP DOGG said:
Answer this one , if someone molested your child would u except a pay off NO CHANCE u would wanna see that man spend the rest of his life rotting in jail.

If it actually happened u would never take that money, MJ paid coz he couldnt put up with the fake allegations. 25 mil was nothing to MJ back then.
Na your right why would anyone swap a life of poverty for 25 million! me personally of course i would not take the cash but millions of people would! the molesting was over and done with so the family had a choice watch wacko possibly go to jail or take 25 big ones! do you think its normal behavior for a 44 year old man to be sleeping with kids? oh thats right he had a tough childhood! every expert in this field says wackos behavior is paedo behavior! ok here is a questio for you if you were in his shoes and inocent would you pay him off?
stefanwzyga said:
Na your right why would anyone swap a life of poverty for 25 million! me personally of course i would not take the cash but millions of people would! the molesting was over and done with so the family had a choice watch wacko possibly go to jail or take 25 big ones! do you think its normal behavior for a 44 year old man to be sleeping with kids? oh thats right he had a tough childhood! every expert in this field says wackos behavior is paedo behavior! ok here is a questio for you if you were in his shoes and inocent would you pay him off?
If i was MJ and innocent id prob pay him off just so i could have peace, y put yourself through a trial when u can end it right there. U forgetting 25 mil seems like a lot of money but to a man with a fortune worth about 600 mil at the time its a very small amount of money. Innocent people have gone to court and been found guilty, y take that risk when u can pay a small amount of money to finish it.

To answer your question is it normal for a 44 year old man to sleep with kids the answer is no but MJ has always stated there is nothing sexual involved. this is where people and the media twist things.
Also if MJ was a paedo he would be molestng countless children. Tom Sneedon even appealed for more people to come forward and say they were molested by MJ no one did.


Well-Known Member
TOP DOGG said:
If i was MJ and innocent id prob pay him off just so i could have peace, y put yourself through a trial when u can end it right there. U forgetting 25 mil seems like a lot of money but to a man with a fortune worth about 600 mil at the time its a very small amount of money. Innocent people have gone to court and been found guilty, y take that risk when u can pay a small amount of money to finish it.

To answer your question is it normal for a 44 year old man to sleep with kids the answer is no but MJ has always stated there is nothing sexual involved. this is where people and the media twist things.
I dont even think in the uk you are aloud to pay of someone like that and no fuckin wonder! thats a disgrace! if you pulled shit like that in the uk everyone would know straight away your guilty! the papers would crucify you! if someone acuses you of something you never did you fight your corner if inocent! what you dont do is pay them off! and by the way the american goverment changed the law after this case so nothing like this can ever happen again!


Well-Known Member
TOP DOGG said:
Also if MJ was a paedo he would be molestng countless children. Tom Sneedon even appealed for more people to come forward and say they were molested by MJ no one did.
That aint true some paedos only ever molest 1 or 2 people!
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