Username: Eric

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^^ Because Bachaveli is a cock...
You ain't hurting me with your shots, Foreigner.

You say one thing that makes sense to you, then somebody else say something that makes sense to most people, and instead of explaining why they are wrong and why you are right, you respond with "no comment" and "erm no i didn't". Those are hardly arguments, especially coming from a person who always call out people's arguments when they are bad and generally loves to argument. if you can't reason your own thoughts to yourself, and to others, you should have to assume that there is little reason to them.
Stop analyzing every single thing and making yourself look smart ass.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Seriously nincompoop, are you carrying on in here now?

Play nice before somebody kicks you off this ride and sends you to the retard bus.


Well-Known Member
Stop analyzing every single thing and making yourself look smart ass.
That's not what I'm doing. I'm saying you're wrong and an idiot and you need to be open to the idea that you are wrong to ever grasp the concept of self-awareness. Really, how well can you know yourself when you deny any and all your flaws to everyone? That is not debatable. Your incongeniality tells me you are either a hypocritical instigator or just an idiot in denial about yourself.

You are never wrong by your own account and that is as much a sign of lack of self-esteem as having sex with a random person. Publicly admitting fault shows way more self-esteem than pretending like the bad shit you've done never happened. You would only deny and cover things up if they brought shame or otherwise hurt your dignity or pride. I can tell you're a very proud person. Which brings me to the fact that all you do is draw assumptions based on Freudian ideologies inside your head. Everything you write is an assumption. And you tell me to stop analyzing? Can you ever reason your thoughts with anything but "that's how I see it"? That's like a woman you know, saying nobody should disrespect your feelings because they are yoouuuur feelings.

Stop being an idiot, how about that? And no need to tell me that I should stop dissing you because this isn't gonna end well for me and you will take me. Your superlatives and clever, yet poorly constructed sentences won't phase me so how about you respond to the inquiries directed at you like a grown responsible man? Or do you admit to being a little boy? If so, go play in the boys league and let the grown-ups talk.
That's not what I'm doing. I'm saying you're wrong and an idiot and you need to be open to the idea that you are wrong to ever grasp the concept of self-awareness. Really, how well can you know yourself when you deny any and all your flaws to everyone? That is not debatable. Your incongeniality tells me you are either a hypocritical instigator or just an idiot in denial about yourself.

You are never wrong by your own account and that is as much a sign of lack of self-esteem as having sex with a random person. Publicly admitting fault shows way more self-esteem than pretending like the bad shit you've done never happened. You would only deny and cover things up if they brought shame or otherwise hurt your dignity or pride. I can tell you're a very proud person. Which brings me to the fact that all you do is draw assumptions based on Freudian ideologies inside your head. Everything you write is an assumption. And you tell me to stop analyzing? Can you ever reason your thoughts with anything but "that's how I see it"? That's like a woman you know, saying nobody should disrespect your feelings because they are yoouuuur feelings.

Stop being an idiot, how about that? And no need to tell me that I should stop dissing you because this isn't gonna end well for me and you will take me. Your superlatives and clever, yet poorly constructed sentences won't phase me so how about you respond to the inquiries directed at you like a grown responsible man? Or do you admit to being a little boy? If so, go play in the boys league and let the grown-ups talk.
You are wrong and an idiot thinking I always think I'm right. I don't. Sometimes I do but not always. When I do, people view my opinions as totally opposite what they believe in.

And believe me, no I don't have to take you. lol. Neither will your long philosophical preaching posts phase me.


Well-Known Member
You are wrong and an idiot thinking I always think I'm right. I don't. Sometimes I do but not always. When I do, people view my opinions as totally opposite what they believe in.

And believe me, no I don't have to take you. lol. Neither will your long philosophical preaching posts phase me.
But you are still not responding directly to any of the accusations or questions directed at you. Until you do, there is no question, you are considered a moron by pretty much every body on this board.

Shouldn't that tell you something?
But you are still not responding directly to any of the accusations or questions directed at you. Until you do, there is no question, you are considered a moron by pretty much every body on this board.

Shouldn't that tell you something?
Why aren't you asking me whether I care or not what I'm considered as on this board?


Well-Known Member
because that is not relevant, what's relevant is that you are considered a moron by pretty much everybody here, and then it's on you to take it to heart. everybody else is not gonna change for you and that's an unreasonable request, however, you really should start biting your tongue because you are the cause of a lot of ruined threads with your stupidity. maybe you don't make the first strike at another member, but you throw ideas out there that are so wild that it would be inhuman not to respond to them.

are you a man of god? do answer this question with a straight yes or no please, if you actually do have the ability to form one straight thought.

if you are, it would be most intriguing to hear how you justify your judgmental and short-sighted self with regards to living by the principles of god.

wait, you're not a muslim extremist are you?
lmao at you getting all smart again.

Neither is your post relevant to me. Now, I'm not going to answer your question, yes as simple as am I man of God or whatever illusion you have upon on me, not because I don't have a reasoning behind my thought or what not, but simply because I don't feel need to do shit you ask after the way you have portrayed me. This most likely be my last response to you here. So you can stop with your philosophical analysis about me. Good day.


Who's there?
Staff member
Good day to all, this is closed.

Eric, I think the username has to be longer than 4 letters, so "E" I don't think you can have.

In a serious matter, is Eric's name gonna be changed..cuz we lost focus on this thread a long time ago.
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