Touring in the UK??


Well-Known Member
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
Public Enemy, the Beastie Boys, the Jungle Brothers......shit has been going on a long ass time.

And something Pittsey alluded to. He said the aritsts prefer the European fans. In a lot of cases this is true. Although I don't think it's for the "we don't challenge them" reason. The Jungle Brothers & other prominent dudes have said it before, the Europeans study Hip Hop. It's not in our lap & as such, we actually put in more work to be part of this movement & so are seen as having a better grasp of what the essence of Hip Hop was.

However, I can accept that a dude like Game isn't going to give a shit about that.
Back then it was like a one time thing. But you do see what I'm talking about, people out their are getting more concers then me. Their has been an explosion in the EUropean scene, no denying that. And yeah i alluded to the loyalty they receive out there, and i think that is the reason for most artists.
Aristotle said:
Back then it was like a one time thing. But you do see what I'm talking about, people out their are getting more concers then me. Their has been an explosion in the EUropean scene, no denying that. And yeah i alluded to the loyalty they receive out there, and i think that is the reason for most artists.
One time thing?

Artists like the Jungle Brothers, De La Soul & the Beastie Boys have spent a lot of time touring over here.

I think what you really meant to say is that the hottest mainstream acts who fall into the Hip Hop category are now touring over here more.

The thing is, the hottest mainstream acts have always toured Europe & the hottest Hip Hop acts have always toured Europe. The main change is that the hottest mainstream acts are now Hip Hop acts.

There was a time when Hip Hop was becoming much more viable to the mainstream in like '93/'94 where the breakout artists - like Snoop, & Nas - weren't touring Europe. I know in the case of Snoop, a huge factor in this was that Death Row would've had to outlay larger costs to tour Europe than America. Not just travel expenses, but a country like the UK would've enforced huge insurance costs, that's if they even let him tour. When he came to the UK in like '93, he was on the front page of one Britain's top newspapers with the headline reading something along the lines, "Get This Bastard Out". This was largely due to him being embroiled in that murder case at the time but, as yo can see, he wasn't welcome in the country.

But other than type of period & the period of Hip Hop's inception, I can't think when Hip Hop artists weren't touring Europe. There wasn't always a big demand for guys 50 Cent & them, I mean a lot of European countries would be more hyped over Big Daddy Kane or KRS-One than Jay-Z or DMX.

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